One Hundred Twenty Six

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Fear hung heavy in the air, like a stench that refused to go away. With the doors shut closed with a reinforced cover, and the elevators disabled, Mina and her friends were stuck. Yet, she did her best to keep her usual grin etched onto her face, despite her own worry. Keeping up morale was always important in an emergency. Kyouka, on the other hand, kept trying to mess with the elevator controls, to no avail. 

“It’s strange, why would the system go on high alert? That’s not the protocol for a bomb threat.” Melissa, Deku’s blonde girl friend, said. It took all of Mina’s self control to not burst out laughing, especially since Ochako was glaring at the blonde from her spot a few feet away. She seriously thought that Weiss was in love with the green haired boy? That was honestly the biggest joke of the century. 

“Yaoyorozu, Iida, we need to get to the party.” Midoriya spoke up next, with a serious expression on his face. He walked up to their class vice-president and secretary. 

“Really? Why would you want to go there?” Momo had a delicate hand on her chin, deep in thought. Iida mirrored her confusion. 

“Because that’s where we can find All Might.” The moment that name escaped Midoriya lips, the tension in the air lifted. Everything was going to be fine if the World Symbol of Peace and Justice was here. Weiss was going to be okay, wherever she was at that party. 

“All Might’s here?!” Ochako blurted out. The rest of their friends started whispering excitedly, aside from Mina and Kyouka. Weiss had already told them about the rumors that he had been spotted around the I-Expo. 

Everyone ignored her as Deku took charge. 

“Melissa, what’s the fastest way to get to the party without using the elevators?” Midoriya continued. Everyone turned towards the blonde girl with expectant eyes. 

“Yeah, we can take the emergency stairs.” Melissa turned her head towards an discret door in the corner of the lobby. “It won't take us directly towards the party, but it’ll be close enough.” 

“We’ll follow your lead then.” Momo’s usual small smile was gone, replaced by a grimace. “We need to figure out what’s going on.” 

“Yeah!” Mina pumped her fist in the air. They were all heroes-in-training after all, her friends could handle whatever was thrown at them, easy-peasy. 

Class 1-A was on the case. 


“Don’t worry, if you stay quiet there’ll be no reason to hurt anyone.” The Masked Villain continued to saunter around the room as his thugs kept their assault rifles aimed at the closest hostages near them. “We plan to release you safely when the time is right.” 

When the time is right? Not when their demands were met? Weiss narrowed her eyes as she sat besides Yu. That didn’t make any sense. Criminals who took hostages usually try to get a ransom in return, she knew that from personal experience. Back on Remnant, Weiss had seen countless members of SDC’s Board of Directors get taken hostage, good family friends and maids that were just taken one day by the White Fang. 

The higher ranked members would usually be ransomed back, or saved by elite squads of huntsmen from the Atlesian Military, the less fortunate, such as Weiss’ old nanny, ended up dead, just so the White Fang could send a message. This was bringing back too many memories, both new and old. 

“Don’t do anything rash.” Yu whispered low enough just for Weiss to catch. “We don’t want to risk any of the hostages.” 

“I know.” Weiss whispered back, glaring daggers at the nearest criminal. She could easily escape from these restraints, just a simple mental command and she could summon the Arma Gigas, but even its strength wouldn’t be able to guarantee the safety of the other hostages. Biding her time for an opening would be the best course of action for now. 

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