Sixty Six

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Miss Weiss was such an interesting person, Nezu decided. The rather famous Idol behaved just as he expected her to. Throughout their conversation, she was defensive, reserved, and she didn't flinch when she found out that she was the reason that several villains perished in their assault at the USJ. Instead of saying that it was an accident and that she didn't intend to kill them, Miss Weiss defended her actions, which went against her excuse of panicking. Villains were still people, and while Nezu wasn't particularly against killing as a last resort, Miss Weiss clearly had options to prevent fatalities, options that she didn't use until after the initial engagement. Nezu walked back to his desk and climbed onto his seat. Miss Weiss had just left a few minutes ago, leaving the Principal of UA Highschool alone with his thoughts. 

Nezu had already picked out several lies, such as Miss Weiss claiming that she was fine and didn't need therapy. The young girl clearly had PTSD, but from what Nezu didn't know yet. Of course, forced therapy would cause more harm than good, so he would have to choose someone he trusted to not mess it up, or handle it himself. Hm, Nezu probably wouldn't be the best choice since she would now be more on guard around him after the conversation they just had and Hound Dog would be a good option, but she might be a bit put off by his appearance. Hound Dog was till the best option, and he was plenty of experience with problem children. Still, at least she agreed to attend therapy of her own will. If Miss Schnee had continued to argue against it, he would have dropped the topic in order to not further agitate her, retreating into her shell as a turtle would, or accidently forcing to lash out. Nezu didn't need any students injured more than usual, or even killed because something managed to trigger Miss Schnee. 

Then she didn't notice the tea, which wasn't imported from Germany at all. It was a rather common brand imported from Korea that anyone from the tea-loving country would have been able to notice as not being German. Miss Weiss didn't show any indication that she recognized it. Granted she might not have been the biggest fan of tea, but the way she took small sips and the way she held the cup and saucer said otherwise. Miss Schnee was a puzzle, one that Nezu intended on solving. He truly meant what he said about ensuring that she was ok, physically and mentally. 

Miss Weiss had already given Nezu a rather large piece of the puzzle. She mentioned how she was just a means to an end for her Father, who forced her to train instead of being able to enjoy her childhood. That could explain why she was more experienced than her classmates, with her skills even being able to rival some Pros, judging by her brief engagement with Nomu. The villain was fast enough and strong enough to trade blows with All Might, and Miss Weiss had managed to dodge its striked with her quirk. Being trained to be a living weapon by her own Father, or All For One if that was a cover story, could explain her skill with her blade and quirk. Nezu didn't believe that she was an agent for All For One, not with how bitter she sounded when speaking about her Father. Perhaps she was raised and bred to be a weapon, and held resentment for those that did it to her. That would certainly explain the lyrics to some of her songs.  

"Miss Weiss, what are you?" Nezu said to himself, staring at his computer screen as the government documents he was looking at just before her arrival reappeared on the screen. The plane hijacking that Miss Weiss claimed to have survived, did exist, but the details were wrong. Still, Detective Tsukauchi did an otherwise excellent job when it came to forging Miss Weiss' backstory. "The flight from the Netherlands to Japan that ended in multiple deaths…" The hijacking was overlooked by the news due to another event taking place around the same time. This was definitely Detective Tsukauchi's work, having done some work for Nezu for unrelated matters.  It seemed that it was time for the Principal to pay the Truthman a visit. He really should have done this earlier. 

This was going to be a rather fun school year. 


The rest of the school day passed by as usual. After a quick apology to Present Mic for interrupting the middle of English class, everything went well, aside from being pulled into a meeting with Principal Nezu. The class erupted into noise as soon as Cementoss left the classroom, ending his discussion on Modern Literature, which was very interesting by the way. They were going to study poems next time. 

"So Weissy," Kyouka sat on Weiss' desk as Mina, Yaoyorozu, and Mineta encircled her. The rest of the class also gathered into their cliques. "What did Mr. Aizawa want?" 

"Did you get expelled?!" Mina's eyes widened as dramatic tears formed in the corner of them. Mineta shook his head violently in denial, causing Weiss to sigh. 

"Principal Nezu wanted to speak with me. Something about not using Myrtenaster in combat classes, and getting a blunt replacement from the Support department." Weiss said, carefully avoiding the other topic that the Principal talked to her about. It wasn't a lie if she didn't bring it up. "And if I was getting expelled, I wouldn't be here, would I?" 

"You're right." Mina wiped her crocodile tears as Yaoyorozu giggled softly in return. 

Weiss stood up from her seat before they could ask anymore questions. "How about some lunch?" 

Lunch was good, food was good. It should be able to take her mind off of that blasted meeting. The familiar pit in Weiss' stomach returned. She didn't need nor want therapy, but Weiss didn't want to hurt Yu, not again. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she accidently injured or maimed one of her friends. 

"Lunch sounds wonderful." Yaoyorozu said with an annoying smile. 

"I shall follow wherever my Goddess commands." Mineta added with a dramatic bow, earning him a sharp glare from Weiss. 

"Don't call me that." Little bastard went unsaid. 

"As you command my Queen." 

The three girls around Weiss started to laugh, earning them all glares from Weiss. 

"I hate all of you equally." Mineta a little bit more. 

"Now let's just go eat lunch. The coffee here is way better than that cafe from yesterday. I swear they did that on purpose." Weiss commented as they started to leave the classroom. 

She was never going back to that cafe again. 



"You ok there Dad?" Yellow cat-like eyes turned to the idiot cleaning the counter of the Gelato Cafe. 

"I believe I sensed someone talking about me." The man with an eyepatch said, wiping his nose. 

"And I said don't call me that." 


A shorter chapter than usual, but it is following one that is twice the length of a normal one. Friday shall be a breakday and I should return by Saturday, unless I decide to see Sonic 2 spontaneously. 

Question of the day: 

Who do you think shall be Weiss' therapist? Canon character, reference to other series, or OC?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress! 

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