Sixty Five

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The walk to the principal's office was a relatively short one. Weiss would have arrived earlier, but she somehow got lost and ended up getting directions from a nervous looking upperclassman who kept staring at the ground. He was nice enough Weiss supposed, though a bit too antisocial, just like Blake before the Fall of Beacon. Weiss sighed softly as she spotted the sign that said 'Principal's Office' in Kanji. She opened the door slowly, revealing a waiting room with a small desk and two couches. A woman with four eyes sat behind the desk, with one of them looking straight into Weiss' own. 

"Miss Schnee, Principal Nezu has been waiting for you." She pointed over her shoulder to a door that was on her right and Weiss' left. The door was similar to the ones that were all around the school, with the door reaching the roof to accomodate those with quirks that affected their size. 

"Thank you." Weiss nodded respectfully as she made sure her emotionless mask was on her face. What was going to happen behind those doors? Did someone manage to find out the truth about her? Was the Principal a big fan and wanted an autograph? 

The Secretary grunted a response as Weiss started walking in the direction of the door. Pausing just as her hands were touching the door handle, Weiss quickly straightened her uniform. She hadn't gotten a good look at Principal Nezu, only hearing his voice briefly near the end of the USJ incident when he arrived with reinforcements. She was busy trying not to breakdown in front of the class after making sure Mina and Kyouka were ok. Plus, Weiss didn't have time to google Principal Nezu's appearsnce due to her busy schedule. 

Hardening her eyes, Weiss pushed the door open slowly. Stepping in silently and closing the door behind her, Weiss' eyes started to dart around Principal Nezu's office. It was relatively simple, especially when compared to Professor Ozpin's office. Two couches faced each other in front of Principal's Nezu's desk, with a long table in between with a tea kettle sitting on it. 

Seated behind the desk was…the CUTEST WITTLE ANIMAL WEISS HAD EVER SEEN!

"Hello Miss Schnee!" Principal Nezu said, hopping off of his chair and walked around his desk. Principal Nezi's white fur was the same shade as Weiss' hair, with a nasty looking scar over his right eye, mirroring her own scar that went over her left eye. "If you're wondering if we're alternate versions of each other, you'll be disappointed with my singing." 

"Hello Principal Nezu." Weiss bowed politely, releasing the breath that was trapped in her throat. He was so cute! The Principal was a few feet shorter, making it seem that even Weiss was towering over him. It felt nice to be the tallest person in the room. "You wished to speak with me?" 

"Yes-yes. Please take a seat." Principal Nezu crawled onto one of the couches, in a rather adorable fashion, and motioned to the couch across from him. Weiss sat with her back straight and her mask on. Principal Nezu lifted the tea kettle and poured himself a cup of tea. "Would you like some Miss Schnee? Or would you prefer being called by your given name instead of your family name? I've met more than a few foreigners in my day you know." 

"Weiss is fine, Principal Nezu." Weiss eyed the tea kettle, its aroma infiltrating her nostrils. It did smell good, and it would be rude to refuse. "I would love some." 

Principal Nezu smiled as he poured another cup, handing the saucer and teacup to Weiss carefully. "Be careful Miss Weiss, it's still hot." 

"Thank you." Weiss said as she took a small sip, the hot liquid flowing down her throat. Her eyes narrowed slightly. What was the adorable little Principal up to? 

"Oh silly me, I forgot to introduce myself." Principal Nezu placed his tea saucer on the table after drinking a little. "That's right, it's me! Nezu, the one who could be a dog or a mouse or a bear, but most importantly, I'm the principal!" 

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