Fifty Five

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Less than a half hour later, the class gathered outside with most of them wearing their hero outfits. Many didn't wear their complete outfit, with the dog only wearing one of his bulky grenade gauntlets, others such as Iida and Uraraka didn't wear their headgear. Green Boy wore his gym uniform with some parts taken from his costume since it was damaged. Understandable since Mr. Aizawa did say some aspects of their hero costumes would only get in the way. That's why Weiss left behind the bow that was similar to Blakes. She didn't want it getting damaged because it got caught on something.

Iida stood at attention by Weiss' side. "Should we line them up by their class number so the boarding process can go smoothly?" He pulled a whistle out of nowhere, his face serious. Weiss gave him an indifferent side glance. Yup, he reminded her too much of how she used to be, strict, too serious, and a stick up his ass, but at least he was competent.

"No. We'll see how everyone handles it without strict instructions. Just have them form a line so we can board." Weiss shrugged. Iida nodded and was starting to move the whistle to his lips. "Don't you dare blow that whistle! Not while I'm still standing next to you."

Iida paused and bowed his head sharply. "My apologies Class Representative!" He held the whistle in his balled fist.

Weiss took a few steps away from him and covered her ears. "Now you can blow it." Blake would have murdered him on the spot for bringing that piece of metal out.

Iida's serious face lightened up a bit as he blew the whistle as loud as he could. "Everyone line up so we can get on the bus!" He even added some stiff arm movements as he spoke. Weiss was never meant to lead, she had learned that the hard way, but that wouldn't stop her from doing her best. At least this rescue training would provide useful information, unlike that combat training that Weiss easily won.

Hopefully she could sit next to Kyouka and Mina this time. 


Weiss did her best to stop herself from frowning, keeping her indifferent mask on her face. The class boarded the bus without any hassle, thanks to the supervision of Yaoyorozu and herself of course. Iida was the first one on board in order to make sure everyone was behaving, and by everyone she meant the stupid dog.

Mina and Kyouka sat in the front with their classroom's secretary, and Green Boy. Kirishima, feminine blond boy and Mineta, who tried to sit in the Weiss' section only to be blocked by the half white and red boy, were also with them. Now she was stuck with Yaoyorozu, the Half white and red Todoroki, Sero the tape boy, and the invisible girl who sat next to Weiss, completely in the nude. How did Weiss know she naked?

The only thing that indicated she was there were her floating gloves and boots. If that didn't work, her annoying voice made sure that you definitely knew she was there.

"Your hair is so silky! What kind of shampoo do you use? How about your conditioner?" Hagakure said cheerfully. "How do you maintain your voice? Do you eat raw eggs?" You're so pretty!"

"Regular shampoo, no, I drink tea, no, thank you." Weiss said sharply once Hagakure's lungs gave out. Yaoyorozu giggled softly, sitting across the aisle from Weiss, giving Myrtenaster not so discreet looks, but at least she was trying.

Todoroki on the other hand, kept giving her obvious looks, turning away quickly whenever they made eye contact. What a complete weirdo. He must've been a pervert or something with the amount of glances he took, and how flustered he looked afterwards.

"What's the deal with the sword?" Sero blurted out, his eyes focused on Weiss' prized blade. Finally someone with the courage to ask, instead of dancing around the issue.

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