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"I went home dragging myself like a zombie. And a hungry Vampire.'

I was too tired to stand and I looked like a sixty year old hag who wanted a support. Seriously these girls- Yaa! who am I your personal secretary. I howled in the darkness with the street lights brightening the haunted streets.

Its been days since I didn't get a chance to chat with my mom. And what's the best part of the day ending? When I will head back my mom will be sitting inside the small house waiting for us to have a meal together. "That's love."

I on the other hand am dying to tell her the story of my school days. And I'm sure she must be even more excited."

"Mo-oom~~"The first thing that I do is looking for her and like my childhood habit I would look for her till she comes and hug me.

"Hyu~"My mom called me in the same manner.

She is my best friend and nothing is more loyal and true then your own blood.

Her smiling face makes me feel fresh and all my weariness just disappears what's better than the meal made by the hands of your own mother and then you open up like a book telling her each chapter about your life. Well guys do that too.

"So how's school." And here comes my favourite question. I was ready to tell her the whole novel, skipping the part of me being kissed.

Because my mom would ask the whole story and then reask the same question over and over again to entertain herself.

"End of the story so did you find any girl?" My mom's favourite question since middle school.

"Well! mom millions might want to steal your son. But your son? He will have his eyes for only one girl, a girl he will obsess over after his mother. So she has to be special. She might be there in the world yet we haven't had our paths crossed."

"And mom, mothers are so obsessed about their sons they consider them their property yet you want me to be taken away and not to forget what you see in drama's that the boy's mother fuss over the boy's girl and then they create a big to-do list for their girlfriend to test if they are really best for their son." I pouted like I just had a sour lemon in my mouth.

She laughed with all her vocal chords yelling. "A big shoutout to jealous 18 months baby."

"Yeah-yeah!" I sulked deeper.

"I won't do such things as long as I live. Because I know my son. And I know about his choices."

"You know mom I sometimes ask myself why didn't I grow up like other kids raised by a single parent. When I was in middle school I had friends who were spoiled. The only thing they had was hate and the things they wanted to have was always complaining. And always cursing their parents for not being good enough. They never saw the hardships of their single parent working hard all by themself sweating just to fulfil their demands and yet they always get hate and negative comments.

"You know Hyugi. For a parent how does it feels to see your kid wishing for something and you are unable to fulfil it. It is the feeling only a parent understands. They think of working past there limits. Just to see their child having everything they want. and forgetting if they had some wishes too."

"I'm blessed to have you as my son. You are loving and caring. You put others before you. Because thats what you are."

She left her chair and went towards the basin to wash some dishes.

"Aye mom. Move. I will do that for you. I gave her my appealing puppy smile."

"Go get some rest."

I tickled her and forced move her to take over. You too need some rest stop thinking of yourself as a wonder woman.

I did the remaining dishes and went straight to my room and threw myself on the bed. As from tomorrow onwards I had a new trouble to deal with.

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