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"Where is she?"

"I said where is she!!!!!" Go! bring her here! 

C-Calm down Hayeyin, what's wrong with you? Said Nabi's mother.

Agasshi (Miss) Wake up Agasshi! Your dad is yelling out there, he is in a really bad mood.

I woke up with my eyes half opened. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"What's wrong with him now?"

"I recalled and I remembered that toady Eunwoo said he will tell my father that he is cutting off our engagement."

"Ah so news got to him like electricity."

I came out from my bed and I went outside my room and everything was in a mess.

"Come here!" My dad yelled at me.

"What am I listening, that Eunwoo broke off the engagement. I need an explanation! Didn't I told you to compromise?"

 I stood there quite.

"Have you knitted your lips?" My dad yelled.

"It was our decision, because I didn't liked him romantically. It was based on elders decision and it had sooner or later the same end."

"What! my dad slapped me harder."

Hayeyin! My mom yelled. "What are you doing, she is our daughter."

Daughter? She is a shame in "Yin" family. One thing I asked her and that's what she did? Cutting my nose infront of people? What will they think? Do you know our company just came out from crisis?

"Company!! money!! Is that what you can came up with ha? what am I? A puppet? A toy? A tissue? That is born to be used? Look at me dad! I'm a human not some paper doll! I t-too have emotions How come you never see me? Why can't you see me? Love? Do you even know what love is? I did everything you asked for. And here you are still being so thankless? You are a murderer! you killed my baby! You killed your own grandson! you killed your own son! How can you be so ruthless!

"What nonsense you are spitting" My dad slapped me again.

You think I don't know? "Dylan Hayeyin" your first child. Dad I know every dirty work you did with that kid. My unborn child you aborted was his child. Do you know why he raped me? Because you were our father. The person I loved left me because her mother went into coma because of you! H-How lower are you going to go for money? I cried louder as my heart exploded with pain. 

I loved you but you kept pushing me away. Family? Are we even a family? Do we have such thing as family? You are thankless.

"Yes! We did broke-up because I loved someone else! I loved him. I want to live my life. I want to be happy. If you want to kick me out of the family register then you are more than welcome. I will leave the house and I will never came back, where all monsters live."

"Guards! Go take her in her room and guard her well. I see how that lover of yours survives."

"NO!!!!!" I yelled When the bodyguards were dragging me back to my room. 

"I swear dad if you touch him I will kill myself."

"Don't give her anything let her starve, to come to her senses."

Nabi's dad pov

"Is this how you have raised your only daughter? Ha! I yelled at her mother." Such an incompetent mother you are! 

I went inside my office and sat down to cool my head.

"Sir may I come in?"

"Oh yes come in. I have called you to find out every single detail on the boy Nabi is dating."

"In the evening"

Sir I have found every single detail on the guy young miss is dating. "His name is Hyugi Hayes. He is a trainee at SM entertainment. His father is dead and he had his mother in hospital. He is from a lower middle class family, he lives in a rented house, his only source of income is some part time jobs and the small restaurant they have.

"How dare such low life seduced my daughter!" Take me there lets see if we can bring him into terms with us.

"Yes sir"

"Is this where he lives?" Such a disgusting place and a small house, just the size of my kitchen.

"He is not here sir!"

Then take me to where he is.

We went inside the hospital which was funded by my company.

I went inside the room and I saw a really familiar face.

"Well, well! who we have here "Aerim. Such an unpleasing surprise. So Hyugi is your son ha?

What a cunning way to enter my family, don't you think? I let you live because I thought you will die anyway. 

You told your son bed time stories like how to get the companies back? Or how to seduce my only child?

Poor you! I found out your plan. Well here is the thing tell your son to stay away from my daughter, or you know what I will do with him. 

Oh before leaving here this is the check that is even more than your lives. Take it and stay away from my daughter and don't even think of re-entering in our family. Because to the world knows you are all DEAD.

"Hyugi Pov"

I looked at some people coming out of my mother's room the face looked familiar as I recalled I remembered he is Nabi's dad. What did he want from my mother?

"Mom what was that?" 

"You will never see his daughter again or I will kill myself. Either its me or its her."

Why does it happens to me? I can't stay away from her I have longed for her. How could people be so narcissistic? They only think about themselves. They only care about them. Why they don't let us be what we are? 

"Yin Nabi"

"Prepare your stuff you are leaving Korea" My mom said.

Why mom!! Why are you being so cruel to me? How can you throw me away?

"Nabi I love you more than anyone but you must know It is for your own good." You have really dated the wrong guy.

"What do you mean?"

Hyugi and your fate is really ill. Hyugi's dad and your dad were brothers.


What happened was! Hyeyin and Hayes were both brothers. Hayes bought large shares from the small companies. Hayeyin and Hayes both decided to do work together but your uncle did everything on his on. He was rich enough to afford that but your father was not in the state to buy them. Hayes wanted Hayeyin to always come to him and beg him for money. Your father felt sad and heart broken because who wants to be tortured, your father is a man of pride. They all decided that the industry they will establish will be distributed among Hayes and Hayeyin but Hayeyin betrayed him he said all of assets will go down to his son "Hyugi" That day your father was drunk and he lost his control so he fed poison to Hayes.

"I don't want you to hate your dad. He did everything for us." 

 My mother briefed me about the whole story.

"So you mean all of this belongs to Hyugi? He is the heir of our company?"

So you see Nabi he is at high risk of loosing his life. Will you let him walk into his own grave?

That's why I want you to leave and move on with your life.

Tears started rolling in my eyes. I need some time alone.

Okay sweetie. My mom left with that.

"Did you convinced her?" Nabi's dad asked.

"I think I did" Her mother said.

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