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"What are you doing! are you crazy? You lunatic arrogant Hyugi Hayes! Nabi pulled me in her arms."

The sky was making huge noises and it started raining heavily.

Don't touch me with those filthy hands! I pushed her harder.

Whats wrong with you? she looked in my eyes all drenched in rain.

Yin Nabi "I hate you! I hope either one of us could disappear."  

Just tell me what have I done? Was my food that bad?

Please just say something!

I wish I would've never met you, I wish I could kill myself for making my heart feel like home with you! I came to you because I felt you were my cure. But you were the enemy who was disguised by an angelic appearance. I shared my sorrow while you were the cause of my sorrow.

'It was one fine day when my mom was laughing and cooking food for his sick son when she fainted. We were stuck in a jam packed traffic. Because of a VIP movement. I came out of the ambulance and begged the man sitting in that car, to just let us go, but his errands were more important than a human life. And my mother went into coma.'

We stood there silently getting all drenched in rain.

Nabi came closer to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Sorry I-"

If everything could've been solved by an apology there wouldn't be any laws and punishments.

From now onwards I'm unfriending you. I never want to see you or your shadow. Just think I'm dead for you.

"Yin Nabi"

There are times when you have a major blow to your heart. And you have to own the blame for something you haven't done. How can we end up like this? I wanted to stay away from him but not like this.

Why does it aches too much?as if someone has rip my heart using a sharp blade. My tears were overflown from my eyes. I stood there staring at his back disappear. 

I stood in the rain after he was long gone. 

I have seen a teenager working in a cafe, working every hour of his life. Silently living, wearing a cold mask. Living apart from everyone. Everytime I looked at him I could only see hate in his eyes.

 His coldness grew more and more with time. I didn't knew ignorance could be this painful. Everything was falling apart. Was our friendship like the house of cards?

'If one thing did't goes well, nothing goes well.' My guilt was taking over me. I was hurting a heart who loved me unconditionally. It was crystal clear I was irritated.

Lately Chungha has been hanging with Dylan. Somehow Dylan and I grew apart. Why was that? maybe things around us weren't going well. We were hurt, broken and sad. 

Nabi~ Dylan folded his arms around me. What you wanted to say, my pretty doll. He kissed my cheeks.

I was afraid of what I was going to tell him, it might break his heart. 

Finals are coming closer and I want to b-break up with you.

His grip went loose "What?" 

"Lets breakup"

Dylan stood there silently and left without any word. Was he mad at me? 

It can't be! he changed from bad boy to good boy. I just can play along anymore I thought I will develop feelings for him but I was wrong. I just can't figure it out whats wrong with me. How can I fill up a glass when my own jug is empty?

Pages on the calendar kept on turning. Dylan was no where to be found in school premises.

It was the second week in the row he was absent. I called him many times but he would never call me back or reply my messages.

"Oh here you are Nabi!"Chungha called me

Do you know where Dylan is? I asked.

"Dylan was arrested by the cops."

What are you saying? 

Tone down and listen. He's been using violence and drinking in the bars late nights. Sad news is his mother has broke his heart again. He went to his father because he was broke but his father sued him because he think's he is just a wasted trash. And you left him in his bad times. Now he is back home I guess.

I was shocked how he can be like his own bad self.

Again it was all because of me. Everything is happening because of me. I fell deeper in the despair of guilt.

After classes I went to see him because I owe him an apology.

I went to his apartment. It was my first time I was at his place. I was standing outside when I ringed the bell. 

A drunken Dylan came out shirtless.

'Look! look! look! whoo~ came to see a trash can.'

"Whats wrong with you?"

Thaanks~ for asking I'm good. He smirked.

Get aside let me in! I want to talk to you. I forced my way in.

His apartment was a mess. But how pitiful his state was. I looked around his house. When something passed from my sight. 

My eyes widened and my feet lost balance.

D-Dylan who is this in your family picture?

"He is the owner of this waste." He pointed towards himself.

"H-He is your father?"

Yeees~ he nodded.

'N-no! it can't be, 

Whyyy~~He said in his drunken state.

'Because He is my father! I said while the picture dropped from my hand and the frame was broken.'

He stood there shocked even though he was drunk. 

He hit the bottle harder on the table, till it was half broken. While the half broken bottle was in the firm grip of his hand.

You are telling me I'm your step brother?

Huh! He smirked.

 "Yin Nabi you belong to me!"

He stepped forward to me when his palm was dripping blood.

"Dylan! your hand!"

Physical pain is nothing he pointed his finger on his chest. "It hurts here the most."

A tear drop fell from his eyes. Nabi-yah I love you! and imagining you going away drives me crazy. He fell on his knees and folded his hands.

I'm so alone, so heartbroken. Tell me you aren't leaving me. Or else I won't have anyone to lean on. 

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