One Hundred Sixteen

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"Darkness like midnight, moonless, there's no light. Another lonely day is ending."  Weiss sang softly, standing in the middle of an empty field covered in snow. "Searching forever, waiting but never finding the only thing I dream of."

A lone tear falls from Weiss' scarred eye as she poured out her feelings into the emptiness around her. "The warmth of a smile that stays for a while. The face of a friend that won't leave."

Weiss walks through a ravaged city, rubble decorating the deserted streets. The melody of a piano filled the air.

"I heard a song once, it posed this point of view. That wishes made on stars are likely to come true." Weiss turned her eyes towards the cloudy sky, with only a lone star in view. "So here's my secret, at bedtime every night."

Weiss started to sing a tad faster, the clouds clearing away, revealing more stars. "I searched the sky and hoped to find a star who'd send a light-!"

The rest of the band instruments joined the song.

Yu slammed Weiss' laptop shut, earning the blonde an annoyed glare from the former heiress. The now mostly healed Yu leaned against the empty seat that was in front of Weiss'.

"Why did you do that?" Weiss crossed her arms. The flight to I-Island would take a couple hours, time that Weiss planned on using wisely, using it to continue working on the soundtrack for Director Oum's movie.

"Because you kept playing that song at least twenty times by now Weissy." Mina added from her seat across the aisle. She gave Weiss a sheepish grin. "It's a good song, but overplaying it can be a bit annoying."

"I'm trying to finish the sound mixing." Weiss defended herself. 'Friend' was a deeply personal song, which meant it had to be perfect once it was finally released. She had written it from the point of view of the futuristic soldier, who had gone back in time to save the past ready to sacrifice herself, only to be torn by her desire to be with the first friends she had ever made.

"Then why do you keep watching that placeholder video?" Yu smirked as she sauntered back to her seat. They had the private plane Weiss rented all to themselves, which meant that aside from the flight attendants they had complete privacy.

Being the winner of the Sports Festival gave Weiss two tickets to attend the I-Expo, and with her personal invitation to perform at the opening, meant that she could bring two extra guests.

"Because someone forgot the special headphones I usually wear when I'm working." Weiss raised a finger, pointing at her blonde friend. She invited Yu so she could have a long needed vacation, and Mina had won in a game of rock-paper-scissors against Kyouka, who would be joining them later with Momo's group.

"You know I'm irresponsible." Yu winked before scratching the back of her head. "And I thought you meant your other headphones."

"Then you can suffer in peace and silence." Weiss opened her laptop again and pressed play, passively aggressively raising the volume until her recording sounded like it was screaming.

"-To me! The one thing I need."

Mina's and Yu's groan earned them a small smirk from Weiss. It's been a long time since she took a flight that was this long. A work vacation that was long overdue.

Hopefully the other idols she had to perform with weren't assholes like Ahri.

"Just one kind soul with a heart of gold!"


I-Island, an artificial island that housed hundreds if not thousands of the brightest minds from around the world. In some weird fashion, it could have been considered the Atlas of this world if the engineers and scientists decided to make the man-made island float in the air instead of the water.

With a hand on her hip and the other holding the handle to her carry-on bag, Weiss paid no attention to advanced technology around them, unlike Yu and Mina who were marveling at the machinery. As impressive as I-Island was, it still couldn't compare to Atlas, the jewel of Mantle. They were the most technologically advanced of the four kingdoms for a reason after all.

Dressed immaculately as always in a simple white dress and her hair done in a regular ponytail, Weiss felt a bit nervous. What if one of the geniuses here could find a way home? She wouldn't tell a stranger her true origins of course, but the possibility was still there, especially with how varied quirks could be. If it was possible, what would Weiss choose? To return to Remnant, to return to Ruby, or stay in her new home with her new friends.

"I'm so excited!" Mina couldn't stay still, which tore Weiss from her thoughts.  They arrived a few days early, since Weiss had to meet with the event planners as well as the other singers to find out her timeslot, and rehearse. The I-Expo spared no expenses when it came to entertaining the rich and powerful. "What should we do first?"

"First off, we're going to check into our hotel room and rest." Weiss stepped off of the end of the conveyor belt they were riding on, to avoid walking. Having spent over a year without traveling by air left Weiss feeling the jet-lag, and while she could have her aura cure the feeling, that would be a waste of energy. "Then you two can do whatever you want."

Weiss had her itinerary planned for weeks, allocating enough time after arriving to relax before finding something to eat.

Yu threw her now healed arm over Weiss' shoulder, pulling the shorter girl into a tight half embrace that had her face smashed against the side of the blonde's bosom.

"Relax Weissy! You've been through a lot recently, all of us have, so let's just sit back, relax, and we'll enjoy your show." She finally released Weiss after a bit of struggling..

She was lucky Yu always wore deodorant.

"Tsk, fine." Weiss shrugged as they walked out the airport's terminal, placing her favorite sunglasses over her blue eyes. It did sound nice, finally being able to relax once her performance was over.

I'm finally over my writer's block! This chapter was originally going to be the Mall scene, but I didn't like the way it came out so I scrapped it after several rewrites. It feels good to be back!

Now I need to work on Lore Khepri and Schnee's Bay, and maybe My Little Schnee.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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