Thirty Seven

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"Eyewitnesses and passerbyers confirmed that Weiss Schnee, the popular singer known for such hits as This Life is Mine, Wings and This Will be the Day, was spotted taking the UA entrance exam for the hero course." Yu's radio said as they drove to the bus station, Weiss and Mina seated in the back. "So far there has been no response from UA or her representatives. Now onto our next song!" Yu changed the radio station. 

"Don't they have better things to report about." Weiss groaned as she leaned her head against the back of Yu's seat. The sleepover had been pretty fun, but all good things must always come to an end. Kyouka left after breakfast, and now they were on their way to drop off Mina at the bus station so she could head back home to her prefecture. 

"Nobody told you to become a world famous singer!" Yu quipped from the front of the car. Weiss could already tell that she was grinning from ear to ear. Mina giggled as well, wrapping an arm around Weiss' shoulder. 

"Chill out WeissCream, you need to let it go! That just means they love you!" Mina said, her grin matching Yu's. That earned the pink girl a sharp glare. Yu finally managed to get Weiss to watch Frozen with Kyouka and Mina. They wouldn't stop singing for the rest of the night, and now Weiss had that blasted song stuck in her head. 

"Puns are the lowest form of comedy and you know that." Weiss grumbled as she straightened her form, and smoothed out the short skirt of the black dress she wore. It was a mixture of the dress she wore at Beacon, and the one she wore after she returned to Atlas, albeit primarily black instead of the white or blue she usually preferred.  The underskirt and bolero she wore were white, making her black dress and high-heeled boots stand out even more. 

"Yeah yeah." Mina waved her off, her smile still etched on her face. 

"I actually like her puns." Yu added, her eyes still focused on the road ahead of them. "Earlier I couldn't work out how to fasten my seatbelt…"

Weiss groaned loudly right as Yu was about to deliver the horrible punchline. She buried her head in her hands. 

"...then it clicked!" 

"I hate you both so much." 

They both would have loved Yang. 


They arrived at the bus station not long after the horrible puns that Yu and Mina blurted out during the entire ride. Weiss already wished they were making Frozen jokes instead. 

"Are you sure you don't want a ride home?" Yu asked as she parked the car on the side of the street. "I don't mind the drive." 

"I'm sure. Thanks for the offer though!" Mina kept her grin strong. 

"I could also call a private cab if you want, like the one I called to drive us to the concert venue last time." Weiss offered. The so-called 'White Concert', as everyone called it due to being the debut of her similarly named album, was a huge hit, consisting of several of her most personal and best songs. Weiss even managed to get Yu and Mina backstage passes, while Kyouka was able to perform as part of the rock band Mr. Jirou recommended to go along with the orchestra. 

"I'm good. I'll give you a call when I'm home." Mina started to open the door, grabbing her backpack which sat in between her and Weiss. "Thanks for the ride guys!"

Weiss frowned in return, but nodded slowly. "If you say so. Have a safe trip back!" 

"Let me know if you make it into UA!" Mina said, and with that she exited the car. 

"You too." 

Life would be perfect if Kyouka and Mina also attended UA with Weiss. 


The next few days passed by without much hassle. Weiss spent her time continuing to train, even if she was rejected from UA she always had other options. After finding out that she applied to UA, Shiketsu sent their own invitation for their general courses stating that she could transfer to the Hero course should she perform well by the end of the semester. She hoped it wouldn't have to come to that. 

Weiss wanted to be accepted through her own hard work and deeds, not because of her name or fame, just like back home. What kind of hero would she be if allowed herself to stomp over others who worked just as hard, just by using her name? A hero must be willing to their absolute best to save others, be it a small or large problem. And if necessary…

…they would need to be willing to die for the greater good. 

Weiss was prepared to do so. She wasn't suicidal by any means, but if giving her own life meant that she could save countless more, she would readily give it. Could her potential classmates say the same? Most likely no, given the state of this world. Humanity wasn't on the brink of extinction, it's heroes being the first and last line of defense like the huntsmen and huntresses from back home- 

"Are you going to finish that?" Yu's voice interrupted Weiss' inner monologue. Blinking a few times, Weiss shook her head, placing her chopsticks next to her half eaten bowl. 

"No." Weiss pushed the bowl of noodles forward slightly. Some days were better than others, but her mind always drifted towards returning home. Quirks were so random and varied, what if there was someone who could send her back home? Would she do anything to go back home no matter the cost? Could she leave everything behind to return home? Kyouka? Mina?


Speaking of Yu, the older girl seemed like she wanted to say something, but was struggling to find the words. Suddenly, just as her mouth was opening to speak, the downstairs doorbell rang.

There was only one thing that could be.  


AHAHA, you thought the letter was going to be this chapter huh. WRONG! That shall happen in the next chapter. 

Anyways, this is on track to being my longest story ever! Just a few chapters more and it shall be. It's also close to being my number 1 story on AO3! Thank you to all of my readers regardless of what website you read this on! 

Question of the day:

I want to make a TV Tropes page for this story, but I'm not sure how to do that. Does anyone know how? 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress! 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress! 

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