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Today was the day finally Irene and I were going to be bonded via a bond called "Marriage"

It was the last day to claim me Nabi or else I will really be someone else's property.

It was just like the other sleepless nights that I have spent thinking about her. Every night I was silently crying in pain, thinking

"I wish I would have availed every second I had with her."

I just miss you, every time I close my eyes, your pretty face covers my blindness. I wish I had a cure for my broken heart.

I walked towards my old school SOPA after changing my disguise. As I walked in the balcony I felt like I was under some enchanted spell casted by a butterfly.

Old flashbacks of my past started gathering up in my mind. I was the groom who was still entangled in the thoughts of the girl who left in the middle of fulfilling her promises.

If I knew her promises were as weak as her love, than I would have never made one.

Yin Nabi love isn't weak, but you left me alone. I don't know if I should believe in love any longer.

Little my heart was crushed after I realized my hopes were fading. Every corner had your scent, every place you ever stepped on, I wanted to kiss it, this much I loved you. I wish you knew how much it hurts to wait.

You know wait is like a promise that you will meet your lover. Every time my heart wavered thinking you won't ever come back, yet this innocent heart is a hopeful fool.

I walked to the washroom before I could figure out I realized I was smiling.

Do you remember this place? When you girls made me wash the toilet seats? Because you girls never held the broom before? I remember it was my second time when I saw you beating someone. I thought calling you a girl is a girl's shame.

But no matter what people said, you were like a coconut rougher on the outside and soft on the inner side. You were my Ramen partner. You did things that made me doubt your gender. You were someone really unique just like your name. You weren't even my style but I still fell for you.

Walking my way to the front terrace I looked at the place where you took my first kiss. Two fingers that I placed on my lips and I realized those heart striking feelings. I remembered, how many hours I have spent thinking about your bravery.

I guess this was the first time my heart melted for you. You were always in my mind somehow.

I walked on the back side of the terrace, where we use to sit against the wall to have our lunch. I went there and sat quietly.

"You and I were two bodies and one soul."

I held my head down feeling emotional.

After some time I held my head up and I saw a girl in white long skirt standing with her back faced towards me.

"I heard someone is getting married."

Hold on I remember this voice..

I stood up and I rushed to her. I turned her to face me.

"Please be my Nabi"

Brown hair, butterscotch cat eyes, big curled lashes, fair skin and pink lips.


A tear drop escaped my eye and a tear drop escaped her eye.

I touched her hand and I held it.
"Are you even real?"

"Then do you think I'm a ghost?"

My heart started beating faster as I looked into her eyes and I took her in my arms.

"Where were you all these years?"

I-I lost my memories, I don't know how I made it alive.

Flash back

People talking.

"Every one is dead except these two. I guess he is still breathing, over here she is breathing too. Let's take them home hurry up." Said the old women.

"Where am I?"

After two weeks

Where am I? Who are you? What is this?

"Calm down little girl. First tell me what's your name." Said the old man.

"My name?" Nabi asked.
"What is my name?"

"I guess she has lost her memories. What are we going to do? How are we going to find her family?" The old man said to the old lady.

"Miss do you remember anything else?"

"Yu-" Tears started forming in Nabi's eyes. I-I don't know? She nodded.

"You young man what is your name?"


"It's a relief you know your name." Said the old man.

"Yeah I haven't lost my memories, unlike someone."

After three years

"You still don't remember anything?" 

I wish remembering things were as easy as the flow of water. I feel like a huge part of me is missing, everything is in fragments. I close my eyes and I see blood, a person calling my name, promising me that we will be together and I see a pendant on my wrist. Its so frustrating that I know these things were once a part of my memories and know its all in pieces. Every day I came here by the river and I sit on the pebbles on the offshore and I try to recall who I am? Every time I feel like those memories are coming back to me but its just like a delusion of coming and then going, going and gone. And I'm left with silence and the stream of river flowing with pressure. Its nearly spring...

I looked at the huge sky and I saw beautiful and colorful butterflies dancing along and cuddling in the wind.



My-y my name is Yin Nabi-

 Haha what a weird name.

 "My name is Hyugi Hayes!

 God don't let this messy guy be my neighbor.

"You are nothing like a girl! go learn something from Irene"


"I hate you Yin Nabi just disappear."

No!!! Dylan!

Every flash back started rolling in every thread was now unleashing its secrets. I know now who I am.

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