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Yin Nabi

My sprain got better and I was back in my classroom surrounded by people who were moved by my talent. I sat on my seat but there was something unusual in my desk.

What is this? Rose and a letter?

I took it and went down the garden then I opened the letter.

"If you are reading then this means you have gotten my letter. Do you remember our first day in middle school? You were the girl who smiled alot. You were the first girl who caught my eye. I envied your smiling face. You always reminded me of a flower in our school grounds. I always noticed you getting bullied by the people around you. I honestly hated them. So I beated everyone of them. One day I opened your locker and found a journal. I read how simply you cursed me. But I liked that part of you. Hating me but still obeying me like a genie. There was a quote in your journal in which you said 'I don't think I'm that much happy, but I will give happiness to the people, even if it means the person I hate the most.' I was always drawn to you. But I only learned violence. No one loved me so I had no idea how to express love.  Every time I tried to confess I was taken back and like this middle school ended. From now on you will be my love journal. I won't stop writing you letters until you accept my love."

He really is changed. I'm sure he must be really embarrassed when he wrote this. 

Days passed Dylan kept writing me such letters. I kept giving it my second thoughts and today I finally came up with an answer.

I don't know why I was so nervous and unsure about my decision. I was waiting in the corridors when Dylan finally showed up. 

I'm telling you I'm not here to hear you say no after all the embarrassing things I did for you. 

I'm here to tell you that I'm not like other girls. I don't have anything common like other girls. I'm not beautiful and I'm not sure if I will be okay for someone like you. By your letters I realized you are a really cold- innocent person. So-

So? Dylan stood faraway from me.

"I will be with you."

He looked at me as he stepped forward.

 First thing is you aren't pretty, your simplicity is your beauty, Secondly you aren't like other girls because you are one in a million. Thirdly you are not okay for me you are the only one for me. He was smiling widely as he pulled me into a hug.

"Now you are officially mine."

It was a weird feeling. It was for the better that's what I told myself.

Somehow we four got bonded by the love of nature, we were obsessed with "The terrace". Hyugi, Dylan, Irene and I grew closer.  I wanted to run away from Hyugi but we grew more closer to eachother. Why God was testing me?

He sitting beside me pounded my heart. My feelings always wavered for Dylan when Hyugi was near me. Sometimes I hated my false decisions, whenever Hyugi's and my eyes met we just silently stared each other as there is something our eyes wanted to tell each other. But our words were just empty. We had nothing for each other. Sometimes he stared right in my eyes and I felt a little glimpse of hope of him liking me. I was delusional and there is no denying to it. He can never like me. But what was disgusting? Me thinking about Hyugi while I was with Dylan. 

I need to stop doing this or else I will broke a heart.

Nabi? Hyugi snapped me out of my imagination.

Have you decided something on the final year project? 

Nope! I'm busy with my outlet "Spindee." Why don't you come over to my house and we will discuss about it?

I'm already too busy. He scratched his head.

You are telling me to do all the work myself? Or this that "I'm already a famous celebrity thanks to my good looks, I can't do work?"

'Aye its not that!' he said messing my hair. 

I'm a poor kid. I need to do something to make a living and paying off the hospital dues. 

Fine then I will take all the credit of the work I will do. I said as I smiled.

"Fine!" I will come. 

You sure have alot of convincing power. He furrowend.

Its because-


"You are a hardworking fool". I stick my tongue out. As I ran from the hallway.

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