Forty Eight

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The rest of the class's hero costumes were as varied as their quirks. She already had an idea how Mina's and Kyouka would look, having been there when they drew the concepts for their costumes before sending it along with their quirk registration in order to get their clothing allowance. Mina wore a green and purple jumpsuit with protective boots that fell right below her knee. At Weiss' suggestion, she wore goggles instead of a simple mask to protect her eyes from her own acid. Around her shoulders was a short bolero with fuzz around the edges. Kyouka was the simplest of the trio, with heavy boots, leather jacket, white fingerless gloves, and a rather torn looking t-shirt. If it worked for them, who was Weiss to say otherwise?

Standing in the middle of the Battle Center away from the majority of her classmates, Weiss' eyes slowly scanned her potential sparring partners. Weiss was used to extravagant or weird clothing, she wore a white mini-dress to battle for crying out loud! Even wearing a slightly shorter one at that fateful Battle of Haven. Still, some of these outfits seemed rather impractical.

Yaoyorozu wore a rather revealing outfit, even by Yang's standards, which was basically a short leotard with a slit that went from her cleavage to her navel. It offered little to no protection, and since she didn't have aura, a bullet could easily pierce their outfits. That went for Mina and Kyouka as well, unless their clothing was made out of resistant materials. At least Weiss had her aura and her new gauntlet to offer some protection. The dog's large grenade gauntlets also seemed impractical, unless he had some sort of secret weapon hidden in there.

There were some practical costumes, such as Iida's, who wore a full suit of armor with exhaust pipes on his legs. With his quirk and depending on how heavy it was, his speed shouldn't be compromised. Others, Weiss couldn't form a solid opinion on-and wait is that a diaper? Mineta the Ball boy waddled through the group, wearing yellow gloves, a purple mask and shirt, and some weird diaper bowl. Weiss kinda felt bad for him, unless that was his chosen design.

Her own costume was designed to go along with her fighting style, and to honor her Team. The dress, a combination of her Atlas dress and her favorite white dress, symbolized how she would never forget her home, along with the aspects she had taken from her teammates. Plus her new gauntlet could function as a weapon should she be disarmed. Nobody would want to be punched by it, especially if it was covered in her aura.

The class divided themselves into cliques as they approached All Might, who's grin was just as wide as it was in the classroom. Kaminari, the yellow haired boy who was always around Kyouka, kept giving Weiss nervous glances. Actually, most of her classmates that walked alongside her gave Myrtenaster weird glances. Had they never seen a Dust Multi-Action rapier before? Or a sword in general? Most likely yes, they probably were confused on why Weiss was the only one with an actual weapon here.

"Now it's time for combat training!" All Might declared. Weiss had to stand near the front to be able to see clearly, not wanting her vision to be obscured like it had in the classroom. She stood next to the frog faunus, Tsuyu, if her memory was correct, and it usually was. On her right side stood Glasses-uh Iida. It would be for the best if she started calling her classmates by their name and not the nicknames she came up with for each of them. It would be embarrassing if any slipped in a conversation, and it was rude.

"Sir! Since we are in one of the Battle Centers from the entrance exam, are we going to be performing mock urban battles?" Iida raised his arm stiffly, probably blocking the view for the shorter students behind him. No, Weiss wasn't being petty!

"Nope!" All Might held up two fingers. "Today we are moving ahead two steps! Most of the time, the fights you see with villains on the news happen outdoors, but if you look at the statistics, villains appear indoors at an even higher rate."

Ah, so they were going to do indoor combat training. That should be easy enough.

"Truly inteligent villains hide in the shadows to conduct their business." All Might never stopped grinning as he spoke. He seemed wiser than Mr. Aizawa at least, which was a good thing.

"For this exercise, you shall be split in heroes and villains and fight two-on-two indoor battles."

If Ruby was here, this would have been a breeze. Well, time to see who her partner for this exercise would be. Whoever it was would affect any strategies Weiss could come up with.

"We're going to do this without any training?" Tsuyu asked with a finger on her cheek.

"You shall learn the basics in this exercise." All Might tightened his fist. "The best training comes from a real battle. The only difference is that your opponents won't sit around to be beaten up like those robots."

"And how will the winners and losers be determined?" Weiss asked. Professor Goodwitch's rules stated that the fight would continue until someone relented, stepped out of bounds, or had their aura in the red. She was sure that things would be different here.

With that, a tidal wave of questions started to flood the air, a drop of sweat forming on All Might's forehead.

"No worries! I shall answer all of your questions. Ha ha ha!"

He still hadn't answered hers…


"Here is how the exercise shall work." All Might said as he read from a tiny notebook. "The villains have a hidden nuclear weapon in their hideout. The heroes shall attempt to dispose of it. In order to win, the heroes shall need to capture the villains or get the nuclear weapon before time runs out. The villains must capture the heroes or wait out the time."

Hm, that seemed fair. Now how were teams going to be picked-

"Teams shall be chosen by lot!" All Might pulled a large yellow-orange box out of nowhere. Well that answered her question. It made sense, hunters and huntresses never knew who else was going to be joining them on missions, like when Doctor Oobleck joined Team RWBY on their mission to Mt. Glenn.

"Let's do this!"


There was no way that this had happened. Deep inside, Weiss was hoping to end up with either Mina or Kyouka, or even Yaoyorozu if she wasn't meant to be with either of them. She would have accepted literally anyone else, except the dog and Green Boy.

All Might turned to Weiss and her partner for this exercise, a scowl on her usually neutral face. This was going to be annoying to deal with.

"Weiss Schnee, Mineta Minoru, are you ready?"

Definitely not.


I finished this bad boy early so enjoy it. No update till the weekend, unless I feel generous. I probably will, but no promises!

Once again, you readers are all amazing! I read every comment/discussion. We have some amazing omakes on Space Battles, and I believe there are one or two in the comments on AO3. I can't wait to see more.

We also now have the Schnee: Hero or Huntress spotify playlist. It can be found by simply searching the name of this story! The cover is the picture of Weiss in the UA uniform. Songs shall be added as they are written in the story.

Question of the day:

Who should be this in-universe Lamar Hall?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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