Ninety Nine

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Myrtenaster looked perfect as always, Weiss was its designer after all. Sitting in its case, Weiss felt complete once again as she checked her beloved weapon. Dolt was serviceable, but it was no Myrtenaster. Examining the runes that she etched onto its blade, Weiss was satisfied as she placed Myrtenaster back in its case, which sat on her bed. She wore a simple white mini-dress that fell mid-thigh, which left her shoulders and the upper part of her back bare, along knee high-heeled boots. The finishing touch was the bolero which laid next to Myrtenaster's case. It was the same shade of white as her dress, with the interior lining being a bright red. The back of the bolero had the familiar stitching of Weiss' signature snowflake.

It had cost her quite a bit, but it was an exact copy of the outfit she wore back at Beacon, and perfect for her current mission. Stain would no doubt try to ambush her at night, and the white dress wouldn't exactly blend in with the darkness. The dress would easily gain the Hero Killer's attention. Weiss steadied her breath as she slid the bolero on, and kept her face impassive.

Grabbing another case that was hidden under her bed, Weiss placed it next to Myrtenaster. Numerous Dust vials and full grown crystals sat in the new case. Weiss grabbed one of each, and slid the vials into Myrtenaster's Dust chamber. Forming a storage glyph, Weiss placed a handful of extra vials to store for later. She had held back at the UA Festival so she wouldn't hurt her fellow classmates too much, and to not stand out. She would not be as merciful to the Hero Killer.

Weiss would bring Yu justice.

Someone knocked at the door three times.

"Are you ready?" Shinji shouted. Weiss closed both cases, easily lifting them despite their weight. She would be staying at his agency office until she caught the criminal.



It was hard being Weiss' friend, even before she became famous. While Kyouka knew she wasn't exactly the loudest of people, or the most sociable, Weiss was all of that and more, to the extreme. She didn't like meeting new people, Kyouka saw that first hand when YaoMomo started joining their little trio. Weiss avoided saying her given name, despite YaoMomo's invitation, and kept her at arm's length, until the UA Festival. And Weiss rarely talked about Germany, and her life before coming to Japan.

Despite their friendship and time spent together, there was still a part of the Ice Queen that was a mystery. Kyouka paused in front of the building where her internship would be.

"And you say you're nothing like Elsa." Kyouka grumbled under her breath as she started to climb the stairs. Weiss started to push them away, the same way Elsa pushed Anna away. The Snow Queen and the Ice Queen were more similar than Weiss would like to admit.

Using one hand to open the agency's door as the other held the case with her costume in it, Kyouka took a deep breath. She also chose interning with Death Arms, but in the end, Kyouka decided to go with K/DA's Japanese branch, mostly out of curiosity. It was weird, why would they send her an offer? She didn't do well during the festival, getting eliminated during the dodgeball match, and Kyouka always wore a mask when she performed on stage with Weiss. At least they were located in Musutafu, which made keeping an ear out for Weiss much easier.

"Hello?" Kyouka said as she poked her head in. A woman wearing a top hat sat at the front desk. She walked in and closed the door behind her. "I'm here for the internship."

Hopefully Kamui Woods would keep Weiss from doing something stupid.


"We're going to have so much fun Momo!" Mina said with a large grin on her face. It didn't match the puffiness of her eyes, but Momo smiled in return anyways. They had both chosen to intern with the Snake Hero: Uwabami, which was a big coincidence. She was sure that the famous pro would be able to teach them plenty of information!

"We will." Momo agreed. The two sat together on the train, the window revealing the blurry city as their train sped along its tracks. She could tell that Mina was still shaken by their conversation with Weiss, she was worried as well. Momo knew they weren't the closest, and she had only met Mt. Lady a few times, but she could tell that the two were almost inseparable. Weiss' reaction was understandable, and hopefully, with some time, she'll let them in and open that door which she kept locked at all times.

"Let's see what movies they're playing!" Mina grabbed the television's remote as Momo nodded.

Everything would be fine.


Izuku was nervous, he had every right to be. He had received an offer from Gran Torino, a hero who even All Might was afraid of! He beamed as he walked down the sidewalk, his eyes firmly planted on the sheet of paper with the map where he would meet the pro hero. He must've been such an amazing person!

Eventually, Izuku found himself in front of a rather rundown hero agency, the paint chipped and the windows covered in rusty metal bars. What knowledge hid behind those doors? Could he learn how to harness the power of One For All without breaking his bones? Approaching the double doors, he pushed open the right one.

"I'm here from UA High." Izuku called out politely "My name is Midoriya Izuku."

This place was pretty creepy and WHY WAS THAT OLD MAN COVERED IN BLOOD ON THE FLOOR?!

"The Hero Killer got Mt. Lady?"


"That's what she gets for trying to scam me out of my coffee."

"Your coffee is nasty."

"My complete takeover of Hosu's coffee industry says otherwise."

"If you say so Dad." Himiko yawned. It felt great, finally being back home after that annoying week at the UA Sports Festival.

"I do say so." Dad smirked as he stared at the coffee machine, slowly dripping its brown liquid which could kill a full grown man.

"I should've killed him when I had the chance."

IT IS NOW THE 99TH CHAPTER! To celebrate my 100th chapter, there are two options that you readers can decide!

Option 1: Weiss and friends react to questions and comments by you guys

Option 2: Weiss and friends react to Frozen.

You can vote by leaving a comment down below. Once I take a count across all 4 websites I crosspost on I'll make the winner announcement in the next authors note.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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