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Everyone left me one by one... What I wanted from life was love.. life is so unfair. My parents abandoned me. And my only love never loved me back. Why?
Why am I even breathing? Does it counts? Irene hugged her legs while she hid her face in complete darkness.

Do I have any reasons to live? Irene smiled while tears never fail to leave her cheeks.

Her mind was blurry she loosed her consciousness.

I thought loving you and having you can make me have happiness. But I was living in fantasy.

A sharp blade was in her hands.

I don't have hope...I don't have anyone...

Irene grabbed a pen and a paper and noted down..

Dear Hyugi, my love;
       When you and I first met, it was the time when we were both teenagers, we were young. You were different and really beautiful inside out I fell for you and I decided to make you mine. I was selfish, every time when I saw you stealing glances with  Nabi, I knew you both loved eachother. You were meant to be for her. I'm sorry from the beginning I used false ways to have you, in the end I had you but what came with it was much loneliness and pain. We both suffered in the end. Please forgive me. From today onwards I set you free from this cage of marriage I free you with all the bonds we have. In the end I still can't have you. But I will always love you.

Love Irene.

A body fell down with her wrists split open, blood came rushing through her veins. A sad smile never left the face of a broken hearted. That was the end of a girl who lived in her fantasy, restricted in her own broken mirror.

"Did you find her?"

"Find her!! At all costs"

My heart was beating wild inside my cage, shivers went down my spine and my body was trembling. Sweat never fail to leave me. My breaths were warm yet my body was cold in fear. I hid myself. Many fears were making me loose self control. Fear of affecting the debut of my group mates and fear of never seeing my loved ones again.

Is this going to be my end?
I'm so young..I'm not even married.. I haven't even taken my revenge.. I need to look after my parents... my mom and my dad they will be waiting for me... they don't have anyone except me.. God please help me!
I need to get out of here, I need to get out alive..
As darkness break in the place was so quiet only the war within the clouds could be heard along with my beating heart.

A small hole led me to peek on the sky and it was red. As if its pouring blood.
Someone really important is going to die tonight...
Is it going to be me?
Am I really going to die?

Tears started falling down my cheeks.. no I will not give up..

I need to escape.. on my right the path is blocked and so is from the other side. But air is coming from two directions.. this means there is another way..

Slowly and calmly I tip toed on the other side, which showed signs of an open road.. a dim light blossomed my heart with hope. I took this chance and I ran as fast as I could.

I ran out and I realised I was at the winter bridge. There were no signs of anyone far away from here.

As I celebrated my escape I realized a sudden pain thrusted in  my back, I touched it and blood was lingering on my tips. I turned around and I saw those pair of frightening eyes.

"You thought you could escape?

I fell down on the floor as I begin to lost my consciousness.

"Such a beautiful girl, you are... it is a waste to let you die like this right?"
"Vick" how about we play with her a little? She is going to die anyway?

"I like your opinion"

"No!!!" I beg you please let go of me! Please I begged hard till my forehead started bleeding.

Please have mercy!!
"You need money? I will give you money.. I will give you anything you need."

"Right now pretty girl, it is you what we need."

I crawled with all the energy I had to escape. I was in such a pitiful condition...

God if death is what that is upon me.. let me die without shame,

"Let go of me!! Don't you fear God?"

A hand reached my collar and ripped my clothes I struggled till the last bit of energy I had.

My eyes were filled in with fear the flashbacks of my past came before my eyes...I was so scared..

Hyuugiiiiii help me!!!

The tight fist became numb, the body got raped by two animals. A girl was in the pool of blood, with her body left in scars.

"Let go of her"

Finally God has sent someone... When its too late... I don't want to- live anymore.

"How dare you touch my girl" I'm going to rip you apart!!

"Huh?" Save yourself first.

"If anything happens to her, I'll kill you both"

He was brave enough to take on two guys and leaving them brutalized, he attacked them till they both came on their knees begging.

"Tell me! Who is behind this all"

"I-Irene, sir"
He rushed to the body that was broken into pieces.

"Nabi, wakeup!!"

Nabi please wakeup!!!
You are scaring me Nabi!! I'm sorry I came late.. He held her close to her chest, you don't deserve anything like this, he covered her with his shirt.. Nabi you can't leave me alone like this.. in this world, I only have you..

He carried her in his arms and ran as fast as he could.

"I won't let you die."

His hands were covered in blood, he was carrying a body, in the hope that she is still breathing.. after running for miles he came to the nearby hospital.

"Doctor! Where is the doctor"

The whole medical crew gathered.


Doctor! Look at my girl. Please doctor save her I beg you! Tears fell down his face.. I will die if she dies...
"Nurse hurry up and take her to the emergency ward"

He held the doctor's hand.

"Doctor please save her"
We will do everything it takes to save her.

Dylan fell down on his knees and covered his crying face behind his hands he cried loudly.
"I'm sorry Nabi" I failed to protect you."

"Doctor the other patient gained some pulse. He is alive."

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