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Yu sat outside of Weiss' door as she struggled to hold in her tears. She was failing miserably. She had heard Weiss crying in her sleep, and was about to enter the younger girl's room when she started to sing. Yu knew none of the words Weiss was singing since she was singing in a language other than Japanese, German if she had to guess, but she could easily understand the meaning. Music could cross borders, no matter the language it was in. Yu was a big fan of those Korean bands that were all rage now.

Weiss' voice was pretty, and it was obvious to even Yu's untrained ears that she was experienced when it came to singing, which was a big surprise to Yu. It also hammered home the fact that Yu truly did not know Weiss. Like they said earlier in the elevator, they had only known each other for less than a week.

Yu leaned her head against the door softly. Weiss seemed to have fallen asleep, judging by how abruptly her singing stopped. Good, she needed the rest after the long day she had. Rubbing her eyes slowly, Yu stood up without a sound, hoping to not wake Weiss.

It must've been so horrifying, learning that she was now stuck in a world that wasn't hers. Hearing Weiss sob as she sang her sad yet beautiful song made Yu's heart ache. What could she do to help her? Mt. Lady was a new hero, a rising star on the scene that wasn't afraid to fight the nastiest of criminals, but this was scarier than fighting any villain.

Yu was an only child, and she didn't have any experience raising children. Weiss was still a child, despite how old she claimed to be mentally. She placed a hand on the door, and pressed her forehead against the wood. Yu truly meant what she had told Weiss in the elevator, and she would continue to help Weiss, even if she said she didn't need any.

Yu wouldn't push Weiss to open up, but she could provide for her physically, and be there for her emotionally whenever she was ready. The cute tsundere was already opening up a little, but she was still on guard. Her hands kept drifting to her waist where she would hold her sword, even if it wasn't on her.

"Sleep well." Yu said, her voice not even more than a whisper. She would be by Weiss' side, watching over her, caring for her and maybe one day, Weiss would open up to her.

And perhaps, maybe, just maybe,Weiss could learn to call this place home.


Weiss woke up feeling exhausted, and her throat felt a bit sore. Maybe singing her heart out while sobbing wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do, but she did feel a little better. Music was how she expressed her feelings, releasing everything that she kept bottled up. She often got in trouble with the rest of Team RWBY, but as much as Weiss loved them, she wasn't going to change that part of her life for them.

Music was how she coped with her issues, and it worked for her so far. Stretching her arms, Weiss slowly slid off of the bed. Should she get dressed and then handle her hygiene? Weiss glanced at the nightgown she was wearing, its soft fabric rubbing against her skin. Yu had already seen her wearing this, and unless Detective Tsukauchi showed up, Yu hadn't mentioned the chance of them having any visitors. She should be fine for now, but she would take a change of clothes just in case.

Grabbing the bag filled with her products, Weiss left her room and headed towards the bathroom. Thankfully, Yu didn't seem to be awake yet, which was fine. Weiss was an early riser, a habit that she found made the most efficient use of her time. Ruby had tried to dull her edge, but this blade was still as sharp as ever.

Quietly entering the bathroom, Weiss placed the bag on the sink's counter. The mirror allowed her to finally get a good look at herself. She looked like a mess, with dark bags under her eyes, her light blue eyes were bloodshot, and her long white hair that fell to her hips were tangled and oily.

At least Yu's shower looked clean.


After that refreshing shower, Weiss walked out of Yu's bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head, and dressed in some casual clothes that Yu forcibly bought for her. The jogging pants were comfortable, but the t-shirt felt a bit itchy, which was a bit annoying.

"Yu?" Weiss said out loud. The only response she recieved was silence, the only noise being the hum of the air conditioner. Was it too early? Or did Weiss accidently sleep in? The sun still seemed like it was still rising when she glanced outside the window earlier.

Making a quick stop in her room to grab her new phone, and staring at Myrtenaster longingly, Weiss set out to find her new guardian. Stepping out of the hallway and into the living room.

Her search immediately ended.

Laying on the couch with her arms and legs spread wide open, was Yu snoring loudly, drool forming a waterfall in the corner of her mouth. A blanket had fallen on the ground next to the couch. The next thing that caught Weiss' eye was trash, more specifically, the lack of trash. Several large garbage bags sat in a corner, with the once filthy room now being spotless.

Was this what she was doing all night? Smiling softly, Weiss pulled the blanket over Yu's sleeping form. She could ask for her help setting up the phone later. Weiss' eyes were suddenly drawn towards the kitchen.

Time to make breakfast.

Another filler, but it builds character and helps to develop their relationships. I enjoy reading all of the comments and discussions so keep them coming! They help give me ideas and keep my muse alive.
At last year's Comic con in my city, 2021 went by so fast, I ran into a Pirate! Weiss cosplayer and it's one of my favorite pictures. It does look weird since my brother and I were Mario amd Luigi, but it was fun!

Question of the day:

Do you want to see more songs implemented in the story? Not as a musical, but whenever there's a moment for Weiss to express her feelings. I plan on using several RWBY songs and there's one more Belle song that's perfect for Weiss.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress

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