Twenty Four

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It took all of Weiss' self control to stop herself from slamming her head onto her desk over and over again. A few days had passed since her visit to the music store, and she still hadn't made any progress on what song to debut with, or which companies she should debut with first. She kept herself busy of course, still studying Japanese manners as well as making sure that her body was optimized for combat. With some help from Yu, Weiss already sent her application to UA. Now all she had to do was pass the entrance exam, which should be easy. 

Weiss was sure that nothing could compare to Professor Ozpin throwing all potential first year students off a cliff and into a dangerous forest filled with Grimm that would murder them on the spot if the fall didn't kill them. She passed with flying colors of course, using her Glyphs to land and fight her way through the forest. That was where Ruby became her partner after they made eye contact. 

Weiss glared at a sheepish looking Jaune, who was pinned to a tree several feet in the air by a very familiar looking mechashift weapon. The two stared at each other until she gave him a sneer. That idiotic buffoon was going to get himself and whoever he partnered up with killed. 

She walked away in the opposite direction, grabbing Ruby by her red hood so she could get as far away from the gold-digger as possible. 

"By no means does this make us friends." 

"You came back!" 

Weiss smiled at the memory. She was such a horrible person back then, it was a wonder she even made any friends. She missed them so much, but they would want her to move on. She would fight in their memory, and make them proud. Now if she could only make some money so she wouldn't continue to be in Yu's debt. 

"Why is this so hard?" Weiss grumbled as her phone started to buzz. She didn't need to look at her phone to know who was texting her. Ashido decided to make a group chat, adding Jirou and Weiss to create what she called, 'The Musical Trio'. Was it stupid consisidering that Ashido didn't know how to sing or how to play an instrument? Perhaps, but she did know how to dance. Yeah, that was a bad excuse for the name. The three had been texting ever since that fateful meeting. 

Grabbing her phone with a groan, Weiss looked through her messages. That meeting at the music store doubled the amount of contacts that she had before. 

Ashido: My Mom grounded me for 'running' away, so I can't leave the house unless it's for school :(

Jirou: That sucks. 

Ashido: I knoooow. So what are u guys up to? 

Weiss felt a grimace form on her face. While she was perfectly capable of handling herself in social events, this was out of her capabilities. She didn't know what teenagers in this world liked, or how they thought. Back home, most people only wanted to be her friend because she was a Schnee. 

That name had no meaning here. 

Jirou: I'm helping my Dad tune some of his instruments

Ashido: So coooool! Wat about u Weissy? I know ur there~ :D

Weiss groaned as she bit her bottom lip. What should she say? She didn't want to reveal too much personal information. Ashido lived in a completely different prefecture, which was good in Weiss' opinion. That meant the chance of running into the pink girl randomly on the street was low. Jirou, on the other hand, lived somewhere in the neighborhood, and while Weiss found herself tolerating the dark purple, almost black haired girl, better than Ashido, she didn't want to get close to anyone. Still, that was no reason to be rude. 

Weiss: I'm trying to pick a song to submit to a record company. 

That should work, it didn't reveal too much information, and hopefully Ashido took the hint that she was busy. The phone buzzed before Weiss could even place it on the desk. 

Ashido: Wait, u have more than just dat 1 song from d store? 

Weiss: Yes. I have several albums worth of songs. 

Jirou: Why don't you post videos of your singing online? You could get sponsorships if you want to go that route, without being tied to a contract. 

Weiss narrowed her eyes in thought. That could work, especially since she was going to start school in a few months if she passed the entrance exam, she most likely would. 

Ashido! Wow Jirou! How do u kno so much about dat stuff? 

Jirou: My parents are musicians, and my Dad's a composer. Music was my life I guess. 

Hmm, the idea was starting to appeal to Weiss, but she didn't have any funds to buy equipment. Yu wouldn't mind, but Weiss did mind. She would do this without placing a bigger burden upon her guardian. 

Weiss: I'm not sure…

Jirou: I can help you if you want. There's a small studio in my house. 

Weiss' eyes widened. That was a generous offer, but a part of her wanted to refuse. She didn't want to be in anyone's debt. 

Weiss: Are you sure? I don't want to impose. 

Jirou: It's fine. I'm sure Dad would enjoy hearing you sing. Just let me knos

Ashido: and if u ever need a dancer I'm here :)

These people were too nice to her. Would they change their tune if they ever found out about Weiss' past? 

Weiss: I see, well thank you. I appreciate the offer. 

Ashido: and speaking of enjoying Weissy sing, look at dis. 

Ashido sent a link. Weiss' finger paused as it hovered over the screen. What did Yu say about links again? Don't click on them unless you know the sender. Did she really know these two girls? They had been welcoming, even with Weiss' rather dry messages. She tapped on the link, the resulting video causing her phone to fall onto the desk. 

Someone had recorded her at the music store. 


This is the first time I've implemented 'text messages' in a story. Did it work out? I hope it did. 

I've spent my time listening to Weiss songs as I wrote this chapter. Since it's canon in this story that she wrote them, I read into the lyrics of Path to Isolation as well as other songs and came to a conclusion. 

Weiss will definitely need some type of therapy in future chapters. Being trapped in another world is just the tip of the iceberg with her emotional/mental health.  

Confession Of the day instead of question:

I can see Weiss becoming a Kpop idol more than a Jpop idol in my headcanon. 

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