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"So how does it feel to be famous?" Jirou teased, which earned her a glare from Weiss, who felt a grimace forming on her face. Sitting in Mt. Agency's first floor office with one of Yu's big sun hats to hide her white hair, and one of her sunglasses to hide her prominent scar, Weiss was starting to regret her choice of making money through singing. 

It turned out that Wings gained a little over a million views overnight, while Weiss was sleeping. She had to mute her notifications on every social media app, and metube, otherwise her phone would start to vibrate nonstop. That was extremely annoying. Perhaps she should invest in a second phone for business once she had money in her pocket? It would take a while, but patience was a virtue, another of Father's lessons that he ingrained in her. Wait for a rival to make a mistake, and strike. Buy their stocks, ruin their reputation, grow your wealth and power. 

The music business was just that, a business. Every singer, band or group was an investment, and hopefully Weiss could catch the eye of someone with enough money that could prove themself to be useful. 

"I'm not famous, just a current trend at the moment." Weiss said dryly as she adjusted the hat. "And being famous depends on how well our next song goes." She was used to the attention, with the Schnee family infamously known throughout all Four Kingdoms, and Weiss was used to standing on stage alone, the spotlight shining down on her as people watched and waited for her to make a mistake. She could have been surrounded by thousands of people, yet she was still the loneliest of all. 

Until she went to Beacon and met the rest of her team. 

"True. Dad really likes the second song. We managed to record the instruments, so we just need to record your singing and my backup vocals." Jirou looked around Yu's hero agency. "And I never would have guessed that you lived in a hero agency." She gave Weiss a smirk. "Are you sure you aren't being pressured to attend UA?" She said that last part jokingly. 

"Trying to get rid of a rival already?" Weiss raised an eyebrow. The old Weiss would have done the same thing, before Beacon, before Ruby. 

Jirou raised her hands in protest, her cheeks slightly turning pink. "No! I don't even know what your quirk is!" She placed a finger on the side of her head. "It has something to do with ice, isn't it? Like Elsa-"

"Finish that sentence and I will end you." Weiss was sure her glare was visible even with the sunglasses hiding her eyes. "Yu keeps bringing up that movie whenever she gets the chance." Weiss brought up an excuse each time Yu wanted to watch said movie. 

"Elsa from Frozen." Jirou blocked a balled up piece of paper with her arms. "And we should all watch that together. I'm sure Ashido wouldn't want to miss it." 

"Back to my quirk!" Weiss interjected before Jirou could bring up the Snow Queen again. Reaching her arm out, with her palm faced upwards, Weiss formed a small glyph, the snowflake-like object slowly spinning. 

"I can manipulate my body's aura to create glyphs and act upon the physical world." The lies easily escaped Weiss' lips. "If I concentrate hard I can use my aura as a shield for my body." 

Jirou's wide eyes remained focused on the spinning glyph. "What can they do?" 

"Whatever I want them to do." If only she truly knew the true extent of Weiss' semblance. If she got into UA, she would have to start pulling her punches. The people here didn't have aura, and Myrtenaster could cause some serious damage in a training accident. Blunting her blade with aura and calculating her blows to do the least amount of damage would have to be her top priorities in school. 

Yu's eyes widened as Myrtenaster's blade almost sliced through her neck. 

"That's cool. I'm sure you'll get into UA." Jirou said lightly. 

"I guess." Weiss shrugged. Her entrance would largely depend on the written exam, as she was sure that the physical part would be easier. Her lack of knowledge of this worlds history and slang hopefully wouldn't prove to be detrimental. 

"Hey Weiss, do you ever wonder why we're here?" Jirou asked as her eyes turned to the entrance of Mt. Agency. 

"It's one of life's greatest mysteries isn't it?" Weiss scratched her cheek in thought. "Why are we here? I mean are we the product of some cosmic coincidence? Or is there really a God, watching everything with a plan for us?" 

Why was she in this world instead of her own? Was this one of Ozpin's plots? One of Salems? 

"What? I mean, why are we here instead of the studio?" 

Weiss' mouth formed an O as her cheeks started to redden. "Yu wanted to come along after her patrol was over." 

Jirou nodded slowly. "Are you ok?" 




The second song that they had chosen was one of Weiss' newer songs. She had started working on it after her reunion with Yang at that bandit camp. The lyrics were written from Yang's point of view, from what Weiss could see. The blonde brawler was quieter, and didn't make as many jokes as she used to. Weiss could understand that since Yang lost her arm during the Battle of Beacon. No one could come out of that unchanged. 

The best music always came from emotional moments. 

"Feels like I'm finally unbroken. Oh, now I'm back from the dead." Weiss sang loudly into the microphone. Armed and Ready allowed Mr. and Mrs. Jirou to truly let loose with their respective instruments. Jirou's bass added more volume to the song and made it sound fuller. 

"Strength back, confidence growing out of my way cause I'm armed and ready~" Weiss couldn't stop herself from smiling. 

"Armed and ready!" Jirou sang from across the studio, staying on beat with Weiss. 


"Armed and ready!" Jirou's vocals blended well with Weiss'. 

"I'm ready!" Weiss' voice grew even louder. 

"Armed and ready!" 

"Ready! Ready! Ready!" Weiss' voice was on the verge of shouting as the song came to a close. 

"Armed and ready!" Jirou sang at the same time. 

"WOOOOO! YOU TWO WERE AWESOME!" Yu and Mr. Jirou shouted through the intercom. 


Jirou blushed which made Weiss giggle. 

"AND WEISS, YOUR VOICE IS UNLIKE ANYTHING I'VE EVER HEARD!" Mr. Jirou continued shouting into the intercom's microphone. 

"WHAT HE SAID!" Yu shoved him out of the way with help from Mrs. Jirou. 

"We're here for you if you want to record more. Our studio is your studio." Mrs. Jirou gave Weiss a wink. 

"And I'll help you with whatever you need." Jirou said with a thumbs up. 

Weiss felt her breathing stop for a few seconds as her heart began to tighten. None of this would have been possible without them. Getting up from her seat, Weiss turned her body to face everyone. 

She bowed her body respectfully at a ninety degree angle, her tears freely falling to the ground. 

"Thank you all so much!" 


I feel my writing starting to slow down, so updates shall be every other day instead of everyday like before. 

I love writing this story! And I wouldn't have made it this far without any of you readers. This story is only made possible through all of the support!

I appreciate every favorite, follow, like, kudo, comment or reply! That's what keeps me going. 

Question of the day:

Were you expecting Armed and Ready to be the song chosen? 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress. 

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