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Detective Tsukauchi was a very busy man. Being a walking lie detector meant more than a few cases came across his desk, and even more had to be investigated in the field. This time would be no different according to his briefing. Mt. Lady found a young girl bleeding to death in an alley, age about fourteen or fifteen, wearing a blue dress that seemed to be a size or two too big for her. Such an occurrence wouldn't have batted an eye from an emergency worker or any other police officer, except for the other pieces of evidence. 

The girl's injuries were quite extensive. She had an old, nasty looking scar over her left eye, it stuck out even more when compared to her pale white skin. It didn't look like it was caused by an accident. Tsukauchi leaned against the hospital's wall. The girl was currently in the operating room, with doctors whose quirks best suited this situation. 

That gaping hole in her side. From what he heard from the nurses, the girl was lucky that none of her vital organs were hit by whatever caused it. Bullets were too small and wouldn't cause a 'neat' hole like the one she had. That left melee weapons, or perhaps someone's quirk. 

The weird looking sword-revolver that was found alongside the white haired girl had been the first suspect weapon, but that was discarded once Tsukauchi held the sword in his hand. The blade was too skinny, and the metal itself had strange markings from a language that Tsukauchi didn't recognize. It was also obvious that the sword wasn't made for just anyone, its grip was too big for Tsukauchi's hands, so it most likely belonged to the white haired girl. It did match her outfit too, which helped to support that theory. 

"She's still in there?" Tsukauchi didn't need to turn around to know that it was Mt. Lady who was speaking to him. Tsukauchi turned his head slightly. It seemed that she went back to her agency to change into a cleaner, less bloody costume. 

"Yes. The nurse said that they're finishing up. She lost a lot of blood, but she'll live. She was lucky you found her when you did." Tsukauchi pulled out his notepad which held his notes. "Once she's stable, they're going to run an X-ray, to see if she has a quirk or not. Then we'll see if we can find her parents or a guardian." He already sent a sample of the girl's DNA back to the station since she didn't have any contact information on her. She did have a weird box on her that seemed a bit like a phone, but forensics didn't want to risk breaking it so they gave it back to Tsukauchi, who placed it in a box alongside the weird sword. Said box was now sitting on the chair next to him. 

The rising heroine seemed to preen at his words. "That's good. We almost lost her in the ambulance a few times. She must have a strong will to live." 

Tsukauchi nodded slightly as he adjusted the fedora that sat on his head. His phone started ringing, the vibrations causing it to shake in his pocket. 

"Please excuse me for a second. Let me know if the doctor has any updates." Tsukauchi said. Mt. Lady simply gave him a mock salute. Walking out of any bystanders hearing range, he answered the call.

"True Man here." 

"Forensics got back to me on that DNA you sent in." Tamakawa's voice answered. The cat-headed man was a good officer, and he knew when to not ask questions. "She's not in any of our systems. In fact, we cross referenced with the Koreans, Russians, and Americans while we were at it since you said she didn't look Japanese. None of them reported any missing white haired girls." 

Tsukauchi's eyes narrowed. That is not what he was expecting. Was she a victim from one of the remaining Yakuza families? That could explain why she didn't exist in their records, but what about her wounds? Hopefully the doctor had a better explanation about that. 

"I see, thank you. Make sure this stays out of the Chief's desk, you know how he gets whenever a half-assed report reaches him." 

"Of course sir." With that, Tsukauchi said his farewells and ended the call. What was the deal with the mysterious girl? Mt. Lady reported seeing a blue light when she found her. Was that the use of a teleportation quirk? Was she an illegal immigrant? There were more questions than there were answers, just like every other case Tsukauchi worked on. Making his way back to Mt. Lady allowed him to gather his thoughts. 

"Any good news?" Mt. Lady sat next to the box with the white haired girl's possessions, minus the bloody dress. 

Tsukauchi shook his head. "She doesn't exist in any of our records, and there aren't any search warrants out for her." 

Mt. Lady cursed under her breath, something that Tsukauchi couldn't catch. "So what does that mean?" 

Tsukauchi shrugged. He would need more information to complete the picture. "It means she's either the victim of a trafficking ring, or she's an illegal immigrant." Tsukauchi wouldn't reveal any other theories he had. This was police business now. 

"Or she's from a different dimension." Mt. Lady blurted out, which earned her a raised eyebrow. 

Yeah right, there's no way that was right. 


Weiss felt weak. Not that weakness she felt when she couldn't do anything as Beacon fell, or when Father decided to take her back to Atlas. She physically felt very weak. Weiss groaned softly as she kept her eyes shut tight. What happened? Did they win? Did they lose? 

"Ruby!" Weiss' eyes opened, only to be blinded by a white light. She closed her eyes again quickly. It seemed that her aura hadn't returned yet judging by how sore she felt. Opening her eyes slowly, Weiss was momentarily blinded until her eyes adjusted to the brightness. 

She was sitting in what seemed to be a hospital room, the door sitting to the right of the bed where she laid. Weiss attempted to sit up, only for a sharp pain to stop her in her tracks. Yup, her aura definitely wasn't back to one hundred still. Wait a minute, where was everyone? Where was Ruby? Yang? Hell where was Jaune? Sure she might have been mean to them sometimes, but would they really leave her alone while injured? 

Weiss narrowed her eyes as she slowly forced herself into a sitting position. She looked down at her hospital gown, it was a design that seemed to be a mixture of Mistralian and Vale cultures. 

Suddenly, the door to the room opened, revealing a young woman wearing a nurse outfit. 

"Who are you and where am I?" Weiss demanded, her voice speaking in Atlassian that always felt familiar on her tongue,  as soon as the Nurse's eyes met hers. The Nurse tilted her head in confusion. 

"I don't speak German. I'll go and let the Doctor know that you're awake." The Nurse said in Mistralian. She left as soon as she finished speaking. Weiss growled softly. Some Nurse that was, but at least she confirmed that she was still in Mistral. Learning the languages of each of the Four Kingdoms was not a waste as Yang tended to say. One's education must always be balanced. Wait just a second-

What's German?  

I'm not all caught up with RWBY, (I took a break once Volume 6 came out), and I'm currently watching season 5 of MHA in preparation for the next season. 

Now about the dust in Myrtenaster, I believe it was confirmed that Dust doesn't work once it leaves Remnant, and several of Weiss' glyphs require Dust in order to work. If I remember right, Weiss Time dilation glyph requires lightning dust in order to work. 

I might have to change the way dust works in order for that to work. Now Weiss won't be able to shoot ice like she did against the Queen Lancer, but I want her to be able to use her basic glyphs. 

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