One Hundred Twenty Two

908 42 11

"You're Weiss Schnee!" The blonde girl that had arrived with Midoriya exclaimed, much to Weiss' annoyance. She didn't let it show on her face, Weiss did have a public image to maintain after all. The blonde girl took a few steps in Weiss' direction, dragging Midoriya with her.

"H-Hi!" Midoriya squeaked shyly. He refused to meet Weiss' eyes, who did the same. She still felt uncomfortable around him, and it wasn't even Midoriya's fault.

"In the flesh." Weiss' idol smile formed with practiced ease, ignoring the green haired boy. Weiss spotted Kyouka glaring at her in the corner of her eyes. The bassist always did hate it when Weiss would act so 'fake' in public. She barely caught Mina's frown. "I'm afraid I don't know your name?"

"I'm Melissa Shield." The blonde girl said with a large smile. Melissa had Midoriya's arm intertwined with her elbow, pulling him close. Weiss gave their linked arms a brief glance before focusing her gaze on the pretty blonde girl. Melissa was easily taller than her, which was annoying. Why couldn't Weiss have been born tall like Winter? "I'm such a big fan! I love how you create versions of your songs in different languages, it really helps me with my Japanese."

Midoriya rubbed the back of his reddening neck with his free hand while Melissa pulled him even closer. He didn't seem to notice Uraraka glaring at his blonde girlfriend.

"Of course!" Weiss leaned back ever so slightly. "My goal is to conquer the world with my music after all, one language at a time." Melissa said that Weiss' music helped her with Japanese, was she also a foreigner? Her accent was a tad similar to Weiss'.

Kyouka slapped the back of Weiss' head, almost messing up her perfect yet imperfect ponytail. "You're not allowed to make that villain album."

"Hey!" Weiss complained, giving her friend a half-hearted glare. She ignored Mina's laughter and pushed the pink girl's index finger out of her face slowly. "That's just a concept that's never going to be released." It was Momo's idea anyway.

Melissa giggled and turned to the rest of the group. Everyone had pulled seats from the empty tables and crowded around the one Weiss had claimed."It's so wonderful to meet all of you. From what I saw of the UA Festival, you're all going to be top heroes one day!" Melissa's grin infected many of Weiss' friends and classmates. Weiss had plenty of self control, and the dog just sat there, scowling silently.

Surprisingly, Uraraka's glare never disappeared. Was she jealous? Weiss never really talked to the slightly taller girl, their social circles, while having Mina in common, never really interacted. Weiss talked with Iida more often, and only when it came to their duties as Class Representatives.

"Really?" Midoriya asked like an idiot. As a student of UA, he should've known better than to question that. Only the best were able to even make it into their high school. Weiss rolled her eyes with a frown. Kyouka pinched her arm when she thought no one was looking.

"Of course!" Melissa beamed brightly, finally letting go of Midoriya's arm and placing her hands on her hips. Weiss finally noticed that Uraraka's glare was now focused on her instead of the older blonde girl.

That was weird, Weiss hadn't insulted her yet.

If Himiko had a penny for each time she was working in a cafe that was visited by Weiss Schnee, she'd have two, which was weird. What was even weirder was seeing that green haired boy who ran away from her coffee stand in Hosu. That's right, she remembered that bastard who ran away when Himiko was in the middle of her sales pitch. Himiko should've investigated more when she realized that she had seen their four new waiter-interns before.

Himiko puffed her cheeks with air as she leaned against the counter of Roman's newest cafe in I-Island. She stared at the large group of UA students that were crowding around one of their outside tables. Their walls were made out of one way glass, since Roman thought that was fancy.

"They're still there, Dad." Himiko yawned. Roman was hiding in the kitchen, wearing a blue wig with a top hat, he had changed his bowler the moment he saw Weiss Schnee take a seat.

"I know, I'm missing an eye, not blind." Roman grumbled, making his voice several pitches higher. "We're so lucky I just so happen to be a master of disguise."

"If you say so." Himiko grumbled, turning her attention back towards the group of tourists. Everyone at UA was conventionally attractive, she guessed, except for that short Mineta guy. Everyone else was totally her type. She formed a toothy grin as the group obviously erupted into laughter.

It was so much fun watching all of them tear each other into pieces, or at least trying to. Except for Schnee, she was the most boring student at UA, winning the Sports Festival without even a single strand of hair out of place. Himiko's eyes drifted towards the green haired boy who was standing close to Schnee and the blonde girl with glasses. Watching him get beat bloodied was the highlight of the Sports Festival.

"Go out there and make some friends." Roman snorted, cleaning a glass cup. He didn't look particularly worried, like he had before whenever they ran into Schnee. "It'd be ironic if you could get close to the Ice Queen."

"I'm fine." Himiko's toothy grin disappeared as she reached for one of the blood lollipops she had hidden in her pocket, unwrapping it and sticking the lollipop in her mouth with ease. "I'm too weird to make friends."

At least Roman would always be in her corner.

Everyone got hungry after a while, with everyone taking a shine to Midoriya's new friend, Melissa Shield. Everyone except for Uraraka, who radiated a weird aura that made Weiss uncomfortable, even from across the table. The rest of the group had gone inside with Mineta, Kirishima, Kaminari and the dog to place their large order of food, leaving Weiss alone with the brown haired girl. Weiss gave Kyouka her credit card, since she didn't trust Mina to be responsible.

"This is the first time we've had a real conversation." Uraraka said, breaking the silence. Her voice was stiff, awkward. Weiss looked up from her phone briefly.

"I suppose it is." Weiss shrugged. They didn't have anything to talk about, aside from class. She turned her attention back to her phone.

"I know we're not that close, but I have a question that I really have to ask you." Uraraka continued. She twirled the fringes of her hair with her fingers nervously.

It'd be awkward if Weiss denied her, especially since they were alone. The white haired girl sighed internally and curtly nodded. "Sure. What is it?"

Uraraka blushed softly and looked away, refusing to meet Weiss' eyes. "D-Do you uh, have a crush on Midoriya?"

Weiss froze, nearly dropping her phone on the ground. W-What did she just say?

"What?" Weiss asked breathlessly, finally giving Uraraka her full attention. That was literally the last thing she expected anyone to ask her.

Uraraka narrowed her eyes and pressed the tips of her two index fingers together.

"Do you have a crush on Midoriya?"

Hell no.


Sorry I'm not able to update as often as I used to.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress! 

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