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"So you are the new guy Huh-? Every girl is eyeing for?"

So there you go the bullies in SOPA are now interested in me what a great luck to start with.

"Hey newbie, you better stay away from Irene do you get that?"

"Whatever!" I ignored him.

"What did you just said?"

"Are you deaf?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I will beat the shit out of you!" he whispered.

"Ooh! I'm scared I might pee in my pants." I rolled my eyes.

In a second He balled his fist and punched my face.

I waited thinking they might stop and I didn't wanted to be the bad guy again.

Hey you son of a bi**h

"What did you just say?"
I said "Son of a bi**h"

"Fun time is over kiddo you have no idea who you have messed with."

I placed a punch on his face." Jokes and bullying aside. Call me a dog I'll bark messing with my loved ones, I'll bite. You have got the wrong  person to mess with; I'm a wolf." I grabbed him by his collar and placed a punch leaving him knocked down on the floor.

He might never have tasted such a powerful punch in his life.

"Such an angelic face yet he has the aura of a devil. He is way too powerful just one punch and he knocked us down." He murmred.

But Irene is only mine. He balled his fist.

"Pigs are everywhere. Noisy."

I went to my classroom and I saw a note inside my table.

What is this.

"You must be wondering who is the one who wrote me a love letter, but its not a love letter neither a confession. Writing letters are really out dated but people still do that. Hey I'm the anonymous from the terrace the other day. I just want to say what happened that day was just an accident and from that I mean is 'JUST AN ACCIDENT' I didn't purposely K*@!*d you. And I don't like you at ALL and that's what I think about you. You have a terrible sense of EVERYTHING. You are not my style like 'Ew' You are so girlish and I prefer manly man. Sorry anyway I'm not the type of person who would be a part of all the drama. You are so naive that you don't even know someone made a fool out of you."

"Whatever" like the other note, I crumbled it and threw it inside my locker, that was one junk place for all the unnecessary things.

The bell ringed and the class started.

"So students this is your actual real learning class. You probably have seen many idols in SOPA. From the worldwide famous BTS to NCT and from Red Velvet to Blackpink and many more. The most asked question 'How can we get in their class or is there any possibility?' Well yes you can get there by getting an upgrade in your grades and you can exchange your class but that's rare."

"Your first class is with me and I'm Lee Sora and I will be your rap teacher."

'So lets start with the chick guy in the back.'

Class muttered visuals can only depend on their looks.

'Yes I nodded.'

'I walk in the race, trying to pick the pace.
Slit open dumb dumb
knotting up my shoe lace
No you don't know that, I don't aim like that. I'm a monster alright.

 Just stay like that. I'll set a fire, You don't know that.'

The best feeling is when the people try to drag you down with them and you smack them so hard that they drop their jaws open.

Every face was looking at me with their caves open.

Yeah that's me Hyugi. I'm not all looks.

"Excellent" What's your name? The teacher asked me.

"Miss, I'm Hyugi Hayes."

Well done Hyugi well done!

'Next up-'

The class went on. There was particularly no one in my class who was that talented as the JYP said in his speech. And I felt bored by the rapping scarecrows I wanted a head-on competitor.

Next was the dance class, I continued to amaze the people around me. Yet there was no one to amaze me.

I walked in the crowded hallway and I happened to stop by the enchanted melody and a beautiful voice coming from the practice room. It looked like that person was already an Idol. His notes touched the strings of my heart, such a soothing voice. I eavesdropped.

'What are you doing here. Crap I was caught off guard."

'I'm from M-1.'

 You are pretty handsome, He chuckled.

"Ah- I'm nothing special. Anyway I'm Hyugi."

"Hey Hyugi I'm Ray from M-2"

"Well you got one angelic voice there man, while everyone in my class is just so-"

"There is one talent in your class a tough competitor you don't know."

"Well I have no Idea."

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