Sixty Eight

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The crowd that decided to follow eventually thinned after a couple twists and turns throughout UA's hallways. They must've finally realized that no, Weiss was not going home, and she wasn't interested in hanging out with them at the moment, if ever. She really doubted they even thought of that last idea, they most likely got bored following her around campus. A visit with Power Loader would get the hassle of starting to create a 'non-lethal' weapon over with. How annoying, Myrtenaster was an extension of herself, and was perfectly created to match Weiss' fighting style. Wielding a second weapon left a bad taste in her mouth, but it was easier to rip a bandaid all at once, instead of prolonging the pain. 

At least Myrtenaster would stay in her possession and was not confiscated. She was even allowed to use her beloved weapon during exercises that didn't involve combat against her fellow classmates. Weiss had reviewed the folder Principal Nezu had given her in between breaks from class. Everything seemed in line, and there wasn't any small print that he could use against her, so Weiss felt a bit relieved. That didn't mean she trusted the adorable furry principal though. Weiss would have to be careful around him. What was with headmasters and principals acting all mysterious? 

Standing in front of the large double doors that had a sign that said 'Development Studio' over it, Weiss took a deep breath. It's not like she was cheating on Myrtenaster right? She wasn't even doing this by her own choice. Whatever weapon that was the result of this endeavor would be inferior to Myrtenaster, who was forged from the finest Atlesian steel, its fire created from the purest Dust crystals straight from the mines of the SDC. Myrtenaster was perfect, and Weiss' body was trained to perfection in its use. 

This weapon wouldn't hold the same meaning as Myrtenaster. Might as well get this over with so she could start working on other things. Weiss slowly opened the door, and the sound of music and screaming filled her ears. 

"Ain't nobody bring us down, down, down, down, down-" 



"We pop stars…" 

Weiss' left eye twitched as she stepped in, placing Myrtenaster's case on the ground, and her hands covering her ears. The music, screams, and sound of power tools in use created a disharmonious symphony of pain that would have been useful as a weapon back on Remnant. The White Fang would have reduced to a whimpering mess. 

Mr. Power Loader was arguing with a girl that seemed to be around Weiss' physical age, albeit with a much more developed body and pink hair. Seriously, what did they feed the kids here? Was there some weird growth hormone in the water? There must be judging by how the kids Weiss' physical age were developing. The two kept arguing, with the pink haired girl ignoring Mr. Power Loader as she leaned on a workbench.  

"Excuse me." Weiss said, trying to get them to notice her. 

The two still paid her no attention. 


"Excuse me." Weiss said a bit louder. The two still didn't seem to notice her presence. Rubbing her forehead which allowed the noise to enter one of her ears, Weiss started to grind her teeth. 


The two jumped and flinched at the same time, their eyes staring at Weiss, who had placed a hand on her hip. Her own glare countered their confused looks. 

"You ready for this? Let's go." 


"So, who are you again?" The pink haired girl Mr. Power Loader introduced as Hatsume Mei asked. Her scope-like eyes scanned the case that held Myrtenaster. She kept trying to reach out and open it, but a light slap to her hand managed to keep Hatsume at bay. 

"Weiss Schnee from the Hero course." Weiss said for the third time since she entered the Development Studio. Hatsume's workbench was covered in junk that seemed like boots among other things. Every time she tried sneaking back to her workbench, a wrench would come flying from Mr. Power Loader's corner office that would narrowly miss the pink dreadlock girl. 

"Never heard of you." Hatsume replied instantly, dodging another wrench. Dressed in a tank top and baggy mechanic pants, the younger girl was covered in soot and oil smudges. She seemed honest judging by her eyes not changing when Weiss first introduced herself. Hatsume's head turned towards Power Loader's office, where the Support teacher was overlooking the paperwork from Principal Nezu. "Can I work on my babies now?" 

"No!" Mr. Power Louder shouted back. He finally emerged from his office, the paperwork in hand. "You have another project for extra credit." He handed Weiss the paper back, which she took making sure not to get any of the oil on his hands onto her uniform. He held another paper in his other hand. 

"B-But my babies!" Hatsume glanced back at her table. 

"You'll have plenty of time to work on them during class, and once you're done with the project." Mr. Power Loader sighed. "I'll let you stay later than usual for ONE day once it's done." 

"Deal!" Hatsume jumped up from the bucket she used as a seat. "What's the project? Gimme gimmeee!" She tried grabbing the other sheet of paper, but Power Loader held it in the air, just barely out of her reach. 

Ruby worked on Crescent Rose, the sniper-scythe disassembled on the workbench in the armory. "My baby!" 

Weiss shook the thoughts out of her head as Hatsume's hair briefly turned a black-red. Once she was done here, she would never have to see this girl again. 

"You're going to help Miss Schnee in creating a non-lethal weapon." Power Loader said. He turned his head to Weiss. "She'll be primarily designing it, and you'll help her with our equipment." The insane girl finally grabbed the sheet of paper, her eyes scanning the page. 

Then, Hatsume turned to Weiss with a large grin on her face. 

Ruby smiled as she held Crescent Rose close to her. 

"Are you ready to have our first baby together?!" Hatsume said excitedly as she invaded Weiss' personal space. This girl was insane, and reminded her too much of Ruby. It took all of hee self control to stop her hands from shaking. 

"Sure I guess, and don't say it that way. You sound like a pervert." Weiss forced herself to say. Hatsume wasn't paying attention anymore, having attached herself to an empty workbench while muttering to herself out loud.  

This was going to be an unpleasant experience. 


"They're beating us Dad."

"They won't! Raise the bid by another dollar!" 

"They matched it." 

"Another dollar!" 

"You do remember we use Yen right?" 

"I don't care. We need to win. Do it!"  

"Fineee, the bid ends in five, four.." 

The countdown started as Roman's bid remained on top. Sold!

"Excellent! Now that we have our spot secured for UA's Sports Festival food booth, we can proceed with the next phase of our plan." 

"You mean your plan."

"Tomato tomahto." 



I took a break yesterday to catch up on Love Is War. It was great, and I kept laughing. The downside, I didn't have much time to write anything. Might see Sonic 2 today, but I should start writing again tomorrow. 

In better news, Schnee H or H is now the third most reviewed MHA/RWBY Crossover on FFN! This wouldn't be possible without the support of you all! So thank you!

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress! 

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