Fifty Eight

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Weiss was losing, there was no denying it. Even with her years of training, and honing her semblance, she stood no chance against the full might of the Spring Maiden, especially one that was an experienced bandit. Stupid Branwen tribe, stupid traitous Lionheart! They could have worked together to defeat Cinder and Salem, but they chose to be criminals. Weiss hated them! But most of all, Weiss hated herself for being so weak. That still wouldn't stop her from doing her best. She wouldn't disappoint her Team, disappoint the remnants of Team JNPR, and especially not herself. 

Weiss dodged a strike from the Spring Maiden's crescent blades, and parried a swing, using her glyphs to launch herself in the opposite direction of the bandit. Running a finger along Myrtenaster's blade as the Dust chamber rotated, the ancient Atlesian etching on the blade came to life, turning the blade orange. 

"Hyah!" Weiss swang Myrtenaster, unleashing a wave of flames directed towards her opponent. Vernal jumped back casually, avoiding the flames. She responded by firing a volley of bullets, forcing Weiss to form a glyph, the Dust chamber rotating to ice. A wall of ice rose from the glyph, providing her some measure of cover. 

There was only one way Weiss could change the tide. Aiming the tip of Myrtenaster's blade towards the ground in front of her, a glyph appeared, one decorated with images of a very familiar sword. The Arma Gigas, the very one that gave Weiss her signature scar could help to turn the tide! The glyph parted like a door as armored arms started to pull themselves out. 

It was half-formed when a yellow laser sliced through the ice wall, decapitating the weakened summon. 

"Damn it!" Weiss muttered, barely raising Myrtenaster in time to block another swing from the bandit. Vernal's evil blue eyes stared into Weiss' own as their weapons locked together. 

"Did you really think I was going to let you take the easy way out, Schnee?" The ugly woman growled. Weiss narrowed her eyes and formed a black glyph beneath her, launching herself away from the Spring Maiden. 

Vernal threw one of her crescent blades, forcing Weiss to form another glyph to deflect it midair. She caught her weapon easily, and started spraying bullets in Weiss' direction. Landing gracefully on the ground, Weiss launched herself back into the air, using Myrtenaster to deflect several bullets, and used her glyphs to dodge those that she couldn't. 

Launching herself away from Vernal again, Weiss landed on the ground, stabbing it just barely with Myrtenaster. The summoning glyph returned, an arm was formed when Vernal struck, her crescent blades slicing through the half-formed arm and locking with Myrtenaster. 

"You should have focused on fighting me instead of trying that again, you one trick beowolf." Vernal's feral grin would forever be locked into Weiss' nightmares. She fired a barrage of lasers straight at Weiss' chest, sending her flying through the air. 

She struck the ground hard, shattering her aura as pain suddenly flooded her body. Gritting her teeth, Weiss forced herself to her knees, using Myrtenaster to assist her. She was definitely going to be feeling that when this was over, or at least until her aura returned. 

"No!" Weiss heard Jaune scream from across the commons, his voice pained. Before Weiss could even turn around, she gasped in pain. Something had pierced her side, each breath causing Weiss to wince and shiver from the pain. Looking down at the golden spear that had impaled her, Weiss felt like screaming, but no noise escaped her throat.  

The golden spear disappeared, leaving a gaping, bloody hole in her side, with drops of her blood falling onto the ground. The ground rushed up to meet her. 

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