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We be down
We be round
We'll be goin with the sound
I'll make you go meow
I'll take you to the sky-high
Let's gotcha win win
We be dancing din din
Like a Nabi in the air
Let's swing with the katz
lets burn it like an ash we are queens with a crown woo

Thumbs up.. the rapper line is so great.

Unnie how about we name our group "Katz?"

yes its cool..

Then from today onwards our group name is officially Katz.

"Enough work girls" lets have some break.

The door pushed aside and a man whose good looks were blocked by the huge carton came in.

"Come on."

Aye Nabi! Why are you standing there?

"Dylan!" I rushed to help him.

Turn up the music lets rock and roll Dylan lit up the studio. He always had this charm. He is a good listener and a good person by heart.

The bass uplifted the room as the song played

"Your beautiful stature, everyone keeps glancing at you"

"Its a scenario that I expected but I'm scared."

"When they stand by your beautiful self they are nothing babe."

"Don't mind all the things surrounded by you."

"Will you"

"Disappear like smoke? Will you run away if I approach you? "

"Not even for one night"

"I can be at ease. I keep doubting. I'm obsessed before I know it"

"Its hard to wait for you anymore. All my breath is full of you"

"I'll try to handle you, who has put my heart in disarray"

"I'll be your King and baby you'll be my Queen"

"What is going on?"

Call for the devil and he pops.


I have given you time to be representable for debut and you have taken things so lightly. DO YOU THINK BECOMING AN IDOL IS A CHILD'S PLAY?

His voice was the only thing that was roaming in all corners of the room.

Darn you Hyugi Hayes, such a mood spoiler huh!

Are you cursing me? Another shout sent down chills in me.

At that point I couldn't do anything but to roll my eyes.

Your debut is set for 48 hours this means you have only two days for practice. You represent ace company if anyone wants to play she can leave now!!

I figured out that I was hearing an angry bull who was wounded and was ready to kill anyone. We all nodded our heads in approval even though I hated to agree.

And you Dylan follow me.

"Do you have any idea about how many voices are murmuring back on you?"

"But sir what does these rumours have to do with me?"

"Don't play the dumb boy here"

"I really have no idea..."

"Fine! Then let me remind you Yin Nabi is our trainee now, it was ok as long as she was just a manager but now she is set off to debut I don't want any false rumours destroying the imagine of our trainees."

"Mhm? Is it because of the reason you are telling me or it has something to do with your personal feelings?"

"What?" Hyugi balled his fist tightly.

"Well you see I don't want to lie, more lies will bring more excuses."

It was a cold war of gestures going in that room.

"I like her, I don't plan to give her up."

"If you don't wish to say anything I will take my leave sir."

Dylan Pov

Dude you don't own her, you threw her when she struggled to remember you. She came all the way here and you asked her to give you blessings on your wedding? All that time I held her in my arms I caressed her, I still remember she use to sit near the lake and cry when I asked her the reason she said "I don't even know why my tears fell without pain, it feels like a part of my heart's been frozen. Something really important in my memories is wiped out I feel like I have sunk deeply in an ocean with nothing around me how hopeless I can be more than this?"

She use to sit on the highest peak alone to avoid people her eyes would constantly stare the ground for answers and her eyes showered tears on the land. She would gaze at the meadows down the hill. Apart from the world she spent her day till someone came to catch her up. Every time I stared at her eyes they would look so sad to me she hugged herself because she wanted to be rescued by the torturing pain.

She was lost in the air while her body was on the ground.

She smiled for the first time when she remembered your name and nothing else. It was the first time I was lost in her beauty I didn't wanted her to remember anything I tried but I lost against her passion to keep you in her memories.

Maybe that's where I realized what love is.

I know by loving you I was just pleasing myself, I knew chasing you will bring me nothing but emptiness.  I know all these things and I still choose to follow you don't...you... know...why?

Hyugi Hayes what do you want? You don't want her and at the same time you can't let her go.. If its a fight bring it on. I will steal her so that no one can took her away from me.

Even though when I look at you, you still can't look in my eyes... It's because you are lonely.... Nabi

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