One Hundred Twenty Seven

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“Absolutely not, you are all out of your minds.” Iida said, his voice serious and his eyes hard. He has his arms crossed over his chest. “It seems you all managed to forget that we’re just students.”

Kyouka hated to admit it, but their class secretary did have a point. They were just first year students in the hero course, they didn’t even have their provisional licenses. She sat on the floor beside Kaminari with the rest of her friends. Iida, Momo and Melissa were the only ones who remained standing. Midoriya sat on his knees, his gaze aimed at the floor.

“I suggest we follow All Might’s instructions and try to find a way to call help.” Iida continued speaking. He turned to Momo for support, she was their deputy class representative after all, and held the respect of the entire class. Iida, while not hated, tended to get on everyone's nerves when he got wrapped up in his rules and standards. 

Momo’s pale skin turned bright red with everyone's attention on her. She must’ve been so stressed, especially with several of their classmates and friends missing. Kyouka was anxious as well, Weiss was still stuck in that room with All Might, surrounded by villains. She didn’t know whether to feel sorry for Weiss or the criminals, her white haired friend was the strongest person in class, and took down Stain The Hero Killer without a scratch.

Physically at least, emotionally Kyouka couldn’t tell. Weiss always kept everything close to her chest, which wasn’t healthy.

“I agree with Iida.” Momo spoke up. “We’re just students, we don't even have our license.”

“Yeah! We should just wait here until help arrives.” Kaminari added, doing his best to put on a brave front. Kyouka knew better though. They were scared, all of them. Bad things only seemed to happen to Class 1-A. First the USJ attack and now this. “Or we could try and get out here and try to get some help from the heroes outside.”

“That’s not going to be easy.” Melissa placed a finger on the point of her chin. “The security system here rivals that of the Tartarus Prison facility, where they keep all of the world’s most dangerous prisoners.”

That didn’t sound good.

“Then I guess all we can do is wait and sit this out until it's over.” Kaminari sighed. Something inside of Kyouka snapped as she ground her teeth together. Weiss was still trapped in there with all those civilians and captured heroes! While they may have had their fights recently, and Weiss could be a bit of a jerk sometimes, she was still Kyouka’s friend. Hell, they had other friends spread out all over the island also being held hostage and they didn't even know it! The dark haired girl felt Mina’s knowing stare.

“Are you okay with that Kaminari?” Kyouka stood up, keeping her voice firm, she needed to try and hide how scared she actually was.

“Yeah. What other choices do we have? We got lucky at the USJ!” Kaminari fired back with a shrug.

“Don’t you think we should try and stop them? We’re hero students, we’ve been training all semester!” Kyouka turned to look at the rest of her friends. Momo looked away, wrapping her arms around herself, while Iida remained silent, but stared at her.

“I agree.” Mineta stood up, placing a hand on Kaminari’s shoulder. “Our glorious goddess is captured, we must save her from captivity.” His face was set like a stone, with one tiny hand balled into a fist.

“And All Might and the other hostages too, right?” Mina added with a small grin, it made Kyouka smile too. She was great at trying to break the tension. The purple haired boy shrugged in response.

“They’re right.” Todoroki stared at his left hand, clenching and unclenching it several times. “We’re training to be pro-heroes, we need to do something.” 

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