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"Please don't do this! please sir I beg you." Said the old neighborhood who was grabbing the feet of the men Nabi's dad sent.

Please sir d-don't do this, this is the only bread earning restaurant, those poor people feed on. What have this poor family ever done to you?

The young men kicked the old man on the floor. "Yah you old hag! go before I loose my mind."

"Please!" The young men slapped the old man who was begging him.

"Hyugi!! son hurry up! before they burn your whole house and restaurant."

 "I'm on my way."

"Hyugi Hayes."

I woke up on the stretcher and I wondered where I was. After recalling I remembered what happened. All I was thinking was "Nabi just be okay, don't let them harm you!" Right when I was thinking about her my neighborhood grandpa called me.

"Hyugi! some people have trespassed your house and they are destroying everything."

I rushed as soon as I heard that. 

"Can you please speed up the car?"

I asked the cab driver. One part of my head was hurting and the other part was scared. Something was telling me, something really terrible is about to happen, yet I couldn't figure out the reason. The more I went close the more my heart was felling weird.

I looked out of the car and I saw black fumes rising in the sky. "What could it be?" I questioned myself.

The car stopped and I ran towards my home and I saw everything burned down into ashes. Just the sight of it was dreadful, I stood there for a minute and then I eventually fell on my knees.

"Why?" I looked at the sky. Then I cried louder "Why? Why do you keep on slitting blades on my unhealed wounds." 

Those things that my parents built with everything they had and that's what they did it to it. I looked at my broken pocket and I tossed few coins. This is what I have in my pocket. 

I thought the power of love can change the world I was wrong. I hated you the most yet I fell for your daughter. I hate you to the point that I want to kill you by my own two good hands. I forgived you thinking my love for your daughter is more than your hate. Yet you kept on reminding me  the fact you don't deserve kindness.

After knowing the truth I decided to let it go for Nabi I wanted to trade her for all the evil you plotted against my family. But you took it all, from the girl I love to the dad I had.

All those years of childhood I had this inferiority complex of not having a dad I wanted to play with him. I wanted to be protected under his wings yet you murdered him. Are you sure you are a human? Cause I only see you as a killer.

"I will fight for my right! I will show you how this ant that you wished to step on takes everything away from you."

Everyone please do not panic we will safety land!

"I guess this time I will never see Hyugi anymore"....Nabi closed her eyes.

The car engines busted and the airplane were set on fire on the district which was a valley filled with flowers. 

"Breaking news" Breaking news"

The plane number 55022 crashed on the valley of flowers. According to the source most of the people died while some are still being traced.

Hyugi's mom

"Oh my lord what a terrible incident." Oh God protect us all.

 I was sitting on my bed when I saw my son walking in my room. I took a good look at him and I felt really heart broken. I wish if I could do anything for him.

"Hyugi" I called him and he was lost. I tried calling him again and he was still somewhere lost in his trhoughts.

"Hyugi Hayes"

I don't have a home, I have nothing now I'm back to stone age. I can't tell this to my mom, she just got up from a long deadly sleep. I can't risk anything to loose her.

"Hyugii!" My mom called me. 


Where are you lost. She looked at me.

"Nowhere" I gave her a fake smile.

I can't let her know that I'm shattered, I have to be strong.

I saw new patients came in and there was no extra space for me to sleep. My house, the one I spent my childhood in, the one where I had so many memories, was turned into ashes.

I walked on the cold streets hours and hours till the roads were dead silent and empty. My heart was aching. I found a place under the bridge where all homeless people were resided. 

I laid down and I closed my eyes and I could feel my heart beat. I recalled when did I fell for Nabi.

Sometimes I feel confused because of the beating heart that belongs to the person who loved Nabi. And sometimes I really feel like this heart doesn't belongs to me and so do Nabi. Everytime the letter "N" is mentioned my heart just skips a beat.

I flipped open my phone and I saw her picture on my background  and a thousand pics I took of her, back in our school days to tease her. She hated the fact that someone took her pictures.

Every night I looked at her pictures thinking we will see eachother in our dreams. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I fell for her. 

 I don't know why in all the world I chose to love you, even though there were millions out there for me. Even though we are apart yet its okay as long as you are mine.

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