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"Are you hungry?" Yu asked as Weiss basically collapsed onto her seat. After a couple more stores, Weiss finally managed to convince Yu that they should take a break from shopping, much to the older woman's disappointment. Weiss was just relieved that she was finally able to rest her poor fingers, allowing her aura to heal the dull ache. 

Weiss' mouth was halfway open when her stomach decided to answer for her with a small grumble. Blushing softly, Weiss shook her head. Yu already spent enough money for today. She was just growing a debt that couldn't easily be repaid at the moment. 

"I'll take that as a yes." Yu said getting up from the table they had claimed. She glanced around the crowded food court, eyeing the various food stands. "You stay here while I go find something for us to eat. You're not a picky eater right?" 


"No buts!" Yu exclaimed, gaining the attention of a small family that sat at the table next to them. Their baby started crying after Yu startled her, causing the parents to shoot them dirty glares. Yu ignored them, focusing her gaze on Weiss. "I'll be right back. Don't talk to strangers and don't let anyone take my seat!" She pointed at the two empty chairs in front of Weiss, more particularly the one she just got out of. 

"Fine." Weiss sighed, making sure to send her hardest glare towards the light blonde woman. Crossing her arms. Weiss was left all alone in the middle of the crowded food court. Happy families, loving couples, and groups of friends all ate together. Her eyes lingered too long on a group of four girls, who started laughing when one of them dropped her ice cream cone. Seeing a flash of red, white, black and yellow, she turned her eyes away abruptly. Feeling her left hand start to shake, she steadied it with her right. 

It was hard to believe that just days ago, Weiss had just reunited with her friends, seeing them for the first time in months. Just yesterday she was escaping the hospital she had woken up in. Now here she was, sitting in a mall waiting for a person who might as well be a stranger to bring back food, and accepting the clothes that Yu had bought for her. 

Weiss was pathetic. 

How could you leave us, Weiss? 


Yu returned with pizza, which was a meal that Weiss was familiar with at least. Sensing Weiss' discomfort, they finally went home after eating. Grabbing the bags from the car trunk, they felt even heavier in Weiss' hands now than earlier. Was it exhaustion? Or maybe was it some form of guilt from accepting so much charity? 

The only thing that Weiss felt was the knot that formed in her stomach. What an annoyance that feeling was. She didn't like it. 

"Thank you." Weiss said as she walked into Mt. Agency alongside Yu. She owed her so much, for the lodging, the food, the clothes, just everything. Yu didn't have to go this far, but she went the extra mile anyways. 

Weiss was starting to see why she called herself a hero, which was still a bit presumptuous in Weiss' opinion. People didn't have the right to call themselves 'heroes'. That was a title that should be earned, not given. Yu had earned it. 

"Don't worry about it." Yu said casually. Fitting into the elevator was a bit hard considering the amount of bags they had, but they managed. 

"I'm serious." Weiss turned her face hard, suppressing her emotions from showing themselves. "Words can't describe how thankful I am. You literally have only known me for a few days, and I was asleep for most of them." 

The elevator door opened just as Weiss' voice was starting to crack. Neither of them moved despite the open door. 

"For all you could have known, I could have been a kid running from home, but you still saved me anyways. Even after saving me, you're still helping me, spending all that money." Weiss' cheeks felt wet. "You didn't have to do all of that." Yu's eyes looked blurry from Weiss' point of view, but she didn't care. 

"Why are you helping me so much?" 

Yu placed her free arm around Weiss' shoulder and pulled her into a half hug much to her chagrin. 

"You're right." Yu said softly. "But I wanted to do all of that. I wasn't about to leave you alone and throw you out of the street." Weiss felt Yu's hand run itself through her hair, causing her shoulders to tense. 

"I'm not doing this out of guilt, or hoping that you'll repay the favor one day." Yu whispered. "I'm doing this because I want to." 

The elevator doors closed silently. 

Sniffing softly, Weiss berated herself internally. Why was she showing her emotions so openly? Why was she acting like this? Was it the stress of everything finally crashing down on her? She didn't know, and it didn't matter. 

"Thank you." 

Yu was a hero. She was Weiss' hero. 

Thank you. 

Yang would never let her hear the end of this if she ever found out. 


Chapter is shorter than usual, sadly. I didn't have a lot of time to write today and yesterday, but I did manage to update Schnee's Bay! 

New manager at work so time to see how that'll go. She seems nicer than the last one. 

A thank you to everyone who suggested names! Feel free to continue giving ideas until the chapter Weiss chooses. I'm also finishing the description for Weiss' hero outfit, and will try to get a drawing of it. 

Commissioning art is always fun. It'll probably be one of the artists working on Do you fear Death?'s Tavy Jones which is my current profile picture. 

Question of the day:

What's an underused RWBY element that you would like to see used in the story? An example would be Dustweaving. 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress. 

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