Sixty Four

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The next morning, Weiss found herself sitting in her private car outside of Kyouka's house. Now that everyone knew that they were friends, there was no use in trying to hide anything. Giving her friend a ride to school was the least she could do for all of the help Kyouka had given her. Today, school was canceled, so Weiss would have to adapt. Speaking of adapting, Yu was going to need a lot of adaptation when it came to her own combat training. The blonde hero had arrived home bruised and battered, apparently from some villain that held a rich family hostage.

Yu then refused to let go of Weiss once she found out about the attack on the USJ. Weiss would be lying if she said that she hated the invasion of her personal space, only because it was Yu. Anyone else would have been slapped, unless they were Kyouka or Mina. She didn't mind their physical contact. Weiss leaned her head against the headrest, when a dark haired girl finally exited her home.

"Please beep the horn, Sho." Weiss said, as she started lowering in the window. Kyouka was closing the front door to her house when Sho beeped the horn. Kyouka jumped slightly, her head quickly turning to glare at Weiss. She slowly walked up to the car.

"What are you doing here so early?" Kyouka yawned while still glaring at Weiss, whose answer was to place her luxury sunglasses on her face, giving Kyouka a smirk.

"Get in loser. You're being kidnapped."

Kyouka's glare turned into a deadpan stare. "Who are you and what have you done to Weiss?"

"Just get in the car. Since school is closed for today, we're going to go eat brunch at a nice cafe that I found online. Mina said that she'll meet us there." Weiss pulled out her personal phone. Her two work phones kept being flooded with notifications, making them rather annoying.

Kyouka rolled her eyes and went around the car, sliding in next to Weiss. "Don't ever speak like that again. It's kinda creepy seeing you talk so friendly." It was Kyouka's turn to smirk this time while Weiss gave her a glare, hidden by her sunglasses.

That would be the last time Weiss ever followed Yu's advice on being a better friend.


"Thank you so much for inviting me!" Yaoyorozu beamed as she sat across from Weiss. Mina sat to Weiss' left, with Kyouka seated in front of her. The four girls sat in a private room that Weiss had reserved.

"You're welcome." Weiss forced herself to say through her teeth. Mina had shown up with the tall girl in tow for some reason, only giving Weiss a mischievous grin. Was this her attempt at forcing Weiss to make new friends? The context clues said yes. "I'm glad that you were able to make it." Lies seemed to fill Weiss' life. Would her friends see her the same way if they found out the truth about her? That their friendships were built upon a foundation of lies?

Yaoyorozu smiled as she took a sip from her coffee mug, steam still forming on the surface of the brown liquid. It was the most useful out of all of man's creations. Weiss gave Mina a discreet glare out of the corner of her eye, and took a bite from her crepe. An awkward silence filled the private room, not that Yaoyorozu seemed to have noticed. Someone out in the universe hated Weiss, there had to be.

"Thanks for the food Weisscream!" Mina said cheerfully as she took a bite of her omelette. Weiss gave her a small smile in return, and continued eating her crepe.

This wasn't exactly what she planned, but at least Yaoyorozu was tolerable, and didn't seem to lack money. That meant she wasn't a gold-digger, which only left social parasite among other things. Still, she was better company than Mineta, the dog or Midoriya.

Weiss took a sip of her cup of coffee, black, just the way Father used to enjoy it. She forced herself to swallow it and grimaced.

That was the worst coffee she had ever drank in her life, and this would be the last time Weiss trusted online reviews.

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