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"I will buy it." Hyugi looked at the hand that was giving cash. They looked familiar.

"Mom?" Hyugi looked at her. She knew the world, she knew he went out with just some dollars and that she needs to be there so that no one belittles her only son. Which is why she tailed her son.

He wanted to speak, but her mom signalled her with her eyes. "Later."

Finally the uniform was purchased. She had smile on her face. Recalling how his son looked when he walked out to look himself in the mirror. Everyone exactly, turned to look the guy who rocked this uniform.

A fine uniform for a fine young man. Mustard colour suit with white shirt inside, brown pants and the school badge drawn on the front pockets.

"Why mom? why do you have to buy it? I could go with a replica."

"For first time, my son's dream became a living reality. And I have always been saving moeny for this."

"Why mom~! He acted like a four year old."

"Quit whining. Adults make the choices, kids only obey."

"I want you to return it!"

"I have cooked your favourite dishes. Lets go home before it cools down. Food tastes good when its warm."

"I don't need any expensive dress that worth's more than a human value. I can't wear it with the burden that my mother has risked her everything for."

"Look at me Hyugi, it was my choice. Okay? Son I don't want you to act like this. You are hurting my feelings. If your dad was here..." This was the emotional move that worked everytime.

"What did you put on mortgage this time?"

"The ring your father gave me." Shocked at his mother's confession he looked at her.

"You know I will never do this.. Even if I have to leave the school I will do it. It is worth more than any dream."

"Then work hard and get it back for me."

"Oh! I'm so hungry."

"Two days later"

"So tomorrow is the day?" He looked at his reflection in the mirror. His heart was burdened by the price of his uniform. It was something he will always feel burdened for.

He decided while he was reflecting himself. He needs to get another job.

He walked out his small crowded house. Complaining and frustrated. "When I'm trying to look for a specific place the roads of Seoul become exceptionally long and I seem to be just walking on an endless treadmill. With the  heat of this agonized naked sun on my poor skin.

He saw the poster on the pole and his eyes once again lifted.

He took the poster and went at the given venue.

"Excuse me mam I'm here as I saw this poster that you are in need of a Barista."

"Are you a model." The owner answered.

He laughed. "No, I'm not."

"Really? but anyway you will be called shortly for an interview."

He took his leave knowing the lady wanted to flirt and he never had any skills of flirting other than smiling. So that he is less rude. 

Fifteen minutes passed and he felt like a melted marshmallow, with every minute he shrinked shorter.

As the wait went on and on he looked around the place that looked really cool.

Finally it was his turn.

"Can you make some coffee?"

"No!" He said.

Without a smile, he always apperaed an arrogant rich asshole.

"Well its not that hard I mean I can learn, he said"

"Are you by any chance a high school student?"


"Which school may I ask?"
"I just recently got into SOPA."

"SOPA....? School of Performing Arts?"


"You must be very rich." He felt very sad that money is what came first to all the fathomless minds. People never put hardwork first.

  "May I ask you look rich so why did you come here?"

"That's the problem, I look rich. While I'm just a son of a maid. I know I sounded like a disappointment but that's just who I am. I need this job because I just have to have something that is really precious. That's a debt I have to pay."

"He is good looking and he will attract lots of customers its not that we have lots of choices but. I hope he gets over with his awkward personality of being too blunt."   

"Okay! you can join us starting from tomorrow and Maria over there will guide you onwards. Make sure to be here at time you will take the night shift from 6 to 9 I hope it won't be a problem."

"No sir, it won't be, I'll work hard."

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