Fifty Four

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Everyone started panicking like a herd of wild animals as soon as the alarms came to life. Students stopped what they were doing, and started running towards the exit like villagers being herded into a trap set by bandits or the Creatures of Grimm. These were to be the Heroes of Tomorrow? The next generation of top Pro-Heroes? Granted most of them were from Support, General Studies and Management, but that was still disappointing, especially since Hero course students were among those running amok.

Leaving Yaoyorozu and Mineta behind, Weiss stood on a glyph, hovering over the stampeding crowd in the hallway near the exit sign. Thankfully, her stockings and safety shorts prevented anyone from giving her a sneaky look when they scrambled beneath her.

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN AND FORM A LINE! IF I SEE ANY PUSHING OR FIGHTING I'LL BEAT YOU UP MYSELF!" Weiss shouted while glaring at the wide-eyed crowd behind her. That's what Yang would have said right? "AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE FUTURE HEROES!"

She had no idea what caused the alarm, but if this was an attack like the one on Beacon, UA would have fallen by now judging by this reaction. The students of Beacon Academy fought with every fiber of their being, with more than a few of Weiss' classmates being slain by the White Fang, Grimm, or traitors Atlesian knights and paladins. She turned her hands into a fist, digging her manicured nails into her skin. The physical pain was better than dealing with those memories.

Spotting the members of Class 1-A that were struggling among the crowd, Weiss felt a sliver of satisfaction. At least the majority of her classmates weren't among the ones causing others to trip and be stepped on. Suddenly, a figure started floating in the air, a very familiar figure with glasses.

What was Iida doing-

He suddenly launched himself forward, sending him spinning right towards Weiss. Forming another glyph to her right, she jumped out of the way just as he slammed into the wall. Ouch, that looked like it hurt, especially without aura.

"Schnee! It's the media not an attack!" Iida forced out through his closed teeth. "Reporters managed to sneak onto campus!" He grabbed one of the bars of the exit sign to prevent himself from floating away. Uraraka must've been the one to do this. It would look weird coming from her since she's been screaming at them to evacuate in a proper manner.

Weiss nodded and motioned her hand that wasn't in a fist to the crowd. "Tell them."

Iida's eyes widened. "Why me? You're the Class rep-"

"Do it. This is an emergency. Don't question orders." Weiss narrowed her eyes, doing her best to imitate Winter. Iida nodded and turned his head to the crowd who had calmed down a bit.

"EVERYONE, EVERYTHING IS FINE! REPORTERS MANAGED TO SNEAK ONTO SCHOOL GROUNDS!" Iida's legs started to shake, so Weiss formed another glyph beneath his feet to support him. Iida stopped shouting since the crowd turned silent. He turned his head back to Weiss.

"As you can see, everything is fine." Weiss interjected before someone caused another panic. "We're all the future generation of Pro-Heroes! There's nothing to be afraid of…"

"PLUS ULTRA!" Weiss raised her fist in the air, cringing as she did so. There was no way she was ever going to say that again.

"PLUS ULTRA!" Several students shouted, causing others to echo UA's motto until everyone was shouting.

Not even the police sirens could get them to stop shouting. How annoying.


"And now it's time to decide on our class officers." Weiss stood behind the classroom's podium, Yaoyorozu standing beside her. Nobody noticed that she was standing on two boxes so she appeared to be the same height as the taller girl. While Weiss would prefer to cede the position of Class Rep to her deputy, or even Iida since he did well during the stampede, that would be irresponsible to those who had voted for her, which was about half the class. So, she could do the next best thing.

"I nominate Iida Tenya for secretary of Class 1-A." Weiss said loudly. Glasses looked up from his desk in shock. "Don't look at me like that. You did well during the emergency."

"Yeah man! You looked so manly when you were up by the emergency exit." Kirishima added with a grin. That earned Iida a slight blush on his face.

Uraraka and a few other students started talking over each other loudly, talking about how he deserved it. This was an important meeting, not a party. She would let them have their moment for now. Ignoring Mr. Aizawa's sleepy groan, Weiss kept her face indifferent.

Iida stood up dramatically and placed his hand over his heart. "I, Iida Tenya, promise to fulfill the duties of Class Secretary to my utmost ability!" He bowed sharply after that. Good, now Weiss could pass any extra work onto Yaoyorozu and Iida, along with the other class officers. That should be able to ease her burden.

"Yeah yeah. Now onto our next officer…"

Hopefully Yu was having a better day.

"Owowowow!" Yu groaned as she placed an icepack on her side. Some villain managed to take on Shinji, some other hero and herself, taking a family hostage until All Might came out of nowhere. She placed a smoothie she got for free against her forehead while Shinji's head laid on the table of the cafe they rested at.

"Weiss is going to kill me if she finds out."

This was the worst day ever.


"Today's Hero training shall be composed of three teachers." Mr. Aizawa was finally out of his sleeping bag after his rather long nap. He still sounded tired. "All Might, another hero and myself shall be overseeing today's training."

Weiss didn't like the sound of that.

"What are we going to be doing today? Ribbit." Tsuyu asked while raising her hand. It was a good question, one that Weiss was going to ask if no one else did.

Mr. Aizawa sighed and fumbled with his pockets for half a minute before pulling out a card with large blue letters. "Today we are going to be doing Rescue training. We'll be doing natural disasters to shipwrecks and everything in between."

Well that sounded easy enough. Training at Beacon included saving civilians from ravaged villages that were too remote for the Kingdom's military to intervene. This wasn't Remnant though, so there was still much for Weiss to learn. The class immediately started mumbling and whispering with excitement.

"Hey, I'm not done yet." Mr. Aizawa yawned. The class turned silent, just the way Weiss liked it. "You can choose whether or not to wear your hero costumes this time, since some of your costumes may limit your abilities to perform certain actions." He pressed a button on his remote, opening the lockers that held their outfits. Weiss would be taking hers of course.

"Training will be held off campus, so we're taking the bus. Start getting ready, I'm done now." Mr. Aizawa sauntered out of the classroom.

Now this was going to be a great learning experience.

I finished this one early so here it is! USJ time! I can't wait to see how it'll go down!

Of course, none of this would be possible without you dear readers! Thank you for all of your support!

Question of the day:

Are you ready for Weiss to let loose?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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