Ninety Four

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Being a pro-hero wasn't an easy job, and it never will be. It meant never knowing what would be their next challenge, whether someone lived or died, whether they were crippled or saved without even a scratch. Being a pro meant facing danger head on, risking their life in the service of others. Kamui Woods wasn't afraid of fighting villains, or rushing into buildings that were falling apart. 

Mr. Ashido's jokes on the other hand, that's where Shinji drew the line. So when Weiss came into the room asking him to keep an eye on Takeyama since it was late at night, Shinji jumped at the opportunity to escape that hellish room, Ashido's puns were worse than Takeyama, much worse. 

Exiting Mt. Agency, and feeling the wind tussle his leaf like hair, Shinji looked both ways before crossing the street, stuffing his hands in his pocket. Weiss didn't say which corner store Takeyama had wandered off to, but he assumed it was the closest one the next street over. He would start there and work his way back. He was halfway down the street when he spotted an opening amongst the buildings. 

If his memory was right, that should easily lead him to the next street over. He could catch Takeyama if she was still at the store. Without another thought, he angled his legs towards the alleyway. Hopefully Takeyama learned her lesson about bad jokes, and wouldn't make any on their way back, they got annoying really fast. Taking a few steps into the filthy alleyway, Shinji's eyes widened. 

A couple feet away near the center was a deformed man with a red scarf, a bloody knife in his hand standing over a blonde woman-

"Takeyama!" Shinji shouted, throwing his right arm forward, sending tree branches towards her attacker. The Villain raised the sword he held on his opposite side and sliced a few pieces of wood before running away. Shinji threw his left arm forward launching more tree branches, but the Villain soon disappeared into the darkness. He scurried towards Mt. Lady's side. 

"Damn it!" As much as Shinji would like to chase after Takeyama was losing too much blood. She had been stabbed several times, and her blonde hair looked like parts of it had been dyed red. Aiming his arms towards her, tree branches slowly started to cover her body. He needed to get her to a hospital now! 

"You're not going to die on me now Takeyama." 


The Jirou's car hadn't even come to a complete stop when Weiss practically flew out, running towards the emergency room entrance. She slid in between the automatic doors the moment they opened, and with her heart pounding, everything seemed like a blur. Her heart dropped when she got Shinji's call. 

Weiss slammed her hand at the check in station, startling the nurse on duty. 

"I'm here for Yu Takeyama, I mean Takeyama Yu." Weiss fired off, her body shaking. What would she do without her? Yu, who had taken her and didn't ask for anything in return, Yu, who had held her when her nightmares were bad.  

The Nurse, who had four eyes, typed something into her computer, moving too slowly in Weiss' opinion. She needed to know how Yu was, if she was going to survive. 

"She just got here twenty minutes ago, and is currently in surgery, so you won't be able to see her at this moment." The Nurse said boredly. One eye stared at her. "Are you her guardian or family?" 

Weiss balled her hands into fist, and took a shaky breath. Pursing her lips together, she spoke. 



It took the doctors over two hours to stabilize Yu, in that time Jirou's and Ashido's stopped by with Momo to spend some time with her, but they left soon after once Weiss told them to leave. She needed to be alone, and school resumed tomorrow, it would be better for them to be well rested than tired alongside her. 

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