One Hundred Seven

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Weiss stood with the rest of the class as they stared at the huge screen that was set up for them. The cameras hidden around Field Gamma zoomed in on those participating first, already in their positions. Ojiro, Iida, Sero, Midoriya and Mina had been chosen to participate first. With Iida's injury, the only other person that could beat Mina in reaching All Might would be Sero, his quirk allowing him to easily navigate through Field Gamma. Ojiro wasn' that special, in all honesty, his quirk wasn't well suited for a race, unless the others had a bad sense of direction. And Midoriya, well Weiss didn't have to say much about the boy who broke his body after each of his quirk.

"Iida hasn't completely recovered right?" Someone beside her said, Weiss didn't bother to check who it was. "He should have sat this one out and watched."

"This group has almost everyone in the class with good mobility." Someone else replied as Weiss stared at the screen, Momo and Kyoula sitting on the floor beside her. For her own part, the Idol remained standing with her arms crossed.

"Midoriya is at a slight disadvantage here." Momo spoke up.

"That's putting it mildly." Weiss said evenly.

"I'm still not sure how good he is." Kyouka added. Naturally, everyone always paid extra attention to the first round.

"He relies on brute strength to win. Midoriya has no finesse or skill, but I will admit he's determined." Weiss shrugged. Whether that was good or bad was yet to be seen. "Each use of his quirk will just end up injuring him." Weiss spotted Uraraka glaring at her from the corner of her eye. The screen showed the younger boy stretching.

"Who do y'all think will win?! I think Sero'll be first." Kirishima said loudly with his usual large grin.

"Ojiro!" Kaminari answered, flashing Kyouka a wink who didn't give him any attention.

"Deku will be last." The dog growled. What's a deku? Great, did rabies infect the dog's brain?

"Here we go!" All Might's voice echoed from the speakers. "Start!" A loud alarm screamed briefly.

The large screen danced between the five of Weiss' classmates, with Sero flying high in the air thanks to tape, like some kind of spider man. A number one was placed in the top right corner.

"Smart, he's going up to find a vantage point." Weiss murmured to herself. That would put Mina at a disadvantage, and was exactly what Weiss would do once it was her turn.

"Since Sero's pretty good in the air, that means he has the advantage for now." Shoji said, turning one of his appendages into a mouth.

Suddenly, a blur of green rushed past the Taping Hero, causing Weiss' eyes to widen. Bouncing on the pipes with a green energy radiating off of him, he easily sped past Sero. Recovering quickly, Weiss glared at the screen. There was no way someone could get that much control of their quirk over a simple week.

"Wow Midoriya! What's with those moves?" One of the boys commented. Midoriya used the environment to advance, using his legs instead of his arms.

"H-He's hopping like…" Uraraka stammered, did she also not expect this? Weiss pressed her lips into a thin line. She had seen those movements before, using her glyphs to launch herself to victory, and the way Midoriya hopped in the air.

He combined her movements with the dog's way of moving through the air. Judging by the way the others were side eyeing the dog and herself, they had also figured it out. Weiss' hand instinctively went to Dolt's handle and squeezed.

While she was busy hunting down Stain, she had neglected to learn anything from her internship, and now the others were starting to catch up.

The screen focused on the green boy as he jumped and hopped, until he finally made a misstep and fell to the ground. Weiss had stopped paying attention by the time Sero ended up being the winner, until All Might's voice forced her out of her stupor.

"Even though Sero may have won, you all have gotten much better at using your quirks. Keep going like this and start preparing for your final exams!" All Might grinned proudly. Everyone was starting to improve, and quickly at that, all while Weiss remained the same. That was going to have to change, any extra free time she had would have to go into her training.

"Yes Sir!" The five members of group one said in unison.

"Group one you may leave the field. Next group, get ready!"

Weiss wasn't going to hold back anymore.


"Is it me, or did Weissy seem even more determined today?" Mina joked as she slid on her white shirt which was unbuttoned, and was quite revealing. This was weird at first, being practically naked amongst her classmates, but it was a cultural thing apparently.

Back on Remnant, everyone took their own turn in the restrooms, and usually came out once they were fully dressed. The main exception was Yang who liked to flaunt her assets to the smaller Weiss.

"Shhh!" Kyouka said, plugging her earphone jack into the wall, right beside a small hole.

"I can't let all of you pass me up." Weiss said anyways, ignoring the glare Kyouka shot in her direction. She finished with the top button and grabbed her blazer. The former heiress always rushed to change in and out of costume.

She didn't need anyone questioning any of the scars that marked her otherwise perfect body.

"I said shhh!" Kyouka grumbled as she focused on the wall. She was so distracted that she only wore her skirt and sports bra. One earphone jack rushed into the small hole, and a small scream came from the other side.

"What is it? Ribbit." Asui said while in the middle of taking off her costume's top.

"It's the boys." Kyouka's face darkened. "They were trying to get a little peak."

"How despicable. We should close this up right away." Momo had her hair down, and wasn't wearing her utility belt despite still being in costume.

Weiss ignored them, grabbed Dolt from its case next to her neatly folded costume without a word, and started walking towards the exit, a sour look on her face.


A fun chapter, or at least I hope it was. I'm slowly getting back into the groove of writing, but it'll be a while before I update every other day like I used to.

Warner Brothers should have hired me to do a MHA/RWBY movie instead of that Justice League one.

Question of the day:

What actors and actresses would you fancast for Schnee: Hero or Huntress?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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