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Irene POV

'I was really frustrated. What has happened to Hyugi. Why is he ignoring me. Did he find ou- no it can't be. I was really frustrated so I decided to go up to get some fresh air.'

"I went upstairs. I opened the door and I saw the heartbreaking scene. My boyfriend was over that seducing lizard."

'I couldn't believe my eyes. I wanted to run when Hyugi held my hand.'

"Stop! let go of me. Tears started floating from my eyes."

'Its not what you are thinking. He said.'

'If you like her you can say so! stop lying to me. I know you didn't like me to begin with.'

'How can I prove you, we have nothing in between us.' He looked in my eyes.

"Then kiss me infront her. I asked him."

'If that's what you want then-'

'He lifted my chin and kissed me. I looked at the lizard who got up from her pose. I raised an eyebrow to tell her. Hyugi is mine.'

I caressed his head in my arms and kissed him back. The everlasting touch of his soft lips made me felt like I'm in paradise.

"I hugged him after we parted our lips. Where is my old Hyugi?

" Your old Hyugi is in so much pain. He replied."

"Why?" I asked.

'Because you are squeezing me hard.' 

 Yin Nabi PoV 

"Hyugi went to her just to prove we have nothing. Why? Hyugi you could've walked away. That's exactly what she wanted. Or did you just protected me from another bullying."

'What was I thinking. Maybe I have been watching too much romantic comedies. She mocked me with her eyes laughing at me. Seriously she thought she is looking cool but actually she was looking like someone who got her lips sucked by a vacuum. Or more accurately an octopus with a curled mouth.'

In reality my heart was a bit shaken. Why is my heart getting attracted towards him. He and I are not even close friends. Am I becoming one of his fans now. I went downstairs as I couldn't dare to watch them any longer.

"A sound attracted me from one of the practice rooms, Who could it be with such a beautiful voice. I peeked in but it was hard to see through the windows and I accidentally pushed the door."

'My jaw dropped to the layers of the soil. Dylan was actually singing. I had my goosebumps up and they all were mimicking "Dylan can actually sing?"'

"What are you doing here?" He asked. His gazes are always like if he is going to murder me.

'I was just passing. By the way I thought you could only yell and do some scary glass breaking opera. But you are actually really good at singing.'

"You can say I'm talented. He smiled."

'Hold on! did you just smiled. The schools bad-bingo prince?'

'Why you think I can't smile? He added with a smirk.'

"What I wanted to say is that you look kind when you smile. So often make us of it."

'He pushed me in I was in danger when I noticed such a minimum distance in between us.'

'What "it" He looked straight in my eye ball.'

"I-I Mean that you should smile a little you look like Chucky with the serious look."

'He stood back and cracked up. "What? Chucky?" seriously.'

"He grabbed my hand and pushed me in his arms. You have changed Nabi. More like you have learnt how to talk back. Don't worry I will make sure you only talk relevant."

'Before I could ask "How" He kissed me. My eyes were shocked as if I have seen a ghost. The first touch of his lips made me think of "Hyugi" Whats happening why am I thinking about him?'

'His grip was so powerful that I felt like I'm trying to protest against an elephant. I stopped when I realized I'm just wasting my energy.'

"Why did you do that? I asked furiously."

'I do what I want. You know that.'

'Stop bullying me I exploded into tears.'

"Its not bullying! he hugged me. I just simply like you girl."

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