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Yu groaned softly as she rolled on her side, smearing her drool all over her cheek. After hearing Weiss' solo concert in the middle of the night, Yu decided that Mt. Agency was a bit of a mess, and it definitely wasn't a place where she could raise a child with all of the trash laying around. Health hazards or something like that. Yu wasn't paying attention the last time Shinji gave her a rant about making sure to clean her living space. Was he still mad she stole the spotlight when they captured that giant villain?

Probably, but that didn't stop her from sleeping peacefully at night. Well, not last night but her point still remained! Yu snuggled against the pillow she wrapped herself around, strangs of her blonde hair sticking to her lip. With her sore muscles relaxing, Yu hummed nonsensically.

She smelled something weird, causing her nose to scrunch up. She didn't pass gas, did she? Yu took another sniff. Nope that wasn't gas, and she would have felt it. That smell was a bit familiar though. It smelled a bit like charcoal, as if something or someone was burning. Cracking an eye open slowly, Yu was immediately blinded by the light.

Sitting up slowly with a groan, the smell was starting to overwhelm her senses. What did it smell like? It was right on the tip of Yu's tongue. Stretching her arms with a loud yawn, smoke entered her lungs causing her to cough violently.

Oh yeah, it smelled like something was burning. Wait, something was burning! Yu jumped up from the couch, and tripped over the couch as she tried running towards the kitchen, where the smoke was coming from.

"Weiss! Weiss, where are you?" Yu shouted only to be greeted to quite a surprising sight. Standing in front of the sink with a burnt pan and a flaming wooden spatula was Weiss, with a grimace on her face. "Uh, what happened here?"

Meeting Yu's eyes with an embarrassed blush all over her face, Weiss rubbed her left arm with her right.

"How does cereal for breakfast sound?" Weiss said, looking away, her eyes now refusing to meet Yu's. Flashing the beautiful young girl a smile, Yu nodded.

"That sounds delightful." Yu walked towards the nearest window and opened it. Hopefully the smell would be gone in an hour or so. She had to go out on patrol in a little bit, but she could cancel that if Weiss wasn't comfortable being alone.

At least Mt. Agency was still in one piece. Sadly, Yu spoke too soon as the cast iron pan lit up on fire somehow.

How did she-


Weiss ate her cereal numbly. Maybe there was a reason why Ruby said she was banned from their kitchenette back at Beacon? At first, she simply thought that the younger girl was jealous of her cooking skills despite having Klein to do all of her actual cooking. She had never been so wrong before in her life.

"So, do you have any plans today?" Yu said as she sat across from Weiss, eating from her own bowl of cereal. It was a far cry from the fancier breakfast Yu had bought them yesterday, which Weiss had attempted to imitate with the few ingredients Yu had in her fridge and pantry.

"Not really. Could you help me set up my phone later?" Weiss said politely as she cleaned her lips with a napkin, preventing a milk mustache from being born. "It's different from my scroll, so I could really use your help." Once that was done, she could start finding a way to repay Yu for all of the expenses.

"Can birds fly?" Yu answered as she slurped the remaining milk from her bowl, causing pieces of the cereal to stick to the side of her lips. Grabbing a napkin, Weiss leaned over the table and gently touched Yu's chin with her right hand, and cleaned her face with the napkin she held in her left. Her hand froze once Yu's face was clean.

Silver eyes seemed to smile after Weiss wiped Ruby's cheek after the silver haired girl smeared ice cream all over it. They pressed their foreheads together with Weiss returning the smile.

"Weiss? Are you ok?"

Weiss felt someone touch her shaking hand. Shaking the memory out of her hair, Weiss noticed the position she was in and scrambled back into her seat.

"I'm sorry!" Weiss squeezed her thigh in an attempt to stop her hand from shaking. Shutting her eyes closed, she didn't notice Yu get up from her seat until she felt the other woman's arms around her.

"I'm here for you Weiss. I'll be here as long as you need me." Yu murmured as Weiss slowly returned her embrace. Why was she like this? Why was she so weak?

Why-why-why-why did this happen to her?

Weiss remained silent as her body continued to shake, taking in unsteady breaths. She didn't know how long Yu held her, but there was little the hero could do to comfort her. Once she was sure she wasn't going to burst out crying, Weiss released Yu from her hold.

Forcing herself to smile softly as Yu ran her hand through Weiss' hand, she placed a hand on top of Yu's, whose worried face only made Weiss feel even more guilty.

"Let's go set up my phone."

She was going to have to sing more once she was alone.

Come back to me.

Another short and sad chapter, but never fear! Wherever there is darkness, the light shines the brightest. Happier chapters shall come soon. Again, a thanks to all of my readers! You guys are awesome and help keep my muse alive. This story wouldn't be possible without you guys.
When I write, I try listening to songs that I feel would match the mood from RWBY, or songs that I plan on using sometime in the future.
Naturally, I won't reveal what those songs are until they are needed.

Question of the day:

Have you heard of the RWBY project with General Weiss?

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