Sixty Three

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Weiss arrived home much later than usual, with Detective Tsukauchi arriving with several police officers to question everyone. It had taken a while, but they were allowed to leave once they were done. Weiss opted to wait for her friends. Kyouka lived in the same neighborhood, and Mina's bus station was on the way back to Mt. Agency. Yaoyorozu had her own private driver waiting for her. 

Yu wasn't home yet, judging by the light she left on in the office downstairs which she used to signal Weiss if she was home or not. Silently walking into the elevator, Weiss' eyes darted around the rooms she walked by, examining every nook and cranny. What if those same villains planned another attack? What if those creeps that wore her defaced merchandise decided to attack her in her new home? Or Yu? Weiss didn't like the thought of Yu being hurt, or injured. That's why she started to teach the older woman how to defend herself more effectively. 

The elevator arrived at the residential floor, the lights on as usual. Yu was wasting electricity, and needed to learn to manage her finances better. Weiss couldn't do all of her paperwork forever. Speaking of the blonde woman, the school must have not informed her, otherwise she would have been here already. Walking down the hall into her room, and placing Myrtenaster's case on the ground, which Detective Tsukauchi allowed her to bring back home after a quick inspection, not that Weiss wasn't going to let anyone part her from her beloved blade, but it was a nice effort on his part, Weiss collapsed on her bed. 

She stared at her shaking left hand. That was too close, way too close, and the villain's attack reminded her way too much of the Fall of Beacon. Weiss squeezed her eyes shut as visions of her friends started playing through her mind. 

Yang was unconscious on the ground, her right arm missing at the elbow. Blake laid next to her, a wound in her stomach that allowed Weiss to see the insides of her faunus friend. She almost threw up. Qrow arrived at the extraction point, a battered and unconscious Ruby in his hands. Weiss could do nothing but watch as Atlesian and Valish soldiers scrambled around her. 

Weiss needed to become stronger, to become faster. She tightened her shaking hand into a fist and slammed it on the ground with a scream, a surge of pain rushing her nerves since she didn't use her aura. She got lucky this time, with Kyouka and Mina coming out unharmed, but luck wouldn't always be on her side. 

The former Schnee heiress couldn't lose anymore friends. Grabbing a pillow from her bed, Weiss screamed into it for a few seconds. Her breathing quickened as well. Could she do this? There weren't any Grimm in this world to attract? She sat there in silence for who knows how long, before finally dragging herself to her backpack, taking out her lyric notebook. Pouring her emotions into her music always made her feel better, even if it was just a little bit. 

Weiss turned to the page with the main song, it's lyrics almost finished. The melody was already starting to form in her head, hopefully focusing on this could distract her from her wayward thoughts. Once she was done, she could start on the other songs for the soundtrack. Hmm, what should she name it? Coming up with titles was often harder than writing the song. Weiss' fingernails dug into her skin. 

"A hero keeps fighting no matter the odds!" All Might grinned as he delivered another punch to Nomu's face, his torn clothing replaced by one of his many hero costumes. 

Oh, that would be perfect. 



The world of a school principal never ended, not that Nezu minded. His job was to train the next generation of heroes, to ensure that they could protect the people, and to make sure that his students were safe. Of course, he needed to do research before making any moves and jumping to conclusions. 

Nezu sat alone in his office, his eyes scanning his computer screen. He had already known that Miss Schnee was going to be a rather interesting individual, but to this extent? Now that was quite surprising. He expected the other humans, Todoroki, Bakugo and Midoriya, All Might's chosen successor, to cause more problems for Class 1-A. Kan was doing a good job with the more silent 1-B. 

Miss Schnee's application was rather interesting, as well as her public profile. Born in Germany around fifteen years ago in a nondescript town, her family decided to move to Japan when their airplane was hijacked and crashed, with Miss Schnee being the only survivor. How convenient, but rather sad if it was true. Was the hijacking planned? Or was it a simple coincidence. Either way, he would have to give her his condolences if it's brought up in their conversation. Nezu would have to do more digging into the German government at a later date. 

About eight to nine months ago, Miss Schnee was found bleeding to death in an alleyway by one Mt. Lady who also served as her guardian. The officer assigned to the case? One Tsukauchi Naomasa, another interesting element. Nezu took a sip of coffee. Tea would be better in the morning. 

The information on Miss Schnee's parents were almost bare, detailing their date of birth, date of death, and birthplace along with their names. It would have been able to fool anyone else, but not Nezu with his superior intelligence. 

"It seems that Toshinori was worried for no reason." Nezu said to himself, leaning back in his seat. The young Idol's quirks, while versatile, didn't seem too far fetched  since they all held her glyphs in common. Quirk marriages were still legal in Germany, which could help explain her abilities. Could she be the result of generations of breeding? The white knight from the recordings also appeared from a snowflake-like glyph. Just because she might not be an agent for All For One, didn't mean that there was more to the eye when it came to her quirk. The possibility that she was trained to be a human weapon was still there. 

Nezu grabbed his phone, and entered the number that he really shouldn't be calling at night when alone. 

"Helloooo.." Midnight's husky voice answered. 

"I hope I didn't catch you while you were asleep! I would like to ask you something." Nezu said happily, changing the page to some lyric website. Miss Schnee prided herself on writing on her producing her own music, which would prove helpful to Nezu's investigation. Music was the gateway to the soul after all. 

"Of course not, Mr. Principal." Midnight giggled. "It must be important if you're calling me outside of work hours. Feel free to ask me anything." 

"What can you tell me about Mt. Lady? I heard that the two of you are rather close friends." Nezu said. The lyrics to some of Miss Schnee's songs definitely implied some form of parental abuse. Why did her parents decide to relocate their family? 

Midnight ended the phone call without another word. 

"Hello? Helllloooo?" Nezu shrugged and took another sip of his coffee, immediately spitting it back into the cup. Cold coffee was the worst, but this one tasted particularly bad. The research period was over, now he just needed to make sure to choose his words carefully. Nezu gave his coffee cup another glance. 

Note to self, never buy coffee from a man in a bowler hat. 


I finished this chapter yesterday. As usual, I hope it was enjoyable. We're almost to 100k words! Time to try to buy the Weiss funko in her volume 1 outfit to go with my chibi volume 4 Weiss.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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