One Hundred Six

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School came soon enough, much to Weiss' displeasure. She was still exhausted from a week of sleepless nights, and Weiss was too busy thinking about Yu's words to get any meaningful rest. Weiss hated seeing Yu so disappointed, and sad, especially because it was her fault. Was the former heiress wrong for deciding to seek revenge against the Hero Killer, breaking several laws in the process? Weiss didn't even know anymore.

She rested her cheek on her hand, which was supported by her elbow sitting on her desk. Weiss had arrived to class early to avoid any crowds that may have decided to wait for her outside. Her internship under Kamui Woods wasn't exactly a secret, and with his new fame from capturing Stain caused some news reporters to start becoming a bit too curious in Weiss' opinion. And several of her classmates had interned under well known heroes, which meant more cameras and reporters. Too bad she didn't have the resources to silence them herself, but Detective Tsukauchi said not to worry about it, which was a relief.

There were many things Weiss had to worry about, such as finishing the soundtrack to the movie, growing her Dust supply, making things right with Yu, and...apologizing to her friends. Weiss hadn't properly apologized to Kyouka yet, despite the dark haired girl's success in finding her before she could cripple the Hero Killer, before Weiss made a huge mistake. And she hadn't spoken to Mina and Momo since their confrontation. She needed to make the first move.

It made Weiss' stomach hurt, remembering how she had pushed them away so harshly. Would they still want to be her friend, or were they done with her? Were they mad at her? If they were, it was understandable, Weiss had reacted similarly when Blake pushed them away in her one woman crusade against the White Fang.

In the end, history had repeated itself.

Weiss' musings were interrupted by the door sliding open and the sound of angry footsteps. Looking up with mild annoyance, Weiss had to cover her mouth with her free hand to stop herself from laughing.

The dog glared at her darkly, the redness of his neck quickly spreading to the top of his head, his once wild hair now stuck in an ugly bowl cut that didn't suit him one bit.

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE LOOKING AT!?" The dog shouted loudly, rage emanating off of his body, which was rather amusing.

Hopefully the others would arrive soon to distract the idiot, Weiss felt like she was losing her brain cells whenever he spoke to her.

"An ugly chihuahua."


More of her classmates started trickling in soon after, with some of the guys distracting the dog, finally returning Weiss' peace and quiet. Well, there wasn't much peace and quiet anyways with how loud the others were. Weiss kept her gaze fixated on the entrance, her right leg softly tapping against the floor.

Kyouka walked in, followed by Mina and Momo who were chatting happily. Weiss tried avoiding their gaze when they looked in her direction. What was she doing? Why was she scared? Weiss had been in life or death situations, where a single misstep could lead to a rather painful death. Weiss had fought a Maiden head on and held her own.

She abruptly stood up, her chair causing a slight screeching noise that her loud classmates muted, just as the trio started walking toward their desk.

"Weiss?" Mina spoke first, confusion easily visible on her pink face, with Momo mirroring the pinkettes expression. Kyouka looked the same as always, with an even, but surprised look.

"I'm sorry." Weiss bowed her head, clenching her hands into fist. The words felt rough on her lips, and foreign, she only started using that phrase after she joined Beacon, and even then it felt weird. "I shouldn't have pushed you all away, and-"

Someone touched the top of her head. Angling her eyes upwards, Mina's grin filled her vision, while Momo had a small smile of her own.

"Silly Weissy." Mina said. She patted Weiss' cheek and giggled. "You need to learn to relax more often. We know that you were just worried about us, right Momo?"

"Of course." Momo smiled brightly.

Relief started to flood Weiss' veins. They weren't mad! T-They still wanted to be friends...

"If you do this again I won't forgive you as easily though." Mina continued, her grin permanently etched onto her face.

That still sent a shiver down Weiss' spine.


"Long time no see boys and girls! How have y'all been?" All Might greeted the class with his usual grin. Everyone, minus Iida who had injured his arms somehow during his internship, were dressed in their costumes. "Since you all just came back from your internships, today's basic training shall be a rescue training race!"

Iida shot his right hand in the air and spoke without being called on. "If we're doing rescue training, then shouldn't we be at the USJ?"

Weiss rolled her eyes and stood closer to her friends, who easily towered over her.

"That place is for disaster training." All Might answered. "Anyways, do you remember what I said? Yes! I said that this shall be a race."

What was with UA and races?

"This is Field Gamma! It's a dense area with factories laid out like a labyrinth. You all shall be broken down into four groups of five, and go through the training one at a time."

Weiss narrowed her eyes. She would have to perform to the best of her abilities, without giving away her true origins. Her classmates, if they learned anything during their internships, should prove to be more of a challenge.

"When I send out a distress signal from somewhere inside, you'll all start at once from the outskirts. It's a race to see who shall rescue me first." All Might pointed a finger at the dog. "And try to minimize any damage."

"Stop pointing at me!" The dog shouted as a holographic screen formed behind the World Symbol of Peace.

"First group get to your positions!"


I have returned. It took me several days to write this since I lost all inspiration to write anything since I stared at an empty doc for a while.

Then I heard Uta's songs from One Piece Red which helped inspire me again and gave me some ideas, it lit a fire in me to start writing again. Sorry I took so long! I'm still struggling with deciding on Weiss' semester final, so Ill be taking suggestions until I write it!

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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