Forty Five

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After observing the rest of her classmates, Weiss finally managed to figure out who was competent, or had the potential to become so. Mina and Kyouka were among them of course. The pink girl managed to beat the femine blond boy in the race, and she was also flexible enough for the other test due to her background as a dancer. Her physical strength and lack of an aura meant she wouldn't perform as well during the grip and softball throw test of course. Kyouka wasn't as physically fit as Mina, but she performed as well as she could, which was passable in Weiss' opinion. They would make fine heroes in the future. 

Half-white and red-haired boy's ice quirk seemed rather strong, though Weiss did wonder if he was able to control fire due to the coloring of his hair. The ice did form on the side with his white hair after all. 'Momo' and Glasses were quite competent, with 'Momo' being able to create support devices depending on the exam she took. Iida, also known as Glasses, was easily the most serious of her classmates, which was evident by how he held himself when completing his tests. The large boy with multiple arms also seemed competent, with how his quirk was able to change the ends of his arms. He would be perfect for search and rescue. 

Huntsman and huntresses didn't just fight the Creatures of Grimm and wandering bandits, but must sometimes embark on missions to rescue survivors from villages that were beyond saving or defending. The same went for the heroes of this world. With the reign of All Might as the World Symbol of Peace, villain attacks had grown increasingly rare, aside from the occasional attack from someone with no self control. That meant that the smarter criminals had to flee underground, and would be entrenched in whatever stronghold they had, either physically, socially, or economically. 

Weiss crossed her arms over her chest as she stood near the front of the slightly spread out crowd of classmates. 'Momo' was next to her, with her two friends in the middle of the crowd with their new friends. Mr. Aizawa still seemed rather bored as his eyes drifted over them casually. 

"The rankings are based on your total points, added from each test. It would be a waste of time explaining or reading the results out loud so I'll just show you." 

Suddenly, he pressed a button on the control in his hand, and a holographic projection next to him came to life. 

First place: Weiss Schnee

Second place: Yaororozu Momo

Third Place: Todoroki Shoto

The list continued onwards, with the students' names next to their rankings and points. Well, time to see if Weiss called Mr. Aizawa's bluff about expelling someone. 

"By the way, I was lying about the expulsion." Mr. Aizawa ended the projection. He started grinning sadistically. "It was a logical deception to force each of you to use your quirk to the max." He gave Weiss a slight glare. 

"WHAT?!"A good collective measure of the class shouted. Thankfully, Mina and Kyouka weren't among their number. Her friends were smarter than that. 

The now identifiable Yaoyorozu sighed as she looked at the Green boy and Brown girl, who froze. 

"Of course that was a lie." She said a bit disappointed. Weiss was too, considering that it was pretty obvious. 

"Anyone with a brain should have been able to see through it." Weiss added, which seemed to have caused the two to shrivel up a bit. 

"You could have phrased that a bit nicely, but you are correct." Iida said as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He was standing next to Green and Brown. She would have to learn their names later. 

"With that, we're done here. There are handouts with the curriculum and stuff back in the classroom, so look over them when you get back." Mr. Aizawa said boredly, motioning the class to start walking with the lazy wave of his hand. 

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