Eighty Four

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Weiss had trained her whole life, preparing her mind, body, and soul to defeat the creatures of Grimm. She dedicated herself to mastering the blade, turning herself into a living weapon alongside her glyphs. As a result, Weiss was proud to admit that she was one of the finest swordswoman there was, as far as she knew since weapons were really varied back on Remnant. 

But that didn't mean that Weiss was useless without Myrtenaster, or Dolt in this case. She knew how to kick someone where it would hurt them, and she wasn't afraid to throw a punch when she had to. Yang made sure to teach Ruby and Weiss the basics when it came to unarmed combat after their fight against Roman Torchwick in that stolen Atlesian mech. And while Weiss was nowhere near being a hand-to-hand master, she certainly wasn't a slouch that was going to go down without a fight. 

Electricity started sparking from Kaminari's arms as he started running towards her. Weiss took a small breath as time seemed to slow down, and she wasn't even using time dilation! Casually swinging Dolt even though Kaminari was still a few feet away, Weiss released her grip on the blade, sending it flying towards the yellow haired boy even as his sparks drew closer. She already emptied it of her Dust canisters, just in case. She would put them back in after the match was over. 

Dolt landed a foot in front of him. 

"YAH!" More electricity crackled as it spread around her opponent, and it would have struck Weiss except for one single reason. 

The science of this world was largely the same, aside from everything that should have used Dust back on Remnant. Metal still attracted lightning, so Weiss watched in amusement as Kaminari shouted with his eyes closed, all of his electricity directed towards her replacement blade. 

It would have been a waste of aura trying to tank all of that, but it would have been doable. Still, Weiss would prefer ending the fight decisively than taking a risk and ending up like Todoroki. 

Kaminari kept shouting for a few more seconds as he poured his all into the fight, until the electricity arcs finally stopped dancing and striking Dolt. 

"Hehe." Kaminari formed a stupid face as he gave two thumbs up. "Hehe." 

Sighing softly, Weiss launched herself towards him with a glyph, her right leg outstretched. She kicked him in the abdomen, switching to her left at the last second, sending the poor boy flying through the air and out of bounds. 


Weiss stopped listening, and instead did a curtsey with an imaginary skirt as the crowd cheered. She had to admit, that was rather disappointing. Did he really try to overpower her by short circuiting himself? Grabbing Dolt with a little flourish, Weiss marched back towards the entrance where she came from. 

At least she made it to the next round. 


Walking through the hallways after storing Dolt and inserting her limited supply of Dust, Weiss didn't find herself in a hurry to make it back to her seat. There were screens everywhere showing off the next match, which allowed Weiss to plan out any potential matchups. 

Tetsutetsu would be rather easy to fight, he had brute strength but no finesse. Monoma would be unpredictable, but if Weiss played it smartly she could beat him as well. With Todoroki out of the competition, the dog would be the only one to give her even just a sliver of a challenge. Midoriya's quirk was too self destructive, all Weiss had to do was dodge his attacks and allow his body to break itself apart. 

He hurt his finger during that testing Mr. Aizawa made them do the first day of school for Brother's sake. Taking a right at an intersection, Weiss paused since some idiot decided that they didn't want to look where there were going. 

"Schnee." Todoroki said in greeting, all of his determination gone. He looked rather sad actually. As much as Weiss disliked the younger boy, she did say she was going to try being nicer. She wasn't that spoiled brat who caused problems during the first semester of Beacon, not anymore. 

"Todoroki, nice showing out there." Weiss said a bit awkwardly. That whole potential family members thing from earlier was weird. "Shouldn't you be with the others? 

"I lost." He looked away. Damn, she didn't wsnt to, nor deal with the problems of others, but what would Ruby do? 

"And, you don't lose the war if you're defeated here and there." Weiss said sharply. "Besides, it's your fault for not using your quirk to its full potential. If you want to win, you use everything at your disposal." She tilted her head to look at his red hair. "And I do mean everything." 

Todoroki's mismatched eyes finally met hers. 

"You could have ended the fight in one blow if you had used your fire." Weiss shrugged. She was just saying things at this point. 

"Why are you telling me this?" He croaked. 

"You're in my way, literally." Weiss said dryly. "If we ever spar, I want you to go all out with your quirk." Just being polite and nice, totally not a mean person.


It took all of Weiss self control to stop herself from slapping her forehead or stomping off. Falling back into old habits was an easy thing to do. 

"Because its your quirk, duh. You're one of the strongest guys in class." Weiss rolled her eyes and moved to step around the idiot. "You really should listen to my music, buy an album or two." She flashed him an idol smile once she saw a few teachers walk by. 

Self control was important, but purposely hindering ones self was idiotic. Heh, if Weiss had a quirk like his then the Battle at Haven would have ended in their favor, and she would never have to be stranded in another world. 

Weiss started walking away, when Todoroki saod her name again. 


Turning her head ever so slightly to look at him with one eye, Weiss paused midstep. 


Todoroki's hands started to shake slightly. "Thwnk you." 

"Don't mention it." 

Like literally, don't ever bring this up again. Todoroki still made her feel uncomfortable after all that time he spent staring at her, and the whole family thing. She didn't need him investigating and finding the cracks in her cover story. 

 Weiss kept walking, never notcing the stare from a man on fire who was just around the corner. 


Almost time for the juicier fights and for the next arc, which I have been waiting to write for months. I guarantee its going to bring some cheers, some shock, and plenty of tears. Its going to be amazing and I'm sure no one will guess it. Plus it'll have more singing!

Thank you everyone for reading! Your views, likes, and comments are whats able to keep me going! Without you, I doubt I would have even been able to write Weiss taking the entrance exam. 


Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress! 

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