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The next day at school, classes passed by as usual. Weiss was a bit more quiet than usual, her voice sounded a bit raspy from pouring her emotions into song the night before, but it wasn't like she cared what people thought of her. The Path to Isolation was a private song, for her eyes only. Not even the rest of Team RWBY heard it, much less knew about its existence. No, that song would remain a secret for as long as Weiss lived. The class divided up as soon as the school day officially ended, with the more serious students sharpening their quirks and minds. 

Weiss would have loved to do the same, but she had to balance that personal training with dealing with Hatsume in the Development Studio, her new weapon was coming along nicely aside from the few new lumps Hatsume had growing on her head, courtesy of Mr. Power Loader's thrown wrenches. And now she had to attend something that she was already starting to regret. 


The white haired idol found herself standing in front of another door like the day before, except this time this one led to the counselor's room. Who was behind that door? She wished she knew the answer. If people back on Remnant, Weiss was sure she would have been Mantle's laughingstock. The Weiss Schnee not able to push her emotions down? To conceal them and not attract any Grimm? It would have been on every tabloid in all Four Kingdoms. 

Raising her left hand slowly, Weiss gently knocked on the door, carefully preparing her mask. Smile, don't let the quack know what she was really thinking, and most important of all, do not reveal anything about her true origin. Nobody, aside from Yu and Detective Tsukauchi, should know the truth. Her lungs took in a deep breath, filling themselves with air, and she opened the door upon her exhale. 

Quickly entering and closing the door behind her in case anyone saw, Weiss finally got a good look of the counseling room. It looked the exact same as Principal Nezu's office, albiet less decorated. A rather comfortable looking chair faced another longer chair that someone could lay on, with two couches in the center of the room facing each other, a coffee table sitting in between them. What caught Weiss' attention however, was not the furniture or the pile of dog treats sitting on the coffee table, but the large man-dog that sat behind the desk near the back of the room. 

A Beowolf snarled, snapping its ugly maw before Myrtenaster unleashed a wave of fire, disintergating it. Four more took its place, jumping into the burning village. Weiss rotated the Dust Chamber, landing on electricty as the time dilation glyph formed beneath her feet. Defend the village at all cost!

"-ss Schnee? Are you ok?" The dog faunus said, standing a few feet from her. 

Weiss' eyes widened, and she allowed her arm to drop, which had moved to her waist to grab Myrtenaster, who was still in its case back at the classroom. I-It moved without her even noticing.

"I'm fine." Weiss said, hardening her eyes again. "A pleasure to meet you Mr?"  

"Hound Dog. If you had been paying attention earlier you would have noticed, but you can call me Mr. Inui." Mr. Inui took a seat on one of the couches, towering over Weiss even while seated. That was a rather rude thing for him to say, but Weiss did blank out. "Please sit." 

"Thank you, Mr. Inui." Weiss sat on the couch across from him. UA really loved this setup huh, how unfortunate. They really needed to hire a better floor planner. 

"Toy?" Mr. Inui grabbed a rubber bone and held it out towards her, slobber still dripping from the pink thing. 

Barely able to hide her disgust as her lips curled, Weiss shook her head slowly. "No thank you." That was extremely unsanitary, and just plain nasty. 

"Suit yourself." Mr. Inui growled as he started chewing on it, more saliva forming as he shook his head side to side violently. Some drool landed on the sleeve of her blazer, causing a wet spot to form on the fabric. She would have to get that cleaned once she got home. Principal Nezu was much cuter than Hound Dog. 

The two sat there for a few minutes, the only noise in the room being the squeaky bone that Mr. Inui chewed on. 

"Aren't you going to ask me anything?" Weiss said, annoyance already starting to creep in. Just as she thought, this was a complete waste of time. There are more important things she had to do, things that wouldn't be as useless as this therapy session.

Mr. Inui glared at her, and allowed the chew toy to fall from his mouth, wiping the drool that hung from his snout with a tissue that he pulled out of his pocket. 

"Nooooooooooo!" He howled angrily. Mr. Inui held it for a few seconds, reaching a rather impressive high note Weiss had to admit. 

"So what are we going to do here then?" Weiss scoffed. What kind of therapist or counselor was he? 

"You are going to sit there until your hour is up." Mr. Inui pulled out his cellphone. Was it Weiss, or did his voice always sound angry? "I'm going to play solitaire." 

Weiss leaned back against the couch, her eyes focused on the Quack, or Bark should she say, as he started swiping at his phone. He started howling again. 

"Hoooowwwwwl!" Mr. Inui stopped and went back to swiping. Well, might as well get started on homework. Except she left her backpack at the classroom. Damn it! "Hoooooowwwl!" 

"Do you really have to do that?" Weiss crossed her arms. 

"Yes. I just beat my high scooooreeeeeee!" Mr. Inui's head pointed towards the roof as he howled. He turned his attention back to his game. "You should give it a try." 


"Why not? Let's make a deal. Beat me in a game of cards and I'll stop howling. If I win, you have to howl." Mr. Inui pulled out a box of cards out of his costume's pocket. 

"Or we don't play and I don't howl." Weiss raised an eyebrow.

"If you say sooooooooo!" Mr. Inui howles again, causing Weiss' scared eye to twitch. "The Ice Queen is scared of losing I guess." 

"I'm not scared." Weiss gritted through her teeth. 

You're a failure. 

"Then let's play. I'll even explain the rules to prove I'm not cheating." Mr. Inui started growling at that last sentence, barking for a few seconds afterwards. 

"Fine, let's play." Weiss snarled as she leaned forward as Mr. Inui started to shuffle the deck. 

"Now we're talking Ice Queeeeeeeeeen!" 

"I'm already starting to regret this." 


Writing Hound Dog was fun, and Weiss really needs therapy, especially after the last chapter. And with this, we are now in the Sports Festival arc! Sadly my writing is starting to slow down, but even if it does, I'm proud. I have never written this many words before for a story period, much less in less than four months. This story is my magnum opus. 

I should be fine, my copy of the RWBY manga Mirror Mirror which focuses on Weiss arrived yesterday. The art is gorgeous in my opinion. 

Question of the day:

How do you think Weiss will do during the Sports Festival? 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress! 

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