Ninety Three

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The sound of a heavy guitar riff erupted from the speakers of Yu's television, combined with the bass, drums and the high volume she had left it at, it was very loud, much to Weiss' annoyance. Sadly, Mina, Kyouka and Momo watched in amazement despite them having seen her halftime performance at the UA Sports Festival the day before live, the two M girl's having watched at their own homes to spend time with their families. I Burn was one of her biggest hits, with many claiming that it was her signature song along with This Will Be the Day.

"You can fight your life away-"

"Do we have to watch this?" Weiss asked dryly from her spot in the middle of the couch, the other three girls sandwiching her. When Yu said she was going to throw a party, Weiss didn't realize that the blonde was going to do one so soon. The Jirou's and Ashido's were in the next room over, laughing and talking as adults do. Yu had also invited Shinji, who was probably the odd one out amongst the adults.

"Of course we do Weissy." Mina grinned as she picked up the volume. Weiss had worn a golden dress in her usual style, and practically danced on stage. She even attached blonde-yellow hair extensions to her bangs for an extra flair. Yang would have found it amusing to see Weiss dressing like her.

"I get what I want so don't bother and just watch me burn."

Present Mic jumped onto the stage and started the rap verse as the crowd screamed. Weiss frowned, but remained silent as the recording continued to play. They did know she was sitting right there and could easily sing for them if they asked right?

"Seems you chumps will never learn, now sit back and watch me burn."

The song was filled with so many Yang puns that it practically hurt Weiss' wrist as she wrote it. Never ever again.

"It's fun seeing you smile." Kyouka bumped her shoulder. It had taken some forceful pushing on Weiss' part, but Director Oum and Executive Producer Horikoshi agreed to add Kyouka's song. All she had to do was let them choose who would be the other half of her duet in Nevermore, and attend the premiere of the movie.

"And you have a pretty smile." Momo added.

"That's not a smile, that's a show persona." Weiss shrugged. Her idol smile was a facade, a mask that was to be worn in public. She reached for the bowl of chips, only for her fingers to touch air. Sighing internally, Weiss grabbed the bowl and stood up. "I'll be back."

She left without another word as the next song started to play. The kitchen was silent, aside from the sound of Mr. Jirou laughing and the music blaring from the living room.

Yu was facing one of the cabinets, and judging by her hunched shoulders, she was texting someone. Feeling a smirk form on her face, Weiss placed the bowl on a nearby cabinet and took careful steps towards the blonde woman. She formed a glyph and used it as a stepping stool to wrap her arms around Yu, hugging her from behind.

"Shouldn't you be with the others?" Weiss whispered as she felt Yu pat her head with her free hand.

"Yeah, but I don't think I can stand another of Mr. Ashido's jokes." Yu said dryly. Weiss released her hold on the giant hero and had her glyph disappear. "What are you doing here?"

"Grabbing more snacks." Weiss shrugged as she walked towards the pantry. Opening it, she closed it soon after. "Which we are somehow already out of."

"You're the one that eats some large portions!" Yu practically sang with a wink. She started walking towards the hallway that would lead to the elevator. "I'll go get some."

"Hey! Don't worry about it. I'll just have it delivered." Weiss pulled out her phone. "Besides, this is your party!"

"Technically it's your party, I just organized it." Yu paused at the mouth of the pathway. "And I don't wanna pay extra for delivery. I need the fresh air anyways."

Weiss had to stop herself from growling. Why was she being so stubborn?! "At least take Shinji with you!"

Another round of laughter and groans came their way, which coincided with Yu flashing her an evil grin.

"Nah, he can suffer in my place."


Yu took a deep breath, savoring the night air. Musutafu was beautiful during the nighttime, with the food vendors starting to come out. Humming to herself happily as she carried several bags of Weiss' favorite snacks, Yu was happy. It was hard to believe that meeting her interdimensional guest had been one of the greatest moments of her relatively short life. And Yu was happy that Weiss was finally starting to see this place as a home, and not a place where she had been stranded. Life was perfect.

Her legs were starting to hurt from the walk though, maybe she should have brought her car?

"Excuse me!" Sliding past a happy family standing by a food cart, Yu paused near the entrance of an alleyway. Ooo! She could see the end of the street where Mt. Agency was from here.

Should she take the shortcut or go the long way around? Yu's eyes bounced between the dark alleyway and the brightly lit sidewalk. In the end, her legs won the argument since she was dumb enough to walk all the way around when she could have cut through there. Resuming her humming, Yu changed directions.

She was about halfway down the alleyway when she heard whistling. Her eyes widened as she quickly turned around and raised the bags she was carrying. Something pierced the bags, spilling coffee flavored chips all over the dirty ground. Spotting a glint, Yu swung the bag, catching the second knife. Who would be insane enough to attack a hero in public? Musutafu was also the home ot UA high school, only idiots would act-

"What the hell man?" Yu exclaimed as a figure stepped out of the shadows all dramatic like. She spotted a red scarf and a knife. "That's so cheesy. What are you going to do now? Monologue about your goals. "

Yu had heard rumors of the Hero Killer, how he hunted down pro-heroes without mercy in Hosu City. What was he doing in Musutafu?! He was definitely insane.

"I am but a simple fisherman, and you, you false hero, are nothing more than bait for the greatest pretender in this city." The Hero Killer grumbled, holding his katana in the air.

Yu went to the combat stance Weiss had taught her. "Yeah, I'd love to stay and chat, but I already have plans, one that involves people that actually have noses." Her eyes darted towards the end of the street. She needed to get out in the open and get help. Her quirk would be useless here, who knew what kind of damage she would cause if she gigantified here.

The Hero Killer shot forward faster than Yu had expected. She tried delivering a haymaker, and used her other hand to throw the snacks in his face. He was faster and sliced into her shoulder ever so slightly. Another swing cut into her arm.

Hissing in pain, Yu tried kicking his abdomen just as he licked his blade. Oh no-

H-Her leg! Her arms! Why weren't they moving?! Yu's body refused to listen to her commands as she fell backwards. She gritted her teeth as the Hero Killer approached her, a grim look on his face.

"You profit off of being a so-called 'hero'." The Hero Killed growled, grabbing a knife from his belt. "Even if you weren't close with the False Idol I would have cleansed the world of your filth, but even a false hero like yourself will have a use."

He raised his knife in the air even as Yu struggled to move. No! No! No! Weiss! She needed her! If something happened to Yu how would Weiss react!? Weiss needed her-

The knife came down.

I'm sure some of you spotted this coming a mile away. I have been waiting to write this since the very first chapter. I pressed autocorrect several times so I blame it for any typos.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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