Twenty Seven

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Weiss made sure that her eyes were closed as her fingers glided over the piano keys. Three days had passed since her meeting with Mr. Jirou, and each of those days Weiss found herself shut inside the Jirou's family's studio practicing and recording the two songs they had chosen. Currently they were focusing on Wings, which would be released first since the video from the music store kept gaining views. It was on the verge of hitting one million if Weiss' memory was correct, and it always was. Her fingers gently played each key perfectly as she poured her emotions into the song.

She lost track of how much time passed until she played the final key, its sound resonating throughout the recording room. Taking off the headphones she wore, Weiss turned her gaze towards the glass that showed Jirou and her parents looking at her from the control room. The three had worked hard, spending their time with Weiss going over the sheet music, and practicing their respective instruments.

"Great job Weiss!" Ms. Jirou said after pressing the intercom button. Jirou also gave her a thumbs up since she was a bit too far from the microphone.

"YEAH!" Mr. Jirou shouted, causing Weiss to flinch, which earned him a sigh from his daughter, and a jab from one of his wife's ears. "We just need to finish recording the guitar and drums. Once we finish layering the instruments, we can start recording your voice. How does that sound?"

Weiss nodded. "That's fine with me." She already knew about the production process, being heavily involved with the creation of her albums back on Remnant. Such a process took a lot of time, time that was sliced in half due to the finished song sitting in Weiss' head.

"You ready, babe?" Mr. Jirou turned towards Mrs. Jirou, who only grinned in response.

"Of course."


After recording Mrs. Jirou guitar two times to layer them on top of each other, Weiss and Jirou decided to take a short break while Mr. Jirou went over the recordings. Seated across from one another in the kitchen, Weiss took a small sip of water from her cup.

"So, what made you decide to become a singer?" Jirou asked, leaning her head against her hand, which she supported by placing her elbow on the table. Weiss' eyes didn't reveal any emotion, and placed the cup back on the table.

How much should she reveal? Jirou had been very helpful, introducing Weiss to her family, and even letting her use their personal studio. It was the least Weiss could do.

"It's a means to an end I suppose." Weiss said slowly. Her eyes met Jirou's, which flashed gold for just a second. "I'm sure you've noticed by now that I'm not related to Yu, and it's pretty easy to guess since I'm not Japanese." Weiss took a deep breath.

"I'm a refugee from Germany. My parents died trying to get me here, and I was alone for a while. Yu took me in and gave me a roof over my head." Yu did that without asking for anything in return. Weiss could count on both hands the amount of people who had done that. Jirou's eyes seemed saddened, but they were quickly hidden by her bangs.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked-"

"You deserve to know, after all the help you and your family have given me." Weiss' breath hitched, but she forced a smile on her face. "I guess it might sound selfish, but I want to sing so that I can make enough money to repay her for everything that she's done for me."

"I don't think that's selfish at all, and I'm sure that Yu and Ashido would both agree with me." Jirou countered.

"Why do you sing?" Weiss asked, changing the conversation before it got any deeper. Jirou could find out the truth if she continued to dig.

"Music is my life." Jirou shrugged. "Well, it was my life. I've been learning how to sing and play instruments since I was born." Her eyes turned to the hallway that led to the recording studio where her parents were. "By the time I could walk I could even play basic chords on the guitar."

"But I decided that I don't want to sing anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still love singing and everything that my parents taught me, but that's not my dream."

Weiss could understand that, having a dream. She had those when she was younger, before Winter abandoned her. She dreamed of being a world famous ice skater, but that dream was smashed when she became the heir to the SDC. What was her dream now? Wrestling the SDC from Father's hands? Being a famous singer? Becoming a huntress? Become a hero? Weiss Schnee didn't have a dream, not anymore.

"I want to be a hero." Jirou said confidently. "I already sent my application to UA, all I jeed fo do now is pass the entrance exam."

Now that took Weiss by surprise. Blinking slowly, Weiss started to laugh softly. Jirou seemed startled as Weiss covered her mouth to muffle her laugh. Was this fate?

"Great, now you're making fun of me." Jirou snarked. Weiss only waved her off as her laugh died off slowly.

"I'm not, I promise you." Weiss said after taking another sip of water. Perhaps she should take some with lemon before she started singing?

"Then what's so funny?" Jirou crossed her arms.

"It seems we're going to be stuck together in the future." Wesis said dryly. Jirou raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I also applied to UA." 

"Oh-" Jirou seemed shocked. "But what about your music?"

"I can do both." Weiss shrugged as she finished the water. They should probably start heading back to the studio.

"The only thing that would make this funnier would be Ashido going to UA as well." Jirou said, getting up from the table.

Now that would be hilarious, and highly improbable.

I'm not going to reveal the second song just yet, so stay on the edge of your seat! Another thing, I have no knowledge of producing/creating songs so I'm basically pulling stuff out of my ass and I'm using google.

Don't be scared if there isn't an update tomorrow. I'll be working on my webtoons scripts most likely. If I get those done in time there might be an update, but no promises.

Question of the day:

What are you looking forward to in our journey with Weiss?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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