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Yin Nabi Pov

Finally done with school for today. Everyday is a war within ourselves to get up and to get ready. School is even more boring when you have all the bad luck by your side.

I had nothing much to do after school so I often open my sketch book and draw designs. I was working on my incomplete sketch when I saw some thugs in the nearby small restaurant trying to scare the ahjumma working in the restaurant.

I ignored as poking my nose in someone business is not me. But a voice in me kept bugging leaving me no choice but to take action.

"What is going on?"

"Just go away bitch! this has nothing to do with you. She hasn't paid the rent so she should be thrown out what some dirty pesticides living in our apartment."

"I stood there frozen. About how low a man can get just for some piece of paper."

"How much you need?"

"Ha- you littl-"

"I took out my check book and paid them twice the money throwing the check on their faces."

"Now who is a peaticide? Gojja (Get lost)

"Thanks miss." She looked at me. I will pay you later.

"Ahjumma its okay I smiled. These are some pieces of paper. Are you okay, I brought her to the chair nearby. And gave her a glass of water. Ahjumma you are really hard working. You probably have a family to feed so its okay if you don't pay me that way I feel happy that my money didn't went in to waste buying useless things."

"You are really kind miss." She smiled at me with her teary eyes.

"I'm not kind you are the first one to call me that. And don't call me miss call me Nabi. I smiled at her."

"You have a really beautiful name. Nabi."

"I know I can't give you much but give me your hand."

"I unintentionally raised my hand and she placed a beautiful butterfly pendant on my wrist."

"OMG this is so beautiful." I smiled widely.

"You like it? take it as a gift. My son gave it to me when he was a kid. I treasured it alot but since I have nothing to give please have it."

"No I can't have a gift that your son gave you. Please take it back."

"If you won't take it then I will feel bad please. She patted my hand in her hands."

"I walked out of the restaurant with the heavy burden of this beautiful pendant. It had an elegant style."

"Whoever that ahjumma was, was a really nice women and she must be really a loving mother, unlike mine they are all busy. They appear once in a month. I wonder what kind of a fine lady I will grow into."

"Hyugi Hayes"

School is done but for people like me awaits endless part time jobs. Minji told me there had never been this much crowd in their shop. I guess that's my charm.

"I want to get that ring back. I desperately want it back. Even if it means that I have to work pass my limitations."

"For a while my throat was getting sore and I felt weak. It was maybe I skipped my meals inorder to save money. It has to be."

"Hyu! What's wrong?"

"Nothing I replied."

"You are lying. With that she placed her hand on my forehead."

"Your head is burning!"

"No its just- with that I started coughing."

"Come here and sit down. Have you eaten anything?"

I noded no! Why don't you take care of yourself
Are you a baby?

"Its maybe because I'm busy taking care of others I chuckled."

Atleast there is one place I can be myself.

"I was done as soon as the clock striked at nine."

I walked towards the road when a thought passed my head and I was reminded of those poor kittens. As my stomach was making loud thunderbolt noises I felt heart broken thinking all we care is about our stomachs they must be starving. I went inside the grocery shop and  bought the cat food and walked towards them.

"You guys missed daddy? I patted their heads feeding them the cat food in my palm."

Da-ddy! hahaha!

I turned around and I saw this annoying girl.

"Are you stalking me?"

"Why are you a celebrity? Nabi looked at me with her signature look with her eyebrows raised.

"I'm so done with your nonsense. I stepped closer to her what is that you want from me?  I stepped closer till there was minimum distance in between us.

"Are you on a shooting set." She smirked.

"I placed hands blocking her exit."

"Listen it clearly. Stop with everything you are doing." I looked straight in her eye ball.

Right then my stomach yelled louder. "Don't ignore me."

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