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At Nabi's home

Our daughter is dead Hayeyin! You killed our daughter!! Hayeyin God will never forgive you.


I yelled in pain, my only daughter was gone. My only child was dead. Tears stormed out of my eyes. I can't believe this. 

Hayeyin! You were so blind with success that you forgot that you were a parent! What did we ever gave to her? Except wait and pain and the things she couldn't speak of. 

She was a part of my body, she was my fragment! I cried feeling like I was left alone in the dessert where my only hope of survival was gone. How am I going to redeem all the things we did to her?

I went inside her room, which was always organized. I never knew anything about my child. I opened her journal and I started reading.

My tears spilled over the pages and I realized my daughter had hard times communicating with people. She didn't had friends. She was a loner. As a mother, how was I so pathetic? My child was suffering and I only knew her bright smiling face. She was bullied, yet she never complained. She lived a really simple life.   

"Three months passed."

"Hyugi Hayes"

I wish if I had that status. When Nabi's father said that I'm just a wasted garbage can.

The day when I woke in hospital after getting hit, he came to me.

"Flash back"

"What makes you think you can even hold her hand?" And my only answer was "Love."

Look at yourself do you think you can give her the luxurious life she is living? Your status is even lower than my butler. You are the person who can aim for how to survive. People like you think that if we get a nobleman's daughter, we can become one like them. A beggar stays a beggar. Today you say you love her, but after some years you will make her life miserable the things she can get by swiping a card, you will make her compromise on them. You don't even have a card right? Now that is the difference between you and me.

Here have this meat, it costs as much as you earn monthly, I'm sure you didn't had your buds drooled over this delicious meat. This is Nabi's favorite and she doesn't eat vegetables, do you think you can afford these and you say you can make her happy? She wears the most expensive brand that is equal to your yearly income. All these things, think carefully about it. You should always look on your plate without having the intentions to have the meal on someone else's plate. Your world and our world is like the difference between sky and land.

All these words were like knife. People know how to kill someone with their words. He called me a beggar who he thinks is filthy. Beggars and rich are both humans aren't they? They do have feelings that hurt. 

Just some printed piece of papers decide who we are. We weren't born like this. A man is a man's enemy, while money is a possession that makes a well human being sick. It makes the man forget he will end up being a skeleton who will be lying in a grave. Yet why people forget that. 

I sat on my knees as I begged him. While bringing my both palms together.

"Sir if begging can give me your daughter than here I'm on my knees. I beg you to let me be with your daughter, I will be your servant if you want me to."

I know at that moment I forgot who I was, or I even had a self respect, because all I knew was the unconditional love I have for Nabi. Yet he kicked me and said "Even if you become my dog I won't give you a bone and you say my daughter?"

After few hours he burned my house in rage. Destiny was mocking me sarcastically.

"End of flash back"

Hyugi? did you talked with Nabi?

"I called her several times but her number is constantly unreachable. I don't know where is she, I have left her several voicemails, she has the habit to disappear like Cinderella and I'm her prince charming."

"By any chance do you think she has called it off?" Irene said.

"Yah!" Are you crazy? Even if she wants to breakup with me, she needs to get my permission. She can't do this to me, she is not as mean as you think she is.

"We promised to get through the family drama and we will do it. Today I will stop by her home, she can't run from me anymore, or I will go crazy for real this time."

I walked to Nabi's house and I realized my heart was somewhat heavier like a couple of heavy stones were placed inside my heart. I walked with a heavy burden. I wanted my steps to revert back but the attraction of the girl I love was much more than it. Again I lost my war of hate and gain.

I stood at the front gate as I waited for someone to open the door. I ringed the bell for three times and there was still dead silence. I was about to go back when a women came out.

"Who are you?" The lady asked.

"I'm Hyugi ma'am." 

"The one my daughter is so deeply in love with?" She asked.

After howling in silence I bowed down to greet Nabi's mom.

"Yes! ma'am" I replied.

She took a good look at me and she called me in the house.

There is my daughter's room. My daughter is in the room, waiting for you, go meet her. She is always stubborn, she wants to see you.

I followed her to the room thinking "I will sweetly scold Nabi." I opened the door and I saw an empty room and a doll placed on the chair.

"Come Hyugi! Come. Sit talk to Nabi." She pointed at the doll sitting on the chair. 

I was confused and worried "Whats going on?"

As I looked at her mother she embraced the doll in her arms saying "Nabi! look Hyugi is here to see you. Talk to him or else he will think you are upset from him."

She signaled me from her eyes to talk to her, when I was thinking to do the same, when a women walked in.

"Ma'am! get yourself together."

She signaled me to get out of the room. From the half opened door I saw she was injecting something in her arm.

The women came out and told me "She has lost her mental stability, after her daughter died."


My eyes widened and I stood there frozen. "Shut up! stop spitting nonsense, how can she be dead? She promised to stay by my side."

"It's your choice if you don't want to believe but its the truth."

My ears were like whistles were being blown, I felt like I was a walking dead, everything refused to work after hearing the news. Every part of my body was in fear, the fear to loose her. 

"I can't accept no I won't ever accept this!!"

"Can you tell me where is her dead body?" I asked her.

"There was no corpse found because her body wasn't traced."

"And you took as she is dead? Ha- You ridicules daggers of gold. You want her dead so she could be out of your lives? If I get her this time I swear she is never coming back here."

She briefed me about the incident that happened a month ago. I begged and prayed to God. "Tell me if she is alive, give me hope she is still breathing or kill me instead a life without her is no life but an endless torture."  

I went inside the library and I looked at all the documents made on the people died in the plane crash along with the missing people.

I found a document in which a body was found, which was of a girl, nearly the same age as Nabi. I can't jump to conclusions I know she is still alive.

"I went to the place where the plane crashed and all the places where I could find her traces. I'm not going to give up on you, not until my heart is beating."

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