One Hundred Three

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Weiss sat on the concrete, her face blank as she stared at her stained hands. Kyouka sat next to her, throwing a blanket around the former heiress' shoulders. Several police officers closed off the alleyway where she forced Stain to fight her. Shinji used his quirk to restrain Yu's attacker, which allowed her to unsummon the Arma Gigas before the police arrived a few minutes later. It took a squad of armed police officers to escort Stain to their armored van, under the watchful eye of Detective Tsukauchi and Kamui Woods. A handful of other pro-heroes were there, but Weiss didn't recognize any of them.

"You should have stayed out of this." Weiss heard Detective Tsukauchi walk up to her once the van drove away, with several cars and an ambulance as an escort. Her anger, her rage had dissipated leaving her feeling rather tired. The weight of the past week was finally trying to crush her.

"Perhaps." Weiss said simply. She never expected Kyouka to appear, especially after how Weiss brushed her friends off at school. "But at least he won't be able to hurt anyone else."

A weak defense, but one nonetheless. Kyouka grabbed Weiss' hand, and started cleaning it with a disinfectant wipe. The paramedics had already given her a clean bill of health.

Was Weiss being selfish? Going after Stain on her own, and pushing everyone away so that they wouldn't get hurt? By not caring about the Hero Killer until Yu was hurt? Most likely, but she didn't care.

"You three are going to have to come with me." Detective Tsukauchi frowned. "The Chief is going to want to talk to you. We're already dealing with what happened in Hosu City earlier, so he won't be in the best of moods most likely."

Now that got Weiss' attention, who finally decided to look up. "What happened in Hosu?" That's where several of her classmates went right?

The Detective rubbed the back of his neck. "You'll find out on the news tomorrow anyways. There was an attack by a group of villains."

"An attack?" Kyouka spoke up. She sounded tired, physically and mentally. Weiss froze, her eyes widening. What did he mean by an attack? Villains? Terrorist? Another Fall of Beacon?

Detective Tsukauchi gave the area around them a quick look and whispered. Shinji looked away, keeping an eye on a pair of officers that were out of earshot.

"Three Nomu's, just like the ones at the USJ."


Today had either been the biggest coincidence since Weiss got here, or this was the plan of some heinous organization, like the Hand-guy who attacked the USJ. For all she knew, this could have been orchestrated by the same people, especially because of the Nomu. Still, that was out of Weiss' hands. The last time she acted instead of the professionals, she ended up betrayed and bleeding to death in some alleyway.

"Do you know how many laws you broke, woof?" Police Chief Tsuragamae said, sitting behind Shinji's desk at his hero agency. He had the head of a droopy dog, which made it hard to take him seriously. Apparently, his brother also happened to be the Chief of Police in Hosu. Did he also have a dog head? "The Hero Killer had several broken bones, multiple stab wounds and other injuries, he's currently receiving treatment under strict watch, woof."

Detective Tsukauchi hovered next to him, staying silent. Shinji was pacing across the room, his body just excluding nervousness. Kyouka was already sent home, since she didn't really do much, and was already questioned by the police.

"Since you're a student at UA, I assume that you know that the police place a high standard on leadership, and ensuring that Quirks are not used as weapons." The Chief narrowed his eyes. For her part, Weiss didn't reveal anything, she was too tired to argue, but what was a weapon?

That pencil on Shinji's desk, Weiss could kill someone with that just by throwing in, using her glyphs to turn it into a ranged weapon. A loaf of bread, or a frozen piece of fish could also be used to bash someone's head in. Anything and everything could be a weapon.

"Heroes emerged to fill the gaps that the police couldn't fill." Chief Tsuragamae ranted. "Even if he is the Hero Killer, you're an unlicensed student who caused injury with your quirk is a clear violation of the rules. Kamui Woods and yourself must receive punishment."

"Kamui didn't do anything." Weiss spoke up, keeping her voice as polite as possible. Talks like these often broke down when one side started to get angry. "I ran away, and I did catch him, which is more than I can say compared to the other pro-heroes on the case." Weiss smirked. "Or the police."

"Are you saying that because you caught him, it's ok to bend the rules." The Chief kept his composure. "If everyone did that then where did the line end?"

"If a child falls in crocodile-infested waters, do I wait for someone to move the 'No Jumping in the water' sign before helping?" Weiss questioned. "Heroes save people, isn't that their job."

"And that is why you're still in training, woof. I wonder what they're teaching you at UA." Chief Tsuragamae scratched behind one of his long ears.

"That was the official stance of the Musutafu Police department?" Detective Tsukauchi spoke this time.

"The punishment would only apply if this was all made public, woof. If this was made public, you'd probably be praised by the general public, but you wouldn't be able to escape punishment." The Chief took over again. "The official story will be that Kamui Woods captured the Hero Killer, with the stab wounds coming from his own sword after attempting to murder you, woof."

Classic bureaucrats, they didn't want to admit that a student was able to do what they couldn't with dozens if not more police officers and heroes.

"You will still be punished for endangering your life, but it won't be as severe as the one you would receive if this all went public." It was the Chief's turn to smirk this time. "I have already spoken with Principal Nezu."

Oh no, not that manipulative cutie.

"And we both agreed that several reports on proper hero conduct and procedures should be good enough for now, twenty pages long, as well as another session of your extracurricular activity, with someone of your choice." The Chief said. "Woof."

Extracurricular activity? Oh, he meant another therapy session. How annoying, Weiss didn't have time for that. Well, at least he said someone of her choice.

"Unofficially, Kamui Woods license will be suspended for two weeks for endangering a minor" The Chief turned to Shinji. "This will also be off the record in case some wannabe journalist delves into what does not concern them. Officially, you will be on vacation." Hopefully this won't affect his ranking.

"Sadly, you won't be able to receive the praise that you probably would have gotten, as a future hero and an idol. Still, as a fellow protector of peace." The Chief stood up from Shinji's seat and bowed deeply towards Weiss "Thank you."

Weiss really wanted to go to sleep, and see Yu.

"Rising star Kamui Woods has caught the infamous Hero Killer known as Stain, just last night in Musutafu. This comes after the attempted murder of Mt. Lady, one of the Arbor hero's known-"

Tomura disintegrated the television with a snarl, using his good hand. He hated it, all of the attention that the assassin gained after rejecting his offer to join the League. His missing finger was still regrowing, it was going to take multiple sessions according to Him.

"We ended up being the side quest." Tomura said dryly. They ended up pushed to the side, even with the intervention of Endeavor and those three annoying UA students. Still, at least he managed to get Torchwick to wet his pants.

"That won't happen again."

Next chapter shall be the finale for the Stain/Internship arc. I'll be showing the POV of those who may have different internships. If someone isn't shown, assume that they have taken the same one.

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