One Hundred Eight

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"Well, as you all know, it's almost time for summer vacation." Mr. Aizawa said with his usual sleepy tone. "And of course, it wouldn't make sense for you future heroes to get a full month of rest."

Beacon provided only two weeks at the end of each semester, to allow students who came from the other three kingdoms to go and visit their families. It was more than enough time, and it provided Weiss a clearer schedule to practice with her glyphs and Mrytenaster even more. There was never any reason to visit home, Winter was always busy with some classified mission, and Weiss didn't want to deal with the rest of her family. Whitley was pretty annoying after a while, and that wasn't even mentioning having to deal with Mother reeking of alcohol.

"During summer vacation, we're going to have a training camp in the woods." Mr. Aizawa finished. The class' excitement was visible on everyone's faces as they started to whisper and gossip.

Hopefully her visit to I-Island in late July wouldn't coincide with the extra training, but Weiss was sure that Mr. Aizawa was that incompetent. She received an invitation to perform during the I-Expo just the night before, along with the ability to bring two extra guests, choosing would be hard, much harder than the training camp Weiss was sure of.

Still, she would have to do her best to improve, to better herself.

"However." Mr. Aizawa's bored voice turned serious as his eyes turned red, glaring at the class who had been a bit too loud. "Those who fail their final exams shall have to suffer through summer school hell!"

Weiss blinked boredly. If she was a normal student from this world, that would have sounded intimidating, but to her, that just sounded laughable. None of the teachers here had anything on Professor Goodwitch's detention, which Weiss had to attend once thanks to Yang's antics.

Kaminari started to shout.



"Hey Weisscream." Weiss heard Yu knock at the door to her room. She paused, her pen ceasing its scribbling of Japanese literature, which was foreign to her, despite its similarities to Mistralian. "Can I come in?"

"You know you don't have to ask." Weiss answered, carefully placing her pen on her desk, next to her notes. Yu opened the door, its hinges creaking every so slightly. Weiss would have to oil that later, when she wasn't busy.

"Just in case you're undressed, but now you're just tempting fate." Yu winked as the Idol's pale face turned a light shade of red. "Don't look at me like that, it'll be your fault if the next time I walk in and you're na-"

"Anyways!" Weiss shot up from her chair and covered the taller woman's mouth, using a glyph like a step stool. "What did you want to talk about so badly that you interrupted my studying?"

Yu licked the palm of Weiss' palm, freeing her mouth as Weiss quickly removed her hand and wiped it with a napkin.

"That's gross." Weiss sighed as Yu took Weiss' chair for herself. She sat on her bed and crossed her arms. Yu reminded her so much of Yang, a Yang who was a tiny bit more mature. Yu scooted Weiss' seat close to the bed, until their knees were both touching.

"Can you teach me about aura?" Yu's face was serious, and her eyes were filled with excitement. Weiss' heart felt like it was pounding. "I mean, you already unlocked it and all, so it would be a shame to just let it go to waste-"

"Okay." Weiss answered breathlessly. She should have anticipated this really, instead of hoping that the entire thing would be swept under some rug. "I'm not a master when it comes to aura, but I can teach you the basics, and a few advanced techniques."

Using her semblance tied directly to her aura, so Weiss had to study its use as much as she practiced with Myrtenaster. At least now Yu should be able to take a few more punches without Weiss having to hold back.

"I don't like that grin…"

"What grin?"

"You know which grin I'm talking about Weissy."


"I never expected for the Hero Killer to gain more attention than your Nomu attack." He spoke softly, staring at a distorted picture of Tomura that was on one of his many computer screens. "I'm more disappointed that he didn't get captured publicly."

Why would the Hero Killer target some random hero in Mustafu when his hunting grounds in Hosu were ripe for the picking? The Hero Killer's capture far away from the public's eyes would slow his plans, but He wasn't an idiot, a backup plan was already in motion.

"Still, at least the Nomu attack will unleash those who want to go wild, and will seek the League of Villains to act on their urges. Those who are disappointed that the so-called heroes who are supposed to protect them, fill their own pockets. Those who saw their protectors struggle against my Nomu, and want their turn." He continued. "Tomura must unite all of them, those angry and those disappointed with the status quo."

"I believe the plan shall progress faster if you appear before them, Master." A new voice spoke up.

"Then hurry up and fix my body, Doctor." He said calmly. "The child, he shall succeed if I make him work hard. He's to be the next 'me'". All For One hated the machines that were attached to his body. All Might should celebrate for as long as possible, after all, this farce of a peace would end soon enough. "His twisted sense of the world, he's perfect." Too bad he lost a finger at the USJ to some random student, but that should be fixed soon enough.

"Tomura will require reinforcements, I believe it's time he meets her." All For One grinned as a lone screen showed the form of a young high school aged girl singing. "I wouldn't want him damaging another of my assets, one that you spent so long cultivating Doctor."

"Of course, Master." The Doctor said.

Now then, what caused the Hero Killer to act out of the norm?

This chapter came out more awkward than I would have liked, but it is what it is. In less than a month shall be Schnee: Hero oe Huntress's first anniversary, and I'm in the middle of preparing a surprise. I hope to have it done beforehand.

Thank you all for reading and your support!

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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