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'Yin Nabi?'

That's one funny name is she a butterfly? I laughed. What were her parents thinking when they named her. In Korea Nabi means "Butterfly" As she said I have nothing to do with my father caught me like. Why was she like that? She should be proud for being the daughter of a rich man unlike me. She looked a nice girl to me plus she was my neighbour so I felt happy to have a good company.

"Hey Nabi!"

I was looking for a conversation but she was like a statue at first I thought she didn't heard me the second time I called her, I found she was simply ignoring me like hell! I had my organs on fire. What a weirdo in my neighbourhood. I held my head down in embarrassment. Because ever since I was young my cheeks would turn red when I got embarrassed.

After the continuity of the introductory classes I reminded myself I have a part-time job. Just like an inflated balloon I was blown going forward to my job.

"Wow you look so smashing-ly-hot in this uniform" Minji winked, as I entered the coffee shop.


"Here change into this."

I went inside the changing room with my zombie posture as I took a good  look at myself, I was reminded of the fact that my mother has risked her ring. All the frustration creeped in me little by little.

I turned the tap of the water as the water rushed down, I felt dizzy and really tired so I decided to let the naked water embrace my face. I washed my face and went outside the bathroom thinking they might call for an ambulance because I took longer then usual.

Anyway what's your name? Minji asked me.

"I'm Hyugi Hayes."

"Okay Hyugi," This is the coffee brewer and here are the coffee beans this is for the people who prefer black coffee and for cappuccino you have to-

I know how to make a coffee I pouted.

"Hahaha keurae?"Minji looked at me as her eyes sparkled.

"So do you have a girlfriend."

The first question that someone asks me when people think I'm opening up is this, sometimes I like fooling them.



I could tell the disappointment yelling in her voice as I held back my laugh.

"Is she pretty? ofcourse she must be, that you like her. What a silly question haha."

"Yes she is and pretty much the love of my life."

"For how long have you been dating her."

"Ever since I was born" as I let my laugh out, she looked at me like a confused dummy.

"Hold on Hyugi-shi are you playing with me?"

'Am I?'

"Of-course you are." Minji rolled her eyes.

You think I'm joking? let me show you.

I took out my centuries old phone with a beauty broken line on it.


"She is my mom, my first love."

Minji took a sigh in relief as I looked at her she smiled as she turned away from me.

"So practically you are single. Hmm."

"Well you can say that I might look easy going but actually I'm an introvert in terms of my feelings and a retarted romantic. And I believe their is someone really special for me. The person I will have as my partner will be the second girl after my mom."

"Aww that's too cheesy Hyugi."

Minji PoV

My wish came true this hunky is now working with us, as I gawped at him the way he speaks and when his dimples pop, he looks so handsome his enchanted voice is even more manly his pink lips ah-. For a second I thought. I am living in a manga. As I was lost checking him out something disturbing came in my mind is he single? I questioned myself again and again I was too curious as I started imagining him as my future boyfriend. Bit of me was telling me to ask and the rest of it was showing me a red sign that It will spill acid on my hopes. I gathered my hopes and I asked;

Do you have a girlfriend?

To be straight-forwardly honest I was dying to hear "No" and I was biting my lips all I wanted to hear is "No."

As I was anticipating for an answer he stood silent for a moment that showed a part of his coldness. And I returned from paradise, down to earth."

Good luck Minji for entering hell now.

I held my head down screaming internally and running around like a spirit in my head. Two minutes passed and he didn't gave me an answer.

"Yes!" he said as he smiled.

"And I was there like someone just threw a flying slipper on my face."

"Is-is she pretty."
great Minji you are doing just fine carry on with the crystal clear jealousy of yours. As I recalled what I said I cursed myself and to not look obvious I added "Ofcourse she must be that you like her I added it with an awkward laugh."

My jealousy grew deeper and I was surrounded by black aura around me. You ducklish duckling I will steal Hyugi from you.

As I went more into the conversation, I interrogated myself. Is he- playing with me? and I was begging inside me let it be a joke please Hyugi."

He laughed with all his organs yelling. And I realized that was a joke, he said he loves his mom. How stupid of me I looked like an octopus as I rolled my eyes. But a smile appeared on my face telling me the ground is clear no weapons needed, I can dig my flag in here.

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