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Weiss was used to seeing different types of architecture. The Schnee mansion was built using the designs of the old Atlassians given a modern twist, Valish buildings were built with a simple design to maximize the amount of space they had available, and Mistral's designs differed from place to place, but they all had flowing curves in common. When Yu told Weiss that they were heading to her hero agency building, she didn't know what to expect. The buildings they drove past seemed to be a mixture of Valish and Mistralian cultures, with a dash of other styles that Weiss couldn't recognize. 

What Weiss did not expect was an average multistory building with two giant horns on the roof. The fact that it was in the middle of the city only made it worse. 

"Is that safe?" Weiss asked slowly, holding her box closer as she stood in front of the rather unstable looking building. Yu walked up to her side, bags of food in hand. Another thing that Weiss didn't notice earlier, Yu was in fact, not a faunus despite what she initially thought, the horns were just a part of her costume. 

"Of course it is. The repair company did an excellent job fixing the room after that cave-in last month." Yu said casually with a grin. She gave Weiss a wink. "Don't worry, I'm the one that caused it anyway, so there's nothing you have to worry about." 

That just made Weiss worry even more. 

"Come on, let me show you around and then I'll show you the room where you'll be staying." Yu started walking towards the front door casually. Weiss gave the building one last lookover, and swallowed the saliva that had gathered in her mouth. Hopefully the building was up to code. 


Mt. Agency, as Yu called the building, was definitely not up to code, more specifically, it wasn't up to Weiss' code. Not that the building itself was terrible, the structure seemed solid enough with all of the renovating it must've gone through, Yu was just a really messy person it seemed. 

Carefully stepping over a bag of old chips, Weiss' eyes darted all over the living room. 

"Sorry about the mess. I wasn't expecting company, and I just went straight to bed after what happened last night." Yu said kicking over an empty soda can. Walking over to the kitchen, she placed the bags of food on the table. "Feel free to make yourself at home. Mi casa es tu casa." 

What did Yu just say? Casa? Great, now there's a language that Weiss didn't understand. Or was that some type of slang that this world's version of Mistralian came up with. 

"Thank you." 

Yu returned from the kitchen with a bottle of water, which she handed Weiss. Weiss grabbed it with her free hand with a small nod of thanks. 

"So this is the living room. I practically live here since I let the lease on my apartment finish. It's much cheaper than paying for two buildings." Yu said. "That's the kitchen over there. I'll have to go grocery shopping later, so the fridge is kinda empty at the moment." She pointed at various objects. "That's the TV, don't turn to channel Sixty-Nine after nighttime unless you want to scar your brain." 

Weiss' face formed a grimace. She knew what porn was, and Blake had several magazines hidden around their room back at Beacon. Yang almost died of embarrassment when she caught Ruby about to start reading one. 

"I see." Weiss said dryly. Yu gave her another smirk before leading her down a hallway. Trash was everywhere, with old wrappers and bottles decorating every free space available. 

"And this is your room! The door to your right down the hall is where I sleep. Downstairs is where I handle hero business, but feel free to explore. I don't have any interns or sidekicks yet, so you have the run of the whole place." Yu opened the door, revealing a rather modest bedroom, not that Weiss was complaining. She appreciated what the 'hero' was doing for her. 

"Thank you." Weiss' vocabulary seemed rather limited today. Words couldn't describe how grateful she felt that these strangers were helping, out of the goodness of their heart it would seem unless proven otherwise, but help was still help. 

"Decorate it, paint it, do whatever you want with it! The room is yours as long as you want to stay here!" Yu said as Weiss took a small step into her new room. 

"It's perfect." It was more than Weiss should have accepted. She felt bad, having to accept this much charity without being able to do anything in return. She would find a way to repay Yu as soon as possible. 

"If you get hungry, the food is on the table." Yu placed a hand on Weiss' shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile. "And I'm here if you ever want to talk." 

"Thank you." There were those two words again. Weiss forced a smile on her face, the ones she used whenever she was performing in front of large crowds. "I really appreciate it." 

Yu left soon after, leaving Weiss alone in her new room. Placing her box on her new bed, Weiss opened the box slowly. She had a limited supply of Dust, so she had to be careful with the amount she used until she could grow more. Her earrings could be used to create more ice Dust easily, but the other types would be a bit trickier. 

Tricky, but not impossible. Weiss was still a Schnee after all, and Dust might as well run through her veins. Carefully taking out her torn dress, she placed it on the bed. Once she was settled in and found a way to make some money, she was going to need to buy some new dresses. Weiss didn't want to ask Yu for money, she wouldn't be that shameless. 

Next, she grabbed her scroll. Thankfully she was still able to charge it, but it drew more than a few glances whenever she had it out. It held too many memories to be used in situations it could be destroyed. Weiss would have to keep it in a safe place. Activating the scroll, Weiss' fingers slipped and she pressed the button that opened her music gallery. 

"It starts with the unexpected loss of someone dear." The recording of Weiss' voice started to sing. This was one of the songs that she never released, she hadn't even showed Ruby and the others. The Path to Isolation was too personal, too raw to have someone hear. "The warmth that comforted and cradled, just disappeared." 

Weiss quickly pressed the off button, her shaking hand allowing the scroll to gently fall on the bed. She fought too hard to get back to her friends, suffered those months back in Atlas, hoping she could find a way back to her team. Did that mean her efforts went to waste? 

Perhaps, but at least Weiss managed to fight alongside them one last time. At least she got to hear Ruby's voice, and be able to admire Yang's golden hair. If only she could have seen Blake before all of this happened. 

Weiss hardened her eyes, and grabbed Myrtenaster's hilt. Weiss Schnee was a survivor, Weiss Schnee was a former student at Beacon, and Weiss Schnee was a member of Team RWBY, the best first year team from Beacon. 

Weiss wouldn't stop fighting, she would find her friends one day. Either in this life, or in the one that came after, Weiss would never stop looking for her loved ones-

A loud growl interrupted her inner monologue. Blushing softly, she placed Myrtenaster back in the box. 

Maybe she should take up Yu's offer to eat. 


HA, you thought there would be no update today, but it was me updating late! 

Now I want to see Weiss wearing the UA gym outfit. 

Anyways, should her 'hero costume' be a modification of her Atlas clothing from Volume 7-8? I want to see you guys opinion, I really enjot reading every comment. 

Question of the day

Who is your least favorite RWBY character? 

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