Ninety Six

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Several minutes passed as the class focused on writing their hero names and monikers. Weiss was done within a few seconds, which allowed her time to brood while everyone else worked on their assignments. The Hero Killer targeted Yu for a reason, especially since he left his usual hunting grounds in Hosu City, and while Yu was a rising star, she was nowhere near being a member of the Top Ten. No, the Hero Killer had another motive in mind when he targeted her, the stupid criminal. If these internships were mandatory, Weiss would have to choose an agency that was based here in Musutafu so she could continue her search.

"Okay everyone! Let's begin presenting your names with those who are ready." Midnight said from her spot in the front of the class, licking her lips as usual. That was starting to get old real fast, but it was better to get this over with than waiting for her own turn. Weiss' hand shot up in the air and to the side seconds before Aoyama the feminine blond guy could do the same.

"Miss Schnee, you shall go first then!" Midnight said. The way she said Weiss' name caused goosebumps to form on her skin. She sounded familiar, too familiar. Grabbing her white board, Weiss walked towards the front of the class, ignoring Kyouka's and Mina's concerned looks.

Standing behind the podium, and using the step stool she had left behind it to look taller, she revealed her board with little flourish.

"Weiss: The Shining Beacon Hero." Weiss kept her face neutral as the class started to whisper. She had written it in Valish, uh English. Midnight placed a hand on the point of her chin while the other rested on her bosom.

"Weiss…" Midnight mumbled loudly, which made the former huntress' eyes widen. W-Why did she sound like Winter when she spoke Mistralian?! Weiss wanted to die, she would literally kill to be able to hear her sister's voice once again, but the way Midnight spoke made her want to tear her ears off. 

She did not need to imagine Winter wearing such a lewd outfit, or speaking in such a scandalous manner.

"I'm already a public figure, so having a name different from my own would be confusing." Weiss explained. She hid the fact that she didn't want a 'hero name', and the other options that she had thought of would result in too many questions. RWBY the Snowflake Huntress Hero sounded more like a tongue twister than a professional name. "A beacon can be a source of hope, something I wish I could be one day." A beacon always gathered everyone's attention, so their focus would be on trying to hurt her, and not her friends. Hopefully it was good enough for Midnight so Weiss could be left to her own devices.

Plus, if the others ever found themselves in this world, they could find her, just like a light in the darkness. A fool's dream, but it was Weiss' dream. If that made her a fool, then so be it. Actions spoke louder than words.

"I like it!" Midnight wiggled. "And I'm sure that many are touched by your music, I know I am~." The way she said that made Weiss want to vomit, but she had enough self control to hide her disgust.

She better not see Winter wearing that when she goes to sleep later…


The rest of the class was boring, as Weiss watched with disinterest as her classmates presented their names. Until finally it was Mina's turn, the first of her friends to present their names. Friends…she would have to keep her distance until the Hero Killer was caught. There was only a single reason why the madman would come to Musutafu despite UA and numerous hero agency's based here.

He was coming for her, for some reason, but for the Killer it was reason enough to put Yu in the hospital. She would have died if it wasn't for Shinji.

"I'm going next!" Mina held her sign high in the air for everyone to see. "Hero name: Alien Queen!" That, was kinda stupid, but it worked in a weird way.

Schnee: Hero or Huntress (RWBY/MHA)Where stories live. Discover now