Ninety Five

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Shinji was tired, and he almost fell asleep outside of Takeyama's room a few times much to his annoyance. He was supposed to be one of the best pro-heroes of his generation, yet one of his teammates, another rising star, was attacked not even a block away from her own agency, in the city where UA itself was based. The door to Takeyama's room slid open, which made him stand up. Weiss pulled off the protective gown and mask, stuffing them in a nearby trash can. She looked like she was going to fall over at any minute as she started walking in the opposite direction. 

"They said we can't stay the night since this is the ICU." Shinji said as he ran up to her side. Weiss' blue eyes were reddish, with tear marks running down her swollen face. The bags under her eyes made her seem her real age. 

"I wasn't planning on staying the night." Weiss croaked as they stopped in front of a pair of elevators. 

Shinji placed a hand on her shoulder, which earned him a tired glare. "I'll take you home and stay the night, so you won't be alone in case he tries something again." 

"I'm fine." She looked away as the elevator doors opened. Thankfully it was empty, more people had started to recognize the Idol since her victory during the UA Sports Festival. "There's something that I have to do." They both walked into the elevator. 

"That includes going to sleep and getting ready for school tomorrow, right? And definitely not hunting down the Hero Killer because that would be a terrible idea in your current condition." Shinji said. She stared at him out of the corner of her right eye. After a half minute of silence, Weiss sighed. 

"Of course, I'm not an idiot that's about to run into a fight with a known killer with preparation." Weiss' hoarse voice said dryly. The elevator dinged, and the doors opened, revealing a nurse with a patient in a wheelchair. The both of them stared at Weiss in awe, only for the white haired girl to stomp away without a word. 

Shinji followed her naturally. 

"Good." He stretched his arms behind his neck. Takeyama wouldn't want her ward worrying, and while Shinji wasn't particularly close to Japan's Ice Princess, he would do his best to look out for her. "Now let's get you home so you can rest, Takeyama would want you to go to school instead of worrying over her." Weiss remained silent. 

The news reporters were already outside. 


Why did it always rain when something bad happened? It rained on Weiss' birthday, when Father told Mother that he had only married her for the Schnee name, it had rained the day Father kicked Winter out of Schnee Manor when she decided to join the military. And now it rained as Weiss walked into UA, a white umbrella shielding her from nature's tears. 

She would have prefered staying at Mt. Agency, or the hospital's waiting room instead of going to school, but Shinji was right. Yu would have wanted her to focus on her studies. Weiss disliked the stares everyone was giving her, and she could hear them whispering behind her back, most of them talking about her victory, while others had most likely seen the news about the Hero Killer coming to Musutafu. At least they got out of the way after she glared at them, the annoying pest.

Standing outside of her classroom's door, Weiss could already hear the laughter from her fellow students. She took a deep breath, and slid the door open, which made everyone turn to look at her. 

"There's our Champ!" Kirishima grinned, pumping his right arm in the air. Hagakure and Sero joined him. The dog was there too, but he was quiet, staring at the front board blankly. 

"UA's Ice Queen!" Someone else said, not that Weiss was paying attention anymore. Ignoring the idiots, she started walking towards her desk when a familiar form decided to block her way.  

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