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"His ribs are broken furthermore there are some injuries on his head."

"The other patient in the following room is a rape case plus she has major injuries."

"Doctor shall we call the police?"

If we involved the police case, their lives will be in more danger.

Just focus on saving their lives both of them are in critical stages.

Then we will think about informing the police.

"Am I dead?"

Eyes that were half open, half sleepy and half awake.

"Water" she said with her chapped lips.

Little her fingers moved blindly to quench her thirst. A little more she said.

"Did you hear that?"

The doctor said to the nurse.

"Hurry go"

The nurse rushed inside the room, her attention was caught by the  girl who was helplessly lying in her posture.

"You should've called someone."

The nurse lifted her to the bed and  fed her some water.

Why am I still alive? What more shame do I need to face now?

Her eyes were steady and tears were flowing slowly as if they have promised to never leave her apart. Her body was careless and so was her heart yet her tears refused to withdraw.

Every starting has an end.. My starting is always a starting it never ends. My pain is never felt, my eyes as of now had nothing more to shed. Though they seem  "just" tears they are purified by blood. These tears are those tears that are neglected by my body.

My soul has been teared apart. My hopes been killed what other reasons do I need to live.

This is not the life I wanted. Why was I even born? My why's can never be satisfied.

The blazing sun from the side window kept on rising and going down it looked like as if just some hours have been passed.

She was in her same posture. Her smile was gone, her voice was never heard again.

Pages on the calender kept of turning, world around her kept on moving, she looked like as if someone has paused her.

"Its been a week now doctor," I think we should send her to the rehabilitation centre there is no progress in her.

"Prepare the documents for her dispatch."

Oh-  about the other patient who is in coma transfer him to the VIP ward.

"He has showed no signs of awakening from that day onward. Look after him well. We will be in trouble if he wakes up."


Oh Dylan, you arrived what a  perfect timing. Well I need to discuss some things with you.

"Yes doctor"

"Well the thing is that, she is not recovering at all. She is like a dead body, neither she speaks nor she reacts. We have decided to send her to the rehabilitation centre."

"So you are concluding that she has gone mad?"

"Her symptoms are not worse as of now, and we can't predict the future."


Sorry, we have done everything we could do. Now its beyond our reach.

"Fine" I'll take her home.

Mr Dylan you are doing wrong let the doctors treat her.

"Only animals are sent to asylum who are abandoned by their families, she still has me."

If that's your choice then you can sign the discharge papers.

Nabi.. I'll look after you.

The following evening, Dylan took Nabi to her home.

"She is finally home."

"My daughter!" a moment it took for her dad to hug her. And she vigorously reacted.

She shouted with fear filled in her eyes.

"I beg you don't kill me"

"I beg you d-don't hurt me"

She folded her palms and rubbed them faster to gain mercy.

Poor father reached his hand to comfort her and she started giving off some abnormal reactions. She held her hair in her tight fist and pulled them out.

Nabi- her father was left speechless as his eyes filled in with tears.

My daughter was treated like a princess, how come- my little princess has become like this..

Uncle don't worry she will be under my care.

Time is always merciless it went on, flowers wiltered, land was covered with white blanket, flowers bloomed, the summers arrived and the cycle went on.

Needles were racing along the circle and already a year was passed.

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