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"Beep beep beep beep"

Run! To the VIP ward.

The door slammed open.

His fingers finally moved.


His eyes were still closed.

He whispered again.

"Nabi" and this time he opened his eyes.

Everyone was fixated on his actions.

The next thing he said left everyone in shock.

"Who am I?"

Everyone stole glances in disbelief.

The nurses called the doctors to analyse his situation.

"Hmm" he has a long term amnesia. Now it is more hard to find his family.

"But- doctor" doesn't this name looks familiar? "Nabi?"

Nabi was the name of the patient who went to mental assylum?

Maybe what we think is just a coincidence, because they might not be the same person.

But whatsoever they finally admitted her to the rehabilitation centre.

Last year her condition was much worse she failed to recognize anybody.

"See a doctor is always right."

I pity the guy who loved her, even though there is no guaranty that she will recover but he still waits for her. That's what the example of love.

The other department once told me that she has gotten better. I can't say until I personally examine her.

Dylan POV

Time is merciless I have been looking after Ace entertainment in the absence of Hyugi no one knows where Karma has taken him. As for Nabi she is gone away for too long.

I hope all the wait brings some good news. I hope she recovers herself so that I can propose her and start a family. Just by thinking about it gives me endless happiness. Everyday I plan; how to propose you because I have waited too much for you, we are old enough now. Nabi there is no end to the word hope. Even though we fell down but there is always something in human heart that keeps us going.

You will thank me that I saved your girls from misfortune.

The spring will once again blossom our hearts and refreshes our soul.

After nine months

"Yes doctor" she smiled widely.

Among all our patients you have recovered the fast!

And about me?

"Yes Mrs Haeyin you too"

"I have prepared all your documents you can leave once the processing is over."


"Thank you" for being an angel. I could never start fresh without you."

"It was your own will."

I will recommend you a doctor, do visit him.


Sitting on the wheelchair I could only imagine a few pieces of my past, just a name I know. That I'm not sure is from reality or a dream.

He sat there struggling to remember not much just himself was more than enough.


"Sorry who"

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